4/2/02 10:38:41 AM Pacific Standard Time
Eleven Government Cover-ups and Probable
By Donald M. Ware, 26
Death. Most people think Hitler died in a Berlin bunker in 1945. I think
he died in South America in 1978. I have been convinced by various sources
that Hitler knew he lost the war when his forces were turned around in Russia
in March 1943. His dreams would not soon be realized, so he accepted Pope
Pius XII’s amnesty program for rich people needing a change
of identity and willing to dedicate the rest of their lives to the work of
God. He took the name of an Italian classmate in the Vatican and fled to
a country in western South America where the state had no claim over any
church property, or that of their priests. He had his doctor give him an
enlarged nose, while one of his three surgically altered doubles tried to
fill his shoes at home. His personal items, including his favorite art pieces,
were delivered in a watertight container by submarine to a fishing boat that
transferred it to a pier south of Guayaquil, Ecuador. It was trucked to a
poor Indian village that had no contact with the outside world. They cut
a path through the jungle to the nearest road and quickly built his house
around the truck. The jungle closed the path, and he became a missionary
and provider for very poor natives that soon became very protective of him.
I heard recent rumors about some of his art pieces surfacing near Cuenca,
Ecuador. Reasons: If our world government had learned about this in
1945, the potential adverse political and religious consequences of disclosure
were probably sufficient to keep him out of the Nuremberg trials. World leaders
know that final justice takes place in heaven. The trial served its purpose
Fifty years of seeking truth and over 100 UFO conferences have broadened
my view of the alien presence as follows. In 1929 some aliens that look much
like us, reportedly Aldebaran, came here to help our most advanced scientists
develop antigravity technology so we would cause less pollution of our atmosphere
as the airline industry expanded. One condition was that we could not use
it for warlike purposes. In 1938, when Hitler put an anti-tank gun turret
on the bottom of a 100-ft. diameter flying saucer, he proved that humanity
was not sufficiently advanced spiritually or morally to be trusted with such
technology. More-advanced Pleiadians took the militarized saucers and the
scientists that built them to their base in South America and gave the scientists
a choice. They could raise their children in the Pleiades or here, but if
they stayed here they must stay separated from our warring society. Adrian,
of “The Miami Contacts,†said some children
raised on the Pleiades chose to return here to work for companies like BMW.
Those who chose to stay here continued the antigravity work in an underground
base in the Antarctic in an area claimed by Hitler in 1938 as New Schwabenland.
Some now call that area Melchizedek Land. See
He sent major supply missions there with five large submarines in 1938 and
1942. Now I think world scientists have for decades been sending missions
to the moon and Mars from such bases hidden from the less advanced society.
Perhaps there is some truth in “Alternative
Three.†Antigravity programs continued in Germany in nine
underground bases, and the US brought 30 flying saucers to Area 51 and the
White Sands Missile Range in 1945. Australians took some to Pine Gap, and
the British took some to a base on the NW coast of England. My CIA friend
said that the first class for transition by the German Air Force to antigravity
vehicles was scheduled for 15 May 1945, but that was two weeks too late.
The only combat use these vehicles had was to spray benzene ahead of our
bomber formations during some carpet-bombing raids, causing loss of several
Alien vehicles are seen
most often during contacts involving a hybridization program. Assessing
information from many sources with an open mind causes me to believe that
humans and Zeta Reticulans (short, large-headed, gray-skinned people with
big black eyes) are jointly engineering better bodies to house both our souls
and theirs. We are getting an upgraded biological computer –
a bigger hard drive, faster chip, and a new USB port for telepathy. They
are getting the genes needed to increase their ability to express emotions.
George S. Robinson, first to get a Ph.D. in Civil Law relating to space,
said at our 1998 IUFOC Summer Seminar that we have already made a new subspecies,
Homo sapiens alterios, and a new species, H. alterios spacialis. He said
we did it to make us more survivable in off-planet conditions. He did not
mention aliens. I suspect, as a world government lawyer, he was not allowed
to. I think the human mothers are allowed to raise the subspecies that look
much like us. They are unselfish souls with high IQs. The new species is
so different that many people would not accept them as neighbors. After 3
to 4 months they are taken from the mothers and put into artificial wombs.
