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ELFRAD SIGNAL UPDATE 8/11/99 9:05:52 PM Pacific Daylight
Time: In answer to many who are interested,
The ULF signal for the past few days, continues to increase in frequency.
For some unknown reason to us as of yet, the signal was the strongest when
the moon was beginning to eclipse the sun and grew weaker as the sun reappeared
from behind the moon Charlie, ELFRAD
8/12/99 1:16:55 AM Pacific Daylight Time: Hi Guys: Well.
I figured that you'd be interested in seeing what was captured during the
Solar Eclipse from my site. I'm still not sure if I got a signal detected
or not from England!
I think it was a long-shot in the first place... But, I do see some sort of a disturbance (Solar?) at about 15:00 UTC. The low frequency anomalies are there in the afternoon again. I observed a flattening and decrease in the Geomagnetic field strength during the Eclipse time period. That might be significant enough to warrant further investigation! If you see anything here that you want more info on, then please let me know...Frank Condon, Geo Seismic Labs More screenshots: 1 3 4
08/15/1999 4:08:14 PM Pacific Daylight Time
Kent, We have been tracking the frequency change in the signal bursts on a daily basis since August 11th. The signal is strongest around noon local time when the sun is directly overhead. At first glance it would appear that we are detecting anomalies caused by the sun. However with each passing day the wavelength is getting shorter with a corresponding increase in frequency.
For instance:
August 11th Center frequency = .028 Hz Wavelength = 6,651,850 miles
August 12th Center frequency = .031 Hz Wavelength = 6,008,123 miles
August 13th Center frequency = .034 Hz Wavelength = 5,477,997 miles
August 14th Center frequency = .037 Hz Wavelength = 5,033,832 miles
August 15th Center frequency = .041 Hz Wavelength = 4,542,727 miles
The relative signal strength is also increasing. If this pattern continues, it is possible that in 8 days, the wavelength would be 325,481 miles or roughly the distance from the earth to the moon.
We will keep you posted of any changes.
Charlie Plyler
08/16/1999 6:06:24 PM Pacific Daylight Time
This is today's update of the ULF signal we are tracking. The frequency is continuing to climb. Enclosing brief parameters again.
Having to access data base by remote service.
August 11th Center frequency = .028 Hz Wavelength = 6,651,850 miles
August 12th Center frequency = .031 Hz Wavelength = 6,008,123 miles
August 13th Center frequency = .034 Hz Wavelength = 5,477,997 miles
August 14th Center frequency = .037 Hz Wavelength = 5,033,832 miles
August 15th Center frequency = .041 Hz Wavelength = 4,542,727 miles
August 16th Center frequency = .043 hz Wavelength = 4,331,437 miles
Still looking at the date of August 23rd, plus or minus 24 hours.
EMAIL, 08/18/1999 7:42:37 AM Pacific Daylight Time: Charlie, I've been following your ELF/ULF tracking efforts as posted on the Orbit web page. With your calculations on the incoming object, Comet Lee in the system and Nostradamus's prophecies seeming to be on track, there seems to be a possible risk to the earth.
The reason that I am writing is that I inserted the distance figures that you posted into a spreadsheet. I was trying to obtain a speed on the object. The results were interesting to say the least and are listed below:
Aug 11 - 6,651,850
Aug 12 - 6,008,123
difference - 643,727
I then extrapolated it out for the succeeding days.
Aug 12 - 643,727
Aug 13 - 530,126
Aug 14 - 444,165
Aug 15 - 491,105
Aug 16 - 211,290
It seems as though the object is slowing down. The object on August 16th appears to be moving at 43% of the speed on August 15th.I don't know if my calculations are correct (I divided the distance by 24 hours) but it seems to be traveling at a rate of 8,803 MPH on that date. It is odd too that you show a speed up on August 15 and then a dramatic drop on August 16th.
It makes me wonder if the electromagnetic interactions caused by the Coronal Mass Ejections from the sun have anything to do with the speed decrease.
