Subj: SOHO/LASCO Watch

Date: 3/8/00 6:54:44 AM Pacific Standard Time

Hi Kent:

You may want to keep a watchful eye on the C2 today.  The SOHO Team is adulterating some of the images.

Check out the differences between the 3-8-00-C2 0330ut  images, after filtering, in both the 512x512 & 1024x1024 image files.

The original "Real Time" feed (Attached) says it all. Enhancements to follow, later.

Colonel Ervin


Subj: SOHO/LASCO Watch - Real Time - C2-3-8-00-0306UT Image

Date: 3/8/00 8:32:22 AM Pacific Standard Time


Ref: C2 3-8-00 0306UT Image

This preceeding C2 image file is missing the southeast quadrant anomaly. If this object (which is traveling toward the camera) were a comet or asteroid, it should be faintly visible in this image. Yet, it clearly is not. All this leads me to believe that a very considerable amount of time and effort has been expended to alter (not only) the sequence of these images, but the actual content of same as well.

Colonel Ervin

Subj: SOHO/LASCO Watch - Final ( Image Enhancements Attach

Date: 3/8/00 8:57:40 AM Pacific Standard Time

Ref: C2 3-8-00 0330UT Image

Here are the enhancements. The overall shape of the anomalous object  seen in the "Lastest Real Time Images" C2 is somewhat similar to the  purported characteristics and configuration of the infamous "TR3B" Craft.

Conjecturing Aloud: This may, or may not, explain a great good deal concerning the monstrous triangular craft which have been spotted near Papua New Guinea and New Britain prior to some recent earthquakes in the region. IMO, a connection does exist. The real question is - Why?

Take Care,

Colonel Ervin