17000 West Belleview Avenue ~ Morrison, Colorado 80465

Thursday through Sunday: January 17 – 20, 2002 

Sponsored By:

World Council of Elders


The Medicine Wheel Sundance

Master of Ceremonies: Traditional Lakota Spiritual Advisor Bernard Ice

Host Drum: Northern Star Drum Group with Alfred Swallow, Leader

Talking Circles: Leaders To Be Announced










Thursday, January 17, 2002

10:00a.m. Registration, Coffee, Orientation, and Talking Circles

12:00p.m. Lunch

1:00p.m. Bernard Ice: Opening Elder’s Prayer, Welcome, Introductions and Remarks

1:30p.m. Global Healing by David Swallow, Jr., Sundance Chief of the Medicine Wheel Sundance and Traditional Teton Lakota Medicine Man

4:30p.m. Break

5:00p.m. Traditional Lakota Men and Women’s Inipi Purifications and Talking Circles

8:00p.m. Drumming with Traditional Feast Provided by Celinda Kaelin


Friday, January 18, 2002

8:00a.m. Registration and Coffee

9:00a.m. Bernard Ice: Opening Elder’s Prayer, Welcome, Introductions and Remarks

Renewing Body, Mind, and Spirit by Traditional Lakota Spiritual Advisor Bernard Ice

11:30a.m. Lunch

1:00p.m. Journey of the Feathered Serpent, Heart of the World, and Other Topics

Speakers: Woody Vaspra of the World Council of Elders

Clifford Duncan Traditional Northern Ute Spiritual Elder

5:00p.m. Traditional Lakota Men and Women’s Inipi Purifications and Talking Circles

8:00p.m. Drumming with Feast Provided by Wanbli Shina Sundance

Saturday, January 19, 2002

8:00a.m. Registration and Coffee

9:00a.m. Bernard Ice: Opening Elder’s Prayer, Welcome, Introductions and Remarks

Speaker: Lakota Spiritual Elder Grandfather Wallace Black Elk

Speaker: Traditional Lakota Sub-Chief and Medicine Man Celo Black Crow

12:00p.m. Lunch Provided by Wanbli Shina Sundance

1:00p.m. Desecration of Spiritual Ceremonies

Speakers: Elders of the Dine’: Louise Benally, Arrik Benally, Joella Ashki

2:45p.m. Break

3:15p.m. Speakers: Chief Arvol Looking Horse, Keeper of the Original Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe of the Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota Nations of the Sioux, and H’e Sapa Winyan (Paula Horn)

5:00p.m. Traditional Lakota Men and Women’s Inipi Purifications and Talking Circles

8:00p.m. Drumming with Feast Provided by Pansy Hawkwing (Cetan)

Sunday, January 20, 2002

8:00a.m. Registration and Coffee

9:00a.m. Bernard Ice: Opening Elder’s Prayer, Welcome, Introductions and Remarks

Speaker: Rick Tidrick, Caretaker of Sacred Land

Speakers: Paula Horn (H’e Sapa Winyan), Nyla Helper (Mato Winyan), Pansy Hawkwing (Cetan)

11:00a.m. Speakers: Medicine Wheel Lakota Sundance Leader Gerald Ice, Gil Aguilera, Harry Roberts,

Fred Rodriguez, Beau Richards

12:00p.m. Lunch

1:00p.m. Speaker: Speakers To Be Announced

2:00p.m. Speaker: Traditional Lakota Sub-Chief and Medicine Man Celo Black Crow

3:00p.m. Speaker: Traditional Lakota Chief Sparrow Eagle

4:00p.m. Speaker: Lakota Spiritual Elder Grandfather Wallace Black Elk

5:00p.m. Speaker and Closing Prayers: David Swallow, jr., Sundance Chief of the Medicine Wheel Sundance and Traditional Teton Lakota Medicine Man

Special Organizational Acknowledgements

Woody Vaspra, President and Catie Johnson, Treasurer-Secretary of

The World Council of Elders, Inc.