Looking forward to further updates. David Spurlock
Yesterdays observations seem to bear out your theory. Center frequency = .0445 with a wavelength of 4,185,434 miles. Will go over today's data at 3 PM Local EDT and see if still tracking.
EMAIL, 08/18/1999 3:10:58 PM Pacific Daylight Time:
Well, Just pulled the data for today and got a surprise. It seems the frequency may be getting lower. Here are the tracking numbers for the past two days.
August 17th Center frequency = .0445 Wavelength = 4,185,434 miles
August 18th Center frequency = .0440 Wavelength = 4,232,995 miles
Could this possibly have been the probe after all? The frequency is way off if this were the case. Looking forward to seeing tomorrow's data. Charlie, Elfrad Group
08/20/1999 2:37:14 AM Pacific Daylight Time
Hi Charlie:
I would like to report to you that I have observed a fairly decent spike on the ULF Spectrum Analysis at approximately 0.048 Hz. This was during the same time frame of the day time anomalies that you are tracking and increasing in frequency again. Please view the following charts and let me know if we have concurrent data.
Frank Condon, Geo-Seismic-Labs
08/20/1999 5:02:31 AM Pacific Daylight Time
Frank, You are still synched to what we are detecting. Whatever it is, I think we are getting almost ready to find out. When I get back from Atlanta, I'll set up several Web pages. Charlie, Elfrad Group
08/21/1999 12:27:20 PM Pacific Daylight Time
Hi Charlie:
With all of the geomagnetic field activity attributed to the most recent solar flares, I find it very diificult to see the incoming frequency on today's chart. Possibly something at 0.058 Hz... But, I'm not sure. I captured some other anomalies that may or may not be related. So, please take a look at these and let me know if you see something that requires further study on my part. Also, there was a WWV (10 Mhz) radio fade out at approximately 1200 UTC during the Class M2 flare as observed by the Big Bear Solar Observatory. Personally, I don't like what's going on with the Sun and expect we're going into another volcanic cycle induced by it.
Frank Condon, Geo-Seismic-Labs
08/21/1999 2:58:31 PM Pacific Daylight Time
Hi Charlie:
Here's some data about the recent Solar activity that I was able to observe over here. I compiled the information about the timing of events using USAF and Big Bear Solar Observatory Reports. Look at what it's doing to the HF-Spectrum... Second long duration fade-out in less than a week that I've observed. I can't imagine what happened after the reported Class M10 Solar Event! But, I'll save that data for the next chart.
Frank Condon, Geo-Seismic-Labs
08/22/1999 2:09:24 PM Pacific Daylight Time
Hi Charlie:
I see that you are reporting that we are still going higher in frequency (8/22/99). I'll check my data this evening and submit to you any anomalous observations.
What a Hurricane season this is starting out to be... Bret at Category 4 intensity is positioned to strike the far southern Texas coast-line by midnight.
Could the intensification have been enhanced by the recent Major Solar Flares? I've uploaded three new charts as of today. One of these shows the time of the most recent Solar Activity as it relates to what I observed on the fluxgate magnetometer and the HF Radio. As previously mentioned, the data was compiled from readings taken by the USAF and the local Big Bear Solar Observatory.
Regards, Frank Condon, GSL
08/22/1999 12:16:31 PM Pacific Daylight Time
Here is a quick update of the signal Elfrad has been tracking the past several weeks. The frequency as of 9 AM EDT, 08/22/99 is centered at .0675 which corresponds to a wavelength of 2,759,286 miles. The frequency is still increasing although at a slower rate.
Please keep in mind that this does not mean there is an object in space at that distance. This is only the wavelength of the frequency. If an object closing on earth is generating the signal, the actual distance could be greater.
For instance if the signal the Elfrad Group is detecting is a harmonic of another signal not yet detectable, the transmitter base frequency could be -2X, -3X, -4X or greater. Thus the source could be X2, X3, X4 or more further distant. Only time will tell us. If we start detecting another signal much lower in frequency but tracking at the same speed, it is a pretty safe bet they are the one and the same. Charlie, Elfrad Group
08/24/1999 1:18:32 AM Pacific Daylight Time
Hi Charlie:
Here are the two most recently processed charts for your examination.
