The Kalachakra: The Time Machine for the Beast of Heaven
Part 4 of the Lions Gate Cosmology
By B.L.Raphael 1.22.2007
Explosion Rocks Oil Refinery in Western Texas
OBAMA ROBBED IN NY: Unofficial primary results gave Obama no votes in
nearly 80 districts, including Harlem's 94th and other historically black
areas - but many of those initial tallies proved to be wildly off the mark,
the Board of Elections confirmed. Truth is, in some districts getting
a recount, the senator from Illinois is even close to defeating Hillary
MR. BUSH YOU ARE A FASCIST! Keith Olbermann Special Comment
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Police added that the attacker was "an outstanding student, revered by the faculty" and there has been no indication, like a note, of a motive for the rampage. |
Obama, McCain sweep Potomac primaries
2/12/2008 1:01:09 P.M. Pacific Standard Time
Scalia is now publicly defending torture by the government! I never thought I'd live to see the day that a Supreme Court Justice would stoop so low. [Opus Dei]
San Francisco Chronicle Acknowledges ENDGAME By Homeland Security 2 Rule by fear or rule by law? A Conservative on Halliburton scandal and support for Obama
How the Spooks Took Over the News Analyst, Ex-engineer charged in spy case Senate Votes for Expansion of Spy Powers
Willie Nelson: Twin Towers Were Imploded On 9/11 US Accused of Using "Kangaroo Court" to Try Men Accused of Role in 9/11 Attacks
Obama Defeats Clinton in 3-State Sweep
Sauder: Connecting
The Many Undersea Cable
UPDATE: Chinese cut off from internet Friday, 9 February, 2001, 16:14 GMT Damage to an undersea cable has cut millions of Chinese off from the internet, and the problem could take weeks to fix. China Telecom has said that a major cable was cut at about 0800 local time (0000 GMT). BlackBerry email service goes down
2/5/2008 , 10:53 GMT
A total of five cables being operated by two submarine cable operators have been damaged with a fault in each. These are SeaMeWe-4 (South East Asia-Middle East-Western Europe-4) near Penang, Malaysia, the FLAG Europe-Asia near Alexandria, FLAG near the Dubai coast, FALCON near Bandar Abbas in Iran and SeaMeWe-4, also near Alexandria Abandoned anchor cut Gulf Internet cable
Cable Snafu Cuts Internet Access in India Internet failure hits two continents Cutting Cables, Lighting Fuses Cable Cutting A Zionist-NeoCon Covert Operation? Iran is off the internet completely-3 cables torn Details for router1.iust.ac.ir
1/31/2008 7:37:03 P.M. Pacific Standard Time
Just noticed a squawk re a massive Internet outage in Egypt, India and assorted areas of the Mid-East and Gulf. Suggested that TWO submarine fiber-optic cables might have been accidentally cut by a ship's anchor, off Alexandria. This sounds fishy (pun intended). Two other possibilities come to mind: (1) this is a botched Intel op involving a submarine to attach a device which jacks into the line(s) allowing the traffic to be monitored or, (2) it is an intentional disruption of network capacity as preemptive to major military action in the area, possibly a preemptive strike by Israel against Iran. Israel has subs in the Med capable of such action.
Thinking for Yourself is Now a Crime Reagan Administration figure Paul Craig Roberts weighs in on the latest of Bush and Cheney's fascist initiatives. He's totally right. The scandal, apart from Republicans lending themselves to this sort of totalitarian tyranny, is that the Democrats in Congress voted overwhelmingly for this nonsense on a voice vote under suspension of the rules. Even Barack Obama refused when asked to commit to vote against it.
NORTHCOM Ready To Implement Martial Law Homeland Security Checkpoint: Video Blog - Day 1-5
The FBI Deputizes Business Today, more than 23,000 representatives of private industry are working quietly with the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security. The members of this rapidly growing group, called InfraGard, receive secret warnings of terrorist threats before the public does-and, at least on one occasion, before elected officials. In return, they provide information to the government, which alarms the ACLU. But there may be more to it than that. One business executive, who showed me his InfraGard card, told me they have permission to “shoot to kill” in the event of martial law.--by Matthew Rothschild
Bush asserts authority to bypass defense act Bush, our dictator...? Iran opens its first space centre, riling the US Putin vows 'arms race' response
After Mining Deal, Financier Donated to Clinton Charity 2 Archived Profile: Frank Giustra Bush Sides With Mexican Truckers RICO lawsuit developing against major media, RE: Ron Paul
Republic or empire: A National Intelligence Estimate on the United States The United States remains, for the moment, the most powerful nation in history, but it faces a violent contradiction between its long republican tradition and its more recent imperial ambitions. The fate of previous democratic empires suggests that such a conflict is unsustainable and will be resolved in one of two ways. Rome attempted to keep its empire and lost its democracy. Britain [arguably] chose to remain democratic and in the process let go its empire. Intentionally or not, the people of the United States already are well embarked upon the course of non-democratic empire.