(a non-profit, 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization)

David Swallow, jr., Sundance Chief of the Medicine Wheel Sundance and Traditional Teton Lakota Medicine Man

Jim Beard, Group Liaison and Coordinator

Audrey Link, Events and Registration Coordinator

anie M. Schwartz, Administrative Consultant

Gathering Facilities Courtesy of Rick Tidrick

Roseanne Rodriguez, Women’s Volunteer Coordinator

Sound and Slide Equipment Courtesy of Paula J. Gruentzel

Videography Courtesy of Jordan

Juice and Snacks Provided to Elders Courtesy of Pathways to Spirit

Eating Utensils and Supplies Courtesy of Elain Radford

Lodge Construction and Oversight Courtesy of Grandfather Wallace Black Elk, Nick Halsey, and Associates

Security, Parking, and Shuttle Provided by He Ska Tokala Okolakiciye, Gary Christiansen, Tokala Head Man

The World Council of Elders, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Donations are needed for the extraordinary work of this all-volunteer organization. The Elders who participate in advising and counseling require the support of The World Council of Elders in order to enable them to gather and travel with their wisdom and knowledge world-wide. Your donation brings this spiritual healing to the global community.


January, 2002

TRAVELER: i learned how to work the fire...and was allowed to bring in the sacred grandfather stones into the women's sweat that followed ours...
TRAVELER: it was an honor...

BARDSQUILL: I reckon that they had you doing the fire and transporting the stones was no accident, an assignment within the Medicine Wheel. The Whites are the fire-keepers, but we have kinda overdone it towards destruction, some kind of genetic terror methinx, whites are fragile and give into exclusivity, which is a mask for fear.

BARDSQUILL: you know A Hopi guy, Lee Elder, I believe, published about a scattered library of similar ancient tablets, the Hopi keep them here, he said, the black tablets are in Kenya, yellow people in Tibet and white in Switzerland, all mountainous regions and the tablets more ot less match
TRAVELER: soon...
TRAVELER: i have read that somewhere along the line...
TRAVELER: they also talked about releasing the Feathered Serpent...
BARDSQUILL: hmmm, always tried to figure that out
TRAVELER: supposedly, the 'serpent energy' of the planet has been rising...kinda compared to kundalini in the human chakras, etc...
TRAVELER: anyway, this energy was stuck in Panama...
TRAVELER: because of the canal...
TRAVELER: it is chopping your spine off...ya know...???
TRAVELER: anyway, they went down there last year...didn't tell anyone...and they performed their ceremonies...
TRAVELER: they say they were successful...
TRAVELER: at releasing this energy so it could continue...

BARDSQUILL: these nores--think it'll be okay with the Elders?  We do need these clues.
TRAVELER: yes...I was told directly from Wallace that the time is now for us to spread the word...people need to know these things...
BARDSQUILL: Well, tough beans, tell em it has to be published. Kento said so, heh.
TRAVELER: he said that was one of the reasons i was there..

TRAVELER: grandfather told me, don't try to be an indian...if the creator wanted you to be an indian he would have made you red...but learn from what we say and take it with you into your culture...teach others.

TRAVELER: hey...don't know if you had a chance to read this yesterday, but check this out...

TRAVELER: ...We're going as the prophecies told us; a big change is going to come, in just a very few years. When all the stars take positions, then something great and spiritual is going to happen. This was written thousands of years ago by Tunkasila and He gives our leaders the visions. That is what we're going through...
TRAVELER: Like the fires from the sky. There'll be fire falling from the sky. Just like Crazy Horse predicted 3 . And when the fire falls from the sky and the earth is covered up with ashes there will be a new beginning for His children.
We're going through this whole prophecy and it's going to happen pretty soon; fire falling from the sky! The world knows now when those fires come, we will hear like a rolling thunder, like a huge jet plane coming and the earth is going to tremble and the spiritual people will return to their sacred places where they will be safe. Because when the fire hits the earth it's going to ignite.
It's not the end of the world, it's just that Grandmother Earth is very tired of her children fighting day after day...

There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift, that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly. Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water. And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate.

At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally. Least of all, ourselves. For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.

The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves! Banish the word struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.


Oraibi, Arizona, Hopi Nation.

