Date: 1/1/00 11:21:42 AM Pacific Standard Time
you, who are NOT NECESSARY To The Whole and holy, NEED to listen to the following
endorsements from that which is called spirit and/or aliens and/or strange
be-ings. the typist is a psychic who has devoted her life to endorsing the
ways of those above mentioned. she, though not the she on the address shown,
is be-ing trained to write the philosophies of such. you, who are NECESSARY
to ALL (this includes those who ARE NECESSARY To The Whole (The Masses),
the holy, and the above be-ings, are be-ing blessed at this moment, to be
included as some of the first of this new Millinennum to be honored and addressed
and honored for your interest and flexibilities and intellegence and
open-mindedness for ALL. Several Of You Will Read This In Admiration. Several
Of You Will read this as that of an angelic be-ing communicating with you
and you And You, If You Wish. several of you will read
this if the absolute correct INTENT of ALL that is holy and CAPITALIZED,
Initial Capitals. You, Who Are NEEDED At This Time, will notice that those
be-ings mentioned above, are trying and willing and loving and immediate
to your present and your immediate future. many of you, who are NECESSARY
To The Whole and the holy, are sincere in your in-looks. your out-looks are
causing Those, Who Are NECESSARY To The Whole ONLY, to be interested in space
and possibly aliens, probably of the scientific types only, BUT at least
interested. you, who are never, ever interested in such, should NOT be on
these pages but else where! you, who doubt these words are nevertheless,
are reading these words Now, however, you should re-consider where these
anomolies are coming from. you should re-consider where these fluxuations
in radio waves and tuning are coming from: Nature? Are You Sure? could it
be that those mentioned above are swift be-ings, who NEED to have you contact
them, so that you are aware of your actions and not just dreaming or
hallucinating? who are we? what are we? why are we here? more to come at
a future Time and Place love and peace and ALL that is holy and the highest