BRATTLEBORO — Brattleboro residents will vote at town meeting on whether President George Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney should be indicted and arrested for war crimes, perjury or obstruction of justice if they ever step foot in Vermont.
RESULTS: South Carolina Florida
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European press: It wasn't a miracle - Hillary won via a rigged vote
Where Have All the Leaders Gone? By Lee Iacocca with Catherine Whitney Am I the only guy in this country who's fed up with what's happening? Where the hell is our outrage? We should be screaming bloody murder. We've got a gang of clueless bozos steering our ship of state right over a cliff, we've got corporate gangsters stealing us blind, and we can't even clean up after a hurricane much less build a hybrid car. But instead of getting mad, everyone sits around and nods their heads when the politicians say, "Stay the course." Stay the course? You've got to be kidding. This is America, not the damned Titanic. I'll give you a sound bite: Throw the bums out!
For Those Who Have No Masters
Excessive and Brutal
Exxon case leads to freeze of $12 billion in Venezuelan assets
Shooting at Kirkwood MO City Hall 2 3 Woman kills in Baton Rouge vo-tech college classroom
Romney quits White House race Recession is here Severe Weather Tornado Damage Shuttle Atlantis
Magnetic Neutral Center Generator and Other Concepts Power your whole house with your own household generator 2 A $672 electric car 2
Texas UFO witnesses threatened for talking to media? Local reporter on Texas UFO case leaves newspaper 2
The Secret KGB UFO Abduction Files Navy Tests Incredible Sci-Fi Weapon
DUNGUN: Some 200 students of Sekolah Menengah Sains Dungun probably felt they were in a real live ghost story. They are convinced they saw ghosts flying around the school on Sunday -- in the classrooms, the dormitories and the assembly hall. On Monday, the hysteria repeated itself so the school was closed...
WATCHES: Update: 2,000ft Asteroid Passes Earth NEO TU24 2 3 4 2007 TU24 Forums 2007 TU24 Asteroid, Jan 29 2008 - Video 2
2007 WD5 Mars Collision Effectively Ruled Out - Impact Odds now 1 in 10,000 Possible Mars impact highlights risk to Earth Stephenville, Texas UFO Clips, Witness Interviews (Jan 2008) Triangle UFO on Google Earth? Mystery in East Montgomery Continues
West Virginia: Blue Haze Prompts Emergency Advisory, Air Monitors Setup Foul Smelling Cloud Hangs Over Charleston 2
1/27/2008 2:20:52 P.M. Pacific Standard Time
Hi Kent. I'm sorry to bother you, but I really feel I have to write to say that foul-smelling mists are strongly associated with earthquake activity. Sometimes the earth out-gasses without an earthquake, and sometimes an earthquake will follow within hours, days or weeks. Please see "The Deep Hot Biosphere" by Thomas Gold for more information. Did you see awhile back how the sea "turned to foam" off the coast of Australia, only to be followed by an earthquake a few days later? Or how they had an earthquake in New Zealand a few weeks ago? I think the people in the areas you wrote of ought to be informed that, as I said, foul-smelling mists are strongly associated with earthquakes. Thanks very much.
Strange Solar radio spectrograph images
Project Camelot Updates The L5 Society
Tropical Cyclone Nicholas F5 Tornado - Canada
'Euros Accepted' signs pop up in New York City
Note the second numeric column. $40 Billion, has been since 1913, by law. Then notice it suddenly drops to $198 million and then two days ago the report lists the banks as minus $8.7 Billion, something which has never happened before. Comments |
Massive Oil Deposit Could Increase US reserves by 10x Lakota group secedes from U.S.
Iran Oil Bourse may use Russian ruble Iran Oil Bourse to deal blow to dollar Gulf states ‘to drop’ dollar peg on Fed Reserve action Spark a War?
Recession in the US 'has arrived' Stocks get gloomier by the minute BENNY'S BUCKS TO THE BASEMENT Comment 2
In 1999 The Price Of A Barrel Of Oil Was $11
Does Goldman Sachs Run the World? Not completely, but it doesn't mean they aren't trying. It seems that, literally, only flesh eating bacteria can stop these guys.
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Snailmail Kent Steadman; 425 S. 156th Street 119A; Seattle, WA 98148 |
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