Date: 1/25/02 4:38:04 PM Pacific Standard Time

Kent, Something I read on your web site caught me off guard, so I thought I would share with you a dream that I had. I've pasted what I read at the bottom of this email. On the night of January 17th at about 1am I had this dream. In it, I was trying to help a friend. We were driving up a mountain on a dirt road. Suddenly, smoke started spewing from the top of this mountain and one of the side hills blew lava. Out of nowhere, water filled the valley and I found myself diving in. As I was swimming with my head above the water, I looked around. In the water with me were all different kinds of people, businessmen, white men, african-americans, native-americans, orientals, children and adults, even a nun, all swimming with their heads above the water. We were all swimming in different directions, not panicking, but we were all taking our time to swim home.

In the midst of all this water, I heard screaming and awoke to panic in the apartment next to mine. Apparently the mother, who sleeps opposite of my bedroom wall, had a horrible nightmare. I discovered later that she is a Cherokee sister as am I. But, she did not know what to do or think about the strange energies that have been making themselves obvious as of late.

There are many whom are just 'awakening'. People are feeling a change in the air, most are scared half to death. It is up to us to show them how to embrace the world with love in our hearts. People are now more open to hearing explanations. They are beginning to ask questions. Let them know what you know. If you don't know something, tell them that and let them move on.

A beautiful new world is on the horizon, full of light and love. Let us all work together in peace and harmony to welcome the new ways. Live life to its fullest and teach by example.

It is my hope to see humanity learn to love and accept one another.

Date: 1/26/02 5:23:08 AM Pacific Standard Time

Good Morning, Kent!

Hi! I am at home, now, yeah!

I mentioned to you about short memory...Reviewed most of Pine Ridge and want to through this thought your way...

It is being mentioned about the activation of the energy center of Egypt. Can you get radar from there? The radar rings, like Pine Ridge looks like medicine wheels. The one message you received says the possibility of activating the medicine wheels in America, but what if they are already activated. What if the Elders in their intent are activating them but not physically only energetically and they show up on radar. Also, could it be that where the "mounds" are that is really where the medicine wheels are hidden. Is there really such a thing as sacred burial sites, I thought they burned the bodies, because that is what I wanted to have done to me. (The hell with dishing out $7,000 for a funeral!) What if our government is the ones that buried the medicine wheels. What if the British knew about the power of the Natives back in 1492. What if we help the Elders do something...reclaim the power!


Grandfather Great Spirit All Over The World,

The Faces Of Living Ones Are Alike.

With Tenderness, They Have Come Up Out Of The Ground.

Look Upon Your Children That They May Face The Winds

And Walk The Good Road To The Day Of Quiet.

Grandfather Great Spirit Fill Us With The Light.

Give Us the Strength To Understand And the Eyes To See.

Teach Us To Walk The Soft Earth As Relatives....

To All That Live.

"I fill this sacred pipe with the bark of the red willow; but before we smoke it, you must see how it is made and what it means. These four ribbons hanging here on the stem are the four quarters of the universe. The black one is for the west where the thunder beings live to send us rain; the white one for the north, whence comes the great white cleansing wind; the red one for the east, whence springs the light and where the morning star lives to give men wisdom; the yellow for the south, whence come the summer and the power to grow. But these four spirits are only one Spirit after all, and this eagle feather here is for that One, which is like a father, and also it is for the thoughts of men that should rise high as eagles do."  Black Elk

SEEKER: Kent do you have a second?
SEEKER: morning
BARDSQUILL: just woke up fumbling around, what's cookin?
SEEKER:  I was just searching for House bill 3598. GOVERNMENT - Search Full Text of Bills - 107th Congress
the results say its a bad bill number
BARDSQUILL: here's what I have:
BARDSQUILL: Listing of 1 bill containing your phrase exactly as entered. 1 . Universal Military Training and Service Act of 2001 (Introduced in the House)[H.R.3598.IH]

