Subj: Vostok
Date: 2/26/01 10:59:38 PM Pacific Standard Time

I have been really aloof about the paranormal lately until I saw the Lake Vostok story. I linked to your page on P3N.
I vividly remember seeing the CNN news story a few weeks ago about the unscheduled and un-requested removal of the two women skiing across Antarctica. CNN had been covering that story extensively.
I just went to the CNN website to check and see if there was a story about their removal, but nothing. It looks like had covered everything up to that point with stories on;
Oct. 15, 2000
Nov. 16, 2000
Jan. 4, 2001
Jan. 9, 2001
Jan. 16, 2001
CNN had shown a great deal of interest in the expedition, but nothing about how it ended. Isn't that odd?
I think there might be something to this story. I'll keep my ears to the rail.

2/26/01 11:39:04 PM Pacific Standard Time

this is what MSNBC has to say about the aborted Antarctica skiing expedition
this story claims they asked to be removed
Date: 2/27/01 12:15:35 PM Pacific Standard Time

Information on how the Antarctic expedition ended is ambiguous. One report says they completed the expedition, another report says they came within 500 miles of completion and yet another says they came within 1000 miles. The official website that followed the expedition doesn't have any info on how the mission ended, or I cant find it, but other websites reference that site and the story about the end of the expedition. One story says a helicopter picked them up and took them to the awaiting ship, but there is no other information.

It looks like you found something real good concerning the important part of the story. I'll bet Mr. Papitashvili has some interesting pieces to the puzzle.

Continuing to investigate,

Date: 2/27/01 12:02:53 PM Pacific Standard Time

The American explorer was about to cry on the cell phone in the last interview I heard broadcasted immediately before their extraction because they were so close to their final goal (less than 48 hrs.), but I heard nothing implied in any of the interviews I saw or heard concerning the attached extraordinary circumstances. This story is taking on the feel of the first year X-Files episode that had the ice critters extracted in an ice core drilling that infected the helicopter pilot and turned him carnivorous. Gruesome.

By the way: Who the hell gave NSA auhority for anything outside our borders anyway; he who holds the biggest gun?

Date: 2/27/01 6:05:39 PM Pacific Standard Time

I ran across this semi-interesting site and don't think you are linked to it (if interested)