Bacon's Royal Parentage
(references prepared by Francis Carr & Lawrence Gerald)
I see you withdraw your favour from me, and now I have lost many friends
your sake: I shall lose you, too. You have put me like one of those that
Frenchmen call Enfans perdu...(lost children); so have you put me into
matters of envy without Place or Strength.- Francis Bacon to Queen
Elizabeth, "Apologia"
You are my own son, but you, though truly royal, of fresh and masterly
spirit shall rule nor England nor your mother, nor reign o'er subjects yet
to be. --1577, Queen Elizabeth I in an angry tone to a 16 year old Francis
right after she reveals to Francis the secret of his parentage
The fact of Francis Bacon's Parentage--the legitimate son of Queen
and therefore the legal heir to the Throne---is indubitable, supported as
is , not only by a mass of circumstantial evidence but by such direct
testimony as Leicester's letter to King Philip of Spain, which Mme Deventer
von Kunow discovered among the Spanish State Archives, begging King Philip
to use his influence with Queen Elizabeth to secure his public
acknowledgment as Prince Consort........No one can possibly follow Mme D.
von Kunow's revelations and remain unconvinced.--Williard Parker in the
Foreword to Francis Bacon, Last of the Tudors