See the cover of Time magazine, 23 Jun 97. The large head would cause problems
in natural birth. An extensive underground and undersea system of world
government bases here and on the moon and Mars provides them a home until
we are ready to accept them among us. Consider that the Limits of Growth:
The Club of Rome’s Report on the Predicament of Mankind
in 1972 said that Homo Sapiens is a suicidal species, so it is time for another
upgrade with increased capacity for intellectual growth and spiritual awareness.
The Urantia Book says that we have had four previous major upgrades,
all for the same purpose. Reasons: until the selfishness in mankind
is significantly reduced, world or national leaders cannot discuss advanced
technologies that can be used for warlike purposes and biological upgrades
that are contrary to national law. I suspect there are also galactic laws,
such as the Star Trek “prime directiveâ€,
that require knowledge of the alien presence to be suppressed until more
souls evolve to a higher
Cattle Mutilations.
In addition to vast amounts of blood that are occasionally removed from cattle,
the tongue, half the lip, and tissues around the orifices are usually taken.
Cattle blood is close enough to human blood to be used by our military for
transfusions when needed. A doctor familiar with the mutilations told me
that tissues around the orifices are high in the amino acids needed for new
tissue growth. Together you can make the large amounts of hybrid fetus formula
needed for Homo alterios spacialis while in the artificial wombs. An investigator
friend told me that there is a cattle ranch in Ohio where such products of
young cattle are trucked to Area 51 regularly. Perhaps cattle from various
ranges are occasionally used to balance supply and demand. Dr. Greer told
me that the lips and tongue are used to determine the effect of pollution
on grasses in various locations. Reasons: Knowledge of the hybridization
program is highly sensitive and is hidden from people not seeking it for
reasons mentioned above. “Cattle
mutilations†are not so scary when you realize they are
feeding our
Kennedy’s Death. The BBC six-hour special,
“The Men Who Killed Kennedyâ€, describes
well the men who did it. The Mafia had three hit men from Marseille come
through Mexico for the job. They did not say why the Mafia did it. The head
of the Cuban exiles asked them to, and they probably promised to let them
back into Cuba after Castro was replaced. After the Bay of Pigs fiasco Kennedy
chose an economic option to oust Castro. He ordered that our CIA training
camps for the exiles be shut down, but the exiles refused to leave our camp
in Honduras. When they went against CIA and Kennedy’s orders,
Kennedy sent a C-119 gunship to Honduras and blew the base away with some
Cubans still there. This made the leader of the exiles mad enough to put
the hit on him. Reasons: The rifles used were the same ones the CIA
had modified for use by a South American embassy staff to assassinate Castro,
against international law. The Cuban exiles were given the rifles for transport
out of the US, but the South American countries leaders changed their mind
before delivery. See Robert Morrow’s hard-to-find book,
First Hand Knowledge. Everyone wanted Oswald to be a patsy. I predict
the truth will not be revealed until there are normal diplomatic relations
between the US and
Chernobyl. I
think this “accident†was caused by higher
intelligence to reduce the nuclear threat to this planet and accelerate us
on our path to peace. My CIA friend was informed from unofficial sources
that in 1985 Gorbachev was in a meeting with his top advisors when two beings
appeared in the room and described themselves as ascended masters. They told
Gorbachev that he was personally responsible for the nuclear threat to this
planet, and he must change his ways. Before they disappeared they said,
“To make sure you understand that we are serious about
what we say, we are going to cause an accident at Chernobyl.â€
Gorbachev called Reagan at the G-7 meeting in Europe, and they had a brief
private meeting in Vienna. Kissinger said in his book, Diplomacy,
that when Reagan left the room he was obviously upset but would not talk
about it. The report on the 6 Apr 86 accident said that during a test three
poor-judgment decisions caused loss of control over the reactor. I know that
telepathic input can influence such decisions. In a response to a world
government inquiry, Gorbachev said, on 19 Dec 85, that he was willing to
eliminate 50% of the Soviet nuclear weapons. However, when he and Reagan
met in Iceland after the explosion, Kissinger said that
Gorbachev’s opening position was that he was willing to
eliminate all Soviet nuclear weapons now if Reagan would do the same. Reagan
was only willing to go half way. This event is what caused Reagan to make
statements at his next public appearance, a Maryland High School, and then
at the UN General Assembly about a possible alien threat. UFO investigator
Vladimir Rubstoff from Kiev reported that three hours after the explosion
a 6-8 m diameter disk in a fiery ball hovered over reactor #4 and projected
two crimson beams into the flames for three minutes before slowly moving
away. During this time the readings on the radiation recorders dropped from
3000 to 800 miliroentgens per hour. This indicates a removal of 73% of the
hazardous material. It appears that whoever caused the explosion took some
responsibility to help clean it up. My Russian friend, Nikolai LeBedev, told
me that they now realize that dumping planeloads of boron on the flames greatly
increased the radioactive fallout and should not have been done. I suspect
this decision was made because the officials could not believe that most
of the radioactive material had already been removed. Reasons: National
governments were not allowed to publicly acknowledge the alien presence.
