Date: 8/30/00 12:27:39 AM Pacific Daylight Time

I disagree with the importance of radiation weapons development, both the bomb as well as other sinister tests. I object not from mere philosophy, but experience. I am not that happy with the Manhattan project, forerunner projects, and the development of silly radioactive weapons systems.

In fact I am a victim, and I was approached by national programs for discovery of human-radiation test-rats.

In Utah, during my gestation years there were a few assholes that decided to drop radiation Weapons (RWs) in the Antelope Valley east of Salt Lake City to see the effect on civilian populations. Then came Yucca Flats.

Some may have been brave souls in research, but others, willing to risk newborn infants, were what they were, seedy little lizards:

Like many of my peer-group I was born with impairment, not genetic, but poisoned.

So my Cowardly Idiot of the Century award goes to pipsqeak Col. Willy Greasy, er, Creasy:

3 October 1949


CMIWR-SP 322/61

SUBJECT: Pubic Release on RW Tests at Dugway Proving Ground

TO: Director of Logistics
General Staff, U.S. Army
Washington 25, D. C.

1. It is the opinion of the Chemical Corps that a public
release of some type should be made relative to the forthcoming tests
of RW munitions at Dugway Proving Ground, Tooele, Utah, starting
18 October 1949.

2. A properly worded statement by the Department of the
Army seems preferable to the sometimes irresponsible scare stories
emanating from poorly informed reporters. A peacetime operation of
this type will probably draw public notice sooner or later
regardless of the security procedures adopted. The territory being
used for the tests is being surveyed continually by prospectors for
radioactive ore, so that an unusual amount of radioactivity found
by such prospectors would certainly draw attention to the area.

3. Dr. Joseph G. Hamilton, Chairman of the RW Test Safety
Panel, has indicated that he thinks a public release on the RW
munitions tests should be made. He has suggested that the release
state that tests with radioactive materials will be conducted at
Dugway and that the purpose of these tests is to obtain
decontamination data for use in preparing defensive doctrine.

4. It is understood that the Committee on Atomic Energy
of the RDB, in a meeting during May 1949, considered an agenda item
containing a draft of a letter to the Secretary of Defense which
recommended a release on the general RW program. It is further
understood that this meeting overruled the desirability of such a
letter to the Secretary.

5. The enclosed draft of a public release on tests to be
conducted at Dugway has been written in the vein suggested by
Dr. Hamilton. There is no reference to the general RW program or
to the use of radioactive materials in the Dugway area for the
purpose of formulating defensive doctrine. This type of release
should provide sufficient information to satisfy the curious who
might hear of the tests and should quell any fears for individual
safety that could arise from inopportune stories.

6. A decision on the desirability of a release such as that
enclosed is requested.


Colonel, CM1 C
Chief, Cm1 C Res & Eng. Div

Human Radiation Experiments

The Office of Human Radiation Experiments, established in March 1994, leads the Department of Energy's efforts to tell the agency's Cold War story of radiation research using human subjects. We have undertaken an intensive effort to identify and catalog relevant historical documents from DOE's 3.2 million cubic feet of records scattered across the country. Internet access to these resources is a key part of making DOE more open and responsive to the American public.

See: DOE Openness Human Radiation Experiments


Chapter 11: Introduction At the Army's Dugway Proving Ground in Utah, dozens of intentional releases were conducted in an effort to develop radiological weapons, some in tests of prototype cluster bombs, others using different means of dispersal; at Bayo Canyon in New Mexico, on the AEC's Los Alamos site, researchers detonated nearly 250 devices, which contained radiolanthanum (RaLa) as a source of radiation to measure the degree of compression and symmetry of the implosion used to trigger the atomic bomb. Other intentional releases were not classified, although not all were made known to the public in advance. At AEC sites in Nevada and Idaho, radioactive materials were released in tests of the safety of bombs, nuclear reactors, and proposed nuclear rockets and airplanes; in still other cases, small quantities of radioactive material were released in and around AEC facilities and in the Alaskan wilderness to determine the pathways such material follows in the environment.[3] Public witnesses from several of these communities told the Committee that they remain deeply disturbed by these releases, wondering whether there is still more information about the secret releases in their communities that they do not know and how much will, at this late date, be impossible to reconstruct.


Kent Steadman