SEEKER: not much cooking here, just my birthday, 44 and no more, hey thanks again for posting the medicine wheel, i have been following the Native American prophecies for some time and I cant wait to see what come next, is looking into it also
SEEKER: so it is for real bummer
BARDSQUILL: looks for real
BARDSQUILL: take an attorney to figure it out
BARDSQUILL: has exemptions, probably for Elite's kids as usual.
SEEKER: did you read the provision? at the bottom
BARDSQUILL: But the concept of UNIVERSAL bootcamp don' sound all that swell.
BARDSQUILL: which provision?
SEEKER: this whole thing is a crock
BARDSQUILL: doesn't help my son
SEEKER: how old is he?
BARDSQUILL: class of 2004
SEEKER: we have a 14 year old daughter
SEEKER: what a wonderful world these kids are inheriting
SEEKER: while i have you let me ask you a question, in several articles i have read there are references to a "little" nation that supposedly is helping the u.s. What are they talking about do you know.
BARDSQUILL: dum UK still thinks of us as a colony, Blair was right on the scene after WTC, Brit AWACS flying over us, gives me the creeps.
SEEKER: i wish i could be more specific, i don't think its the uk, i believe bearden mentioned it, they wont mention it by name like they are trying to protect it, its just one of those small things I've picked up on, might mean nothing, i don't believe we won the revolutionary war
BARDSQUILL: Bush related to Windsors, DUBYA their man
BARDSQUILL: Windsors are impostors themselves
SEEKER: the covers are being pulled back, its all being revealed, sad thing is the Americans aren't looking
SEEKER: there has to be some kind of mind control going on, even my best friend is oblivious to what's going on and i pound on him daily, [ANON] and I agreed the other day we were going to quit wasting energy on the deaf dumb and blind
SEEKER: costa rica is starting to look really good
BARDSQUILL: Hey, my thoughts
SEEKER: i would have loved to have gone to the council of elders but like most of us who are aware i couldn't afford it
BARDSQUILL: Met a kid in local grocery store, blond hippy, started talking...
SEEKER: and?
BARDSQUILL: He said he's been visiting his relatives in Seattle, but he was gettin out of here, everybody too crazy. I asked him where he was going.  He said, "back home to civilization, Costa Rica."
BARDSQUILL: sorry misspell, still wakin up.
SEEKER: my wife has a degree in spanish we have seriously considered it,  
SEEKER: at least she can speak the language
SEEKER: we both got fed up with the corporate world a few years ago have a small organic farm in Louisville ky, but it doesn't pay well, now i am beginning to think we are way to close to the city
BARDSQUILL: I used to have a farm, misplaced it, heh
SEEKER: how close are you to the city?
BARDSQUILL: And it was the Elder's fault too, even though they saved my sorry hide, a tale...
BARDSQUILL: I was dying fast in '85, strung out on booze
BARDSQUILL: Two NA guys asked to build a sweat on my farm, Bill and Stan...
BARDSQUILL: said, "Sure!"
BARDSQUILL: well they grabbed me one day and said, "it's your turn."
BARDSQUILL: Told me I was dying and that it was time for me to be "gettin in the wind," try to find my spirit again.
SEEKER: get rid of a little poison did ya?  
BARDSQUILL: I thought of all my perks, my farm, my groupies, my job teachin in a college. So I said, BULLSHIT!"
BARDSQUILL: Bill the Doctor laughed and bapped me with his eagle wing.
BARDSQUILL: within two weeks I was outta there with only the clothes on my back, and I got well, a longer tale
SEEKER: interesting  
SEEKER: I've been looking for a na spiritual teacher for a long time brought in a Hopi? to help me build a sweat lodge here
BARDSQUILL: Mind you this was after 4 unsuccessful treatment center gigs, only thing that turned my sorry butt around was those Elders.
SEEKER: i cant wait to hear more of the elders wisdom in fact i would love to bring them here just cant afford it, it seems to me if they are speaking we should be doing everything we can to help them get the word out  
BARDSQUILL: Yea, I was nervous about posting TRAVELER'S account but he said the Elders told him to get the word out.
SEEKER: so tell me, you are obviously aware of most everything that is going on in the world, sum it up, what do you think is going to happen, new earth new heaven, wwIII what?
BARDSQUILL: Some of the traditionalist don't like speaking out much
SEEKER: a Cherokee friend of mine here says they have been instructed to release their teachings
BARDSQUILL: The Mysterious gonna happen, is happnin.
BARDSQUILL: everywhere I look things are totally weird.
SEEKER: no kidding and getting weirder
BARDSQUILL: My poor mind can't lasso it all, so I just say, well, it's Mysterious, leave it at that, and dive in.
SEEKER: I'm going through all kinds of bodily changes, heart, vision etc, people around me are changing rapidly
SEEKER: and time seems to be speeding up or should i say creation
BARDSQUILL: Gettin reports from folks say time itself gettin strange, and things will disappear-reappear right in front of their eyes.
SEEKER: cool
SEEKER: we took a short trip to the dominican republic last summer, man my dreams took off,  
SEEKER: it was like everything opened up after i got away from all this electronic pollution
BARDSQUILL: Berkeley labs testing a super-magnet 300,000 times stronger than earth's magnetic field.  That's messin things up no doubt
SEEKER: and what about those scalar rings you posted??? natural or manmade?
BARDSQUILL: dunno, waiting for a bunch of electronic techs that are looking into it, they so far, think something strange going on, don't discount as a glitch so far.
BARDSQUILL: say they need coupla weeks more
SEEKER: i was really intrigued by the traveller quote about the energy centers opening up in America, [ANON] and I have been debating over the cause of the radar anomalies also, especially the spoked ones, there is just so much going on, the Hopi were right I think, the best thing to do is just go with the flow
SEEKER: i made myself sick here when the first chemtrails started showing up, now i just look up and say hey, they are making rainbows again, haha
BARDSQUILL: Cobwebs in the sky, Hopi got THAT right
SEEKER: there was another prophecy, don't remember who, that spoke of the sundogs appearing, which I began to notice before the chemtrails
SEEKER: we have had full circle rainbows here around the sun
SEEKER: well I've taken enough of your time i must run we should have a gathering of our own, i would love to get a bunch of like minded people together in the woods of the pacific northwest, my wifey has birthday plans for me so i must go, i will talk to you later, stay in touch and thanks again for your hard work
SEEKER: and please let me know of anymore from the elders
BARDSQUILL: stay in touch too
SEEKER: will do