Note: The RA Material tells us that if a human is engulfed in a nuclear
fireball, the strong nuclear force will disassociate the energies of our
“eternal soul.†This confirms what the
1950s contactees were told, “Nuclear weapons affect things
outside of this planet.†Loss of our physical bodies by
other means is not so serious from the perspective of higher intelligence.
There is logical reason for an ascended master to take drastic measures to
change the direction of
onto Google and in 0.52 seconds you get 18,100 links to the High-Frequency
Active Auroral Research Program. Sites are near Gakona, AK and also in
Scandinavia and Siberia. Each is near large, independent energy sources.
Many potential uses are noted, but not the most important one.
Reasons: I think these giant ionosphere heaters help prevent seasonal
formation of ice crystals that are the catalyst for chemical reactions that
destroy ozone molecules. If people all over the world knew we had a way to
control the size of the ozone hole in the northern hemisphere, they would
be harder to convince to use more expensive replacements for destructive
chemicals like freon. (I am also convinced that chemtrails change the libido
of the planet to mitigate global warming.
Oklahoma City
Bombing. On 19 Apr 95 Timothy McVeigh used a truck bomb to bring down
most of the Murrah Federal Building killing 168 people. There were two explosions
about five seconds apart, one of which the government does not want to talk
about. There is seismic evidence of two shockwaves and also reports from
passengers on a bus parked at the bus station broadside to the explosion
that felt them. I think that some government agency had illegally stored
C-4 on the 9th floor, and it was detonated when smashed between the two
collapsing floors. This second explosion took out the right rear column and
caused additional death. A General from Eglin AFB detected evidence of an
explosion close to that column.
Reasons: If this
illegal storage of explosives in a public building had been acknowledged,
anyone suffering from that bombing could have sued the US Government and
won extremely large punitive damages from almost any jury. I can hardly imagine
what that would have cost the taxpayers. The trials and lawyer fees would
probably still be
TWA 800. On 17
July 96 a US-made Stinger missile hit a TWA Boeing 747 off Long Island killing
all 230 people on board. Two significant news reports the following day were
blocked from repeating; an Air Force Lt. Colonel in uniform stating that
he saw a shoulder fired missile come up from the water, and a report of a
rented speedboat returned to a New Jersey company shortly after the crash
by two men who did not pick up their significant deposit. Our government
suggested that an unknown spark caused the explosion in the empty center
fuel tank that blew the plane apart. The Stinger has a proximity fuse. I
think that hot metal from the expanding rod warhead cut through the skin
and fuel tank to provide the spark. The rest of the missile would land miles
away and be buried in the sand. When weather, lighting, and distance conditions
were simulated for the witnesses at Eglin AFB, the Stinger was the only missile
used in the test. Reasons: After Afghan freedom fighters used Stingers
to help drive the Soviets out of their country, they tried to sell 50 leftovers
back to the CIA. The CIA did not want to set the precedent of buying back
weapons of war given to freedom fighters (Ref: the next issue of CFR publication,
“Foreign Affairsâ€, following the crash).