I'll have more data by this evening, and will forward at that time. Frank Condon, Geo-Seismic-Labs
08/26/1999 3:30:59 PM Pacific Daylight Time: I just arrived back in town and am going over the past few days of data. I wished to manually take a look at the signal we have been tracking rather than depend on remote control techniques. It seems that the signal not only has slowed down, but gradually got weaker and our sensors haven't detected the anomaly since August 25th. The wavelength at the time of last detection was approx. the distance to the moon or 390,000 miles. If the signal resumes and indicates a change in wavelength, I will let you know immediately. (Charlie Plyler) ELFRAD
99/08/17 00:01:38 40.64N 29.83E 10.0 7.8Ms A TURKEY
08/17/1999 5:40:54 AM Pacific Daylight Time: Something very unusual has happened. At 00:01:38 08/17/99 UTC, a major earthquake measuring M7.8 occurred near Turkey. This event coincided with a very large electrical detection of ULF waves through the earth. This in itself is not unusual. However during or just before this period very intense magnetic disturbances were detected along with intense x-rays and photon bursts. I am enclosing an unfiltered graph of the period beginning 1 hour before and ending 3 hours after the event. The peak frequency was very low around .002 hertz. Frank, what do you have for this time span? Still looking at the date of August 23rd, plus or minus 24 hours. Charlie
08/17/1999 6:18:34 AM Pacific Daylight Time: Hey guys, Take a look at the frequencies from 2.9 to 3.1 hertz. Very definite precursor for almost one hour prior to the event. Charlie
08/17/1999 7:13:40 AM Pacific Daylight Time: Hi Charlie: Yes, there is most definitely a frequency component at 0.002 Hz in the output of the Pre-Filter at the time of the earthquake. Frank
5.0 99/08/17 18:06:18
37.91N 122.69W 6.9 0 mi SSW of BOLINAS
Upon investigating Albright further, Smith found the man to be a computer programer for NASA. In his vehicle, a late model Saturn, he found 16 weapons with ammunition, camping gear, dried food, blankets, clothing and 200 pounds of wheat. "I spoke with his wife and she said he was concerned about the meteor shower. She said he wanted the rest of the family to join him.
Albright said the meteor strike, from fragments of Comet Lee, could occur any time within nine years.
EMAIL, 08/19/1999 3:31:45 AM Pacific Daylight Time: Actually, it's nothing to laugh about. I've been looking into Lee since May and the good programmer isn't unduly paranoid. I think he may have chosen last Wednesday as a tip to Nostradamus' foretold "King of Terror" incident which was due to appear during the eclipse. Lee was visible during the eclipse, heading straight for us. If you didn't get a web-cast you'd have missed the Very Brief 'screw-up' wherein the ESA camera pulled-back and showed Lee, et. al at the 8 o'clock position [interesting SOHO C3 link] during the a.m. viewing, i.e., exactly where it should have been. The programmer may have jumped-the-gun but the man is definitely onto something. continued
UPDATE: 08/23/1999 2:51:01 PM Pacific Daylight
I may have emailed to the wrong place on your Internet. But I got the scoop before drudge and posted on sygyzy lets talk,but,I think you would like it more. Those pages are just board posts so here is the info..........(He should go to enquire and get some bucks I say) " September 30, 1996
KSC Contact: Patti Phelps
KSC Release No. 114-96-7
Phil L. Albright, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Albright of Shadyside, OH, and a 1981 graduate of Ohio University, Athens, OH, was among 46 Kennedy Space Center (KSC) employees who were honored recently for their exemplary work at the nation's spaceport.
Born in Bellaire, OH, Albright graduated in 1976 from Shadyside (OH) High School and received a bachelor of science degree in industrial technology from Ohio University.
At KSC, Albright is employed by The Bionetics Corp. as a calibration technician. He joined the space center in 1990.
Albright and his wife, the former Diana Lynn Hughes, live in Cocoa, FL. They have two children.
The 46 employees selected were part of a contingent of some 250 NASA and contractor employees