Date: 1/26/02 7:04:09 AM Pacific Standard Time

Hello Mr Kent, Jim at Ambilac recently brought the front page of your very interesting site to my attention, in regard to something we believe to have occurred in Egypt shortly after the 911 incident.

Quote from your front page:

"TRAVELER: Selo said that after 911 that the energy center in Egypt 'activated'..."

You may recall reading an article - The Return of Thoth & The Atlanteans - that I brought to your attention several weeks ago (on my site, The Edge).

Here is the relevant quote:

"Shortly after the September, 11th, alleged terrorist attack, the legendary Seventh Seal (image above), situated inside the Great Pyramid, was activated..."

If you could put me in touch with Traveller, that would be great.

Apparently, Howard MJ is to mention this event in a forthcoming Ambilac report. Input from Traveller and Selo would make this revelation far more astounding.


Welcome to the Edge of a New World!



Date: 1/26/02 9:49:40 AM Pacific Standard Time

ok boys, you're gonna have to get confirmation of this from somewhere else (please keep me anonymous so as to protect my sources)..... but i just learned last night that the areas in montana (northern cheyenne reservation, etc) where these circles are appearing are also experiencing a high degree of cattle mutilation and mystery creature kills. i thought you'd want to know.


Date: 1/26/02 1:46:47 PM Pacific Standard Time

From: Jgernat

Kent, Been thinking a lot about this today. Remembered about 5 or 6 years ago, went to a work shop in the farm country, about "clearing houses and land". In others words about smudging. The workshop was given by a man who's name is Randy Hastings, he lives in West Virginia and comes to Cleveland and other cities in Ohio to give workshops on Merkaba and Sacred Geomancy. He is a minister of the Order of MELCHIDEZEK. He did some ceremony in the evening around the fire, calling on the four directions, (and the wind seem to kick up)! then he did something with the fire and made it flair up. When this occurred I asked my friend if she had seen the same thing. She said yes, she had noticed that. What I'm getting at, when someone sees something for the first time it appears as magic. And then you want to do it too! Perhaps that's what happened hundreds of years ago. A white man saw a native control the weather and the rest is history. What excites me is knowing that what I know already is just the beginning, and that the power that is to be released on us is gonna be wonderful. I am very impressed with gonna have fun checking that one out! Gonna go to to see what I can see on the other side of the world. Wish me luck.

and Thank You for being there.


Southern Utes Drop Plans to Attend Games