Osama Bin Laden had the money and the reason to buy the Stingers. Acknowledging
the cause of the crash would reflect poorly on CIA decisions and would cause
great fear of flying and damage to the world economy. However, our world
government soon published a three-part special on world terrorism in the
newspapers with Bin Laden’s picture prominently in the
middle of our front page. The world government has much control over major
The Missing A-10.
On 2 Apr 97 an A-10 from Davis-Monthan AFB became mysteriously missing
from a bombing range south of Tucson, AZ and 1 hour and 42 minutes later
crashed into New York Mountain west of Colorado Springs with its four 500
lb bombs missing. Some major media said that the â€biologic
material†found at the crash site was determined to be
the pilot by DNA analysis in a Washington, DC laboratory. I think they lied.
Ann Hirsch’s alien contact told her that Capt. Craig Buttons
is still alive and working on a “mother
ship†they call
“Tagamont.†Details are provided in
“The Rest of the A-10 Story†at
Reasons: Days before the crash Ann’s alien friend
asked her to seek assurances that they would not be shot at if they landed
their vehicle near Davis-Monthan AFB to talk to people. When she got no respect
from two NCOs in the Command Post or from a member of Senator
Kyl’s office, her alien friend said, “We
will have to do something to get their attention…Perhaps
we will take one of their airplanes in flight.†This story
was being told to Wendelle Stevens and June Shearer when the plane was taken.
Before the plane was recovered there was a mysterious alert at the Cheyenne
Mountain NORAD facility west of Colorado Springs. My sources tell me that
it involved the missing A-10 and Capt. Craig Buttons. Remote viewers said
a flying saucer landed near the entrance. Perhaps they wanted to talk with
someone without being shot at. The next publication I received from the Council
on Foreign Relations had an article about rethinking the Military Assistance
Program at Davis-Monthan AFB, which sells sophisticated weapons of war to
countries that probably should not have
AA 587. On 12
Nov 01 an AA Airbus 300 crashed shortly after takeoff from JFK killing all
255 passengers. Officials suggested that air turbulence from another jet
caused the tail to fall off. I think that what the crew reported as turbulence
was an explosion that caused the tail to fall off. I also think the explosion
was caused by terrorists who were not on the aircraft. Reasons: One
month after the 9-11 tragedy our country was struggling to help people overcome
fear of flying and speed recovery from the resulting economic depression.
Sabotage by ground crews, if proven, would add to the public fear. I predict
that full disclosure from that accident investigation will be a long time
in coming, and our economy will be better because of it. Perhaps fear is
a worse enemy than
Planet X. Prophesy
from many ages and cultures and also scientific evidence suggests that our
planet occasionally suffers serious trauma. The scenario described in
under “Pole Shift†and in Ruth
Montgomery’s 1999 book, The World to Come, says
that another planet in our solar system has an elliptical orbit that causes
it to pass close to the sun every 3600+ years. Its magnetic field will put
enough torque on the molten core of Earth to cause a shift between the core
and the crust. This will cause a shakeup of the tectonic plates, and we will
experience earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricane winds, and volcanic activity
resulting in much loss of life. I think that some government agency is able
to confirm this and is delaying release of this information and the predicted
date of passage until it is quite obvious to amateur astronomers and much
of the public. Reasons: I suggest that world leaders and possibly
their non-human advisors think that disruption of society caused by the
irrational acts of people afraid to give up their physical bodies should
be avoided as long as possible. Ruth Montgomery’s guides
told her that the man who will be President at the time of the shift will
be a walk-in, here to help prepare the world for the shift. She said he would
be remembered for a massive home-building program away from the coasts. This
scenario makes the Georgia Guidestones quite meaningful and profound. Perhaps
this is why major studios give us dramatic movies about earthquakes, tsunamis,
hurricanes, and volcanoes. I think the meek will inherit the Earth, and we
will have a kinder, gentler
3/31/02 5:33:03 AM Pacific Standard Time
Kent: Govt projects are aimed at reversing energy
to create a weapon. If Texas is a center for researching projection
of reverse deep space energy-which is free- the massive distruction of natural
energy can be created. Most projects are aimed at "what can we reverse
to create a weapoon of distruction".
Hope this will help people to understand some of the waves of energy that
are being tested.