Date: 8/14/02 12:38:19 PM Pacific Daylight Time

Nobody is going to believe this, but this Delorean has a 144volt electric motor, hooked to 12 lead-acid batteries, and a special feedback regeneration circuit, that keeps the batteries more than charged

A road trip is planned for later on in the month, from Tenn. to Needles Ca. to prove to the skeptics that it works.

It is capable of 5500 rpm's ,handles like a sports car, that it is, and top highway speeds as quick as most gas guzzlers, and uses NO fuel, except the electricity it generates.

The vid-caps are, in order,

1. some invited guests looking at the underside motor;

2.Part of the battery arrangement on the left, recharging components on the right, under the back hatch, of the Delorean.

3. The 144 volt drive motor

4. Test driving on a back-country road , not to far from here

Stay Tuned, as developments are quickly happening. ( For the Best I Hope)