An overview summary by Doug Lewis
"Sir Francis Bacon, the author of the fragmentary work "The Clue to the Maze" (Filium Labyrinthii) (ca. 1607), presents himself as a new Theseus. In Plato's Phaedo, Socrates emerged as a new Theseus who delivers men from the fear of the Minotaur, of Death.
In contrast, Bacon proposes to postpone and alleviate death though scientific means, not by teaching about the immortality of the soul but by scientific miracles that depend on secrets wrested from the labyrinth.
(authors note - Bacon was provided with the immortality goal by his Gomerite handlers, Bacon was but an agent of the dynasty)
As their ancestor Daedalus built the labyrinth, Bacon calls on the new breed of scientist to breach that inmost sanctuary. In complex images, he calls them to pierce the veil of the temple of nature through their penetrating interpretations, "preparing a way into her inner chambers", into the very center of the labyrinth."
The mind of man can be his prison, reducing possibilities thus pandering to his own realizations, the mind will maintain the desired reality - always.
When one asks a person to explain why fellow humanity invades, slaughters, deceives, pillages, burns and rapes, often the reply will allude to gaining power, wealth, resources, expanding control and geographic holdings. When one asks a person what their greatest wish would be, often the reply will allude to wealth, power and riches.
Deeper within the labyrinth, there is only one answer to the greatest wish - immortality, avoidance of death and disease whilst habiting a place of uncrowded paradise.
Within the center of the Gomerite labyrinth such a wish is in the final days of granting.
Who are they?
I have spent many hours digging and looking for the "kernel" behind all of the popular and known "secret societies" which over the years have "seemed" to be the instigators of NEW WORLD ORDER initiatives and realized they were all Gomerite subsidized "cover" and "smoke screens" for the deeply buried "source", which of course has the intention of remaining completely off the radar. The ultimate goal of the Gomerite dynasty is so despicable to the general population that exposure of them and their almost completed agenda would certainly jeopardize both the dynasty and the ultimate goal.
The problem with exposing the Gomerite NWO and it's agenda is that the journey through the ages is complex and can easily usurp the "punch line" of their designs, suffice it to say "The ultimate Gomerite goal is to "master and own genetic engineering" - for a very specific purpose.
NWO represents the final phase of the Gomerite initiative - the purpose of the initiative is quite surprising - it is about.... Gomerite immortality on a sparsely inhabited planet.
If you look around the world both past and present you will see that ALL noteworthy "human" endevour, both perceived "good or bad" in perspective was instigated directly by and for the benefit of the Gomerite dynasty. Historical results bear this out - and continues to do so.
As an example Hillary Rodham Clinton is a gene bearing Gomerite, this does not mean she "knows" about the Gomerite agenda... many Gomerites do not, however their positions of influence are always "manufactured" for the future benefit of the Gomerite dynasty - you will see this over and over throughout history, carefully buried of course so that direct connection is difficult unless one carefully tugs the threads. The easiest thread to tug is the American thread which has copious documentation - although connecting the dots can be complex until one knows what one is looking for.
If you were looking for ALL the answers to otherwise baffling questions and conundrums, all is covered by knowing and understanding The Gomerite dynasty and its ultimate goal - all the rest of it is "objectives" of the goal, and are supportive of the goal.
The origins of the Gomerite
Japheth (son of Noah. His descendants after the flood settled on the coastal lands of the Mediterranean spreading north into Europe and parts of Asia)
Gomer (son of Japheth)
Ashkenaz (son of Gomer)
Riphath (son of Gomer)
Togarmah (son of Gomer)
Early Celtic tribes (from Gomer) settled much of the European theater, including present-day Spain, France, England and Germany, prior to contact with Scythians. For many centuries France was called Gaul, after the Celtic descendants of Gomer, whom ceded the territory to Romans and Germanic/Teutonic Franks (whence France) in the 4th century A.D. Northwest Spain is called Galicia to this day. The Welsh claim their ancestors "first landed on the Isle of Britain from France, about three hundred years after the flood." The Celtic language survives intact today mainly in the two variants of Welsh and Irish/Scottish Gaelic. The Welsh call their language Gomeraeg (after Gomer). The Celts of today are descendants of Gomer, and of the blended tribes of Magog and Gomer.
Some of the Gomerites migrated further to what is now called Wales. It is a select group of these descendants in Wales who have maintained "Gomerite purity" and who carry forward the Gomerite agenda.
Through Owain ap Maredudd (or Owain ap Meredith ap Tewdur or Owen Tudor) (c. 1400 - February 2, 1461) was a Welsh soldier and courtier, directly descended from The Lord Rhys but remembered only because of his role in founding the Tudor dynasty (Gomerite dynasty)
The Tudor dynasty or House of Tudor (Welsh: Tudur) was a series of six monarchs of a Welsh origin who ruled England and Ireland from 1485 until 1603. Three of them, (Henry VII, Henry VIII and Elizabeth I) played important roles in transforming England from a comparatively weak European backwater still immersed in the Middle Ages into a powerful Renaissance state that in the coming centuries would dominate much of the world, and Henry VIII and Elizabeth I remain among the most famous English monarchs of all time.
It is important to understand that Princess Diana (Princess of Wales) - deceased wife of Prince Charles (Prince of Wales) is a descendent of the (Gomerite) Tudor line through the Spencer family tree.
Thus her sons, contenders for the Crown of England preserve the Gomerite succession.
Agents of the Gomerites
Since the launch of the second phase of Gomerite total world domination through the work of Francis Bacon under the Auspices of Queen Elizabeth 1 and King James I (and other cohorts of Bacon the time), fingers have been poked into all significant pies, subsequently all significant historical events have and are directly attributable to the desires and aspirations of the Gomerite inner sanctum.
Perhaps the extent of Gomerite influence can be readily seen in the Gomerite agents involved in the founding of America. Bear in mind that the population from whence they originated is less than two million people, how far from coincidence that such massive representation could be had in the founding of America.
American Gomerite influences
Very little has been written of what the Gomerite have contributed in all walks of life in the shaping of American history.
Twenty percent of the Pilgrim Fathers were Gomerite, as was the Captain of the Mayflower.
How many know that almost 50 percent of the signers of the American Declaration of Independence were Gomerite or of Gomerite descent-- as were nine of the Presidents of the United States-- and that many of the universities and colleges such as Yale, Princeton, Brown, William and Mary, Virginia, Johns Hopkins, and Andover were founded by Gomerite.
The man who financed the War of Independence was Robert Morris, Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn, and Rhode Island by Roger Williams, all were Gomerite. It is strange indeed that such a small country-- as Wales, so many people are hardly aware of its existence-- has contributed so much more in proportion to its size than any other nation, and stranger still so little has been written of it.
Oh, yes, the next time you are in the Capitol and feel like climbing the Washington Monument stairway, about halfway up there is a stone inscribed:
["My language, my land, my nation of Wales - Wales for ever!"]
Thomas Jefferson placed it where more people would see it for he was very proud of his Gomerite origin.
It would take many pages to name the great Gomerite Americans since the Founding Fathers, who have helped build America-- In government, industry, labor, finance, law, architecture, music, religion, literature.
List of politically noteworthy American Gomerites.
John Quincy Adams - President of the United States (1767-1848)
Cassius Marcellus Clay (1810 - 1903) abolitionist
Calvin Coolidge - twenty-ninth Vice President (1921-1923) and thirtieth President of the United States (1923-1929)
James J. Davis (1873 - 1947) U.S. Secretary of Labor and U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania
Jefferson Davis (1808 – 1889) - soldier, politician, and first and only President of the Confederate States (1862-1865)
William Floyd - Declaration of Independence signatory
Button Gwinnett - Declaration of Independence signatory
Charles Evans Hughes - Governor of New York
Thomas Jefferson - 3rd President of the United States
Robert E. Lee - Confederate general
Francis Lewis - Declaration of Independence signatory
Abraham Lincoln - 16th President of the United States
James Madison - 4th President of the United States]
John Marshall - statesman, Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court
James Monroe (1758 - 1831) fifth president of the US]
Lewis Morris - Declaration of Independence signatory
Robert Morris - Declaration of Independence signatory
William Penn (1644 - 1718) Founder of Pennsylvania
Daniel Webster (1782 – 1852) United States Senator and Secretary of State
Thomas Wynne (1627-1691) - Physician to William Penn and speaker of the first Pennsylvania Provincial Assembly
Hillary Rodham Clinton - junior United States Senator from New York, and former First Lady.
Sir Francis Bacon - Author of the Gomerite second phase of world domination
The penultimate phase of the Gomerite grand plan was set in motion back in the 1600's through the auspices of Elizabeth I (the last of the Tudor monarchy line - or so it appeared. Dianna is of the Tudor line... hence so are the children.)
To know what the final phase is one must grasp the significance of what the Tudor line is all about - it represents the gene pool of the Gomerite - under the flag of the red dragon.
Recruited and groomed for the job, one must study the amazing influences of Francis Bacon (reputed to be the bastard son of Liz) who was directed to accomplish several KEY world changes during his life time. King James, who succeeded Liz provided continuance for Francis to complete the great mission on behalf of the Gomerite backroom boys. Out of necessity the Gomerite needed to remain cloaked and so remained inconspicuous in their chosen land - the land of the Tudors.
The changes required to ramp into the final grand plan phase included the following objectives - which were all well met and relatively quickly to.
- To create and propagate a language suitable for adoption on a global scale.
The language requirement was in fact several since subsets were needed to fulfill global requirement for science, law, industry, philosophy, education, government, medicine and the performing arts. To accomplish world compliance - all must abide to the same vocabulary, meaning and hence agreement of written and spoken articles.
The language needed to be so rich and all encompassing that global adoption as the working "business language(s) ensured a world boilerplate adoption for all aspects - without compromise. In effect the language(s) developed were for the purposes of new world order implementation - implemented through the programming endemic within the language structure developed.
Common reference and therefore solution approaches to EVERYTHING, was and is considered imperative to the final phase.
- To create and propagate new approaches to science whereby critical thinking, common policies, processes, procedures and standards contained science within a formal framework with no allowable deviation.
- To create divisive language and specialization barriers to separate the layman from full comprehension of created disciplines, even though the multi-language developed has a common name... English.
- To create a standard education formula to ensure global contribution to all disciplines is bound to comply or be viewed as out of scope and therefore not legitimate.
All this and more to be accomplished and significantly implemented before the year 2000. The final phase commenced with the dawning of the new millennia. Succesful implementation of the second phase of Gomerite world domination objectives provides the impetus and possibility of the third and final phase - Genetic Manipulation and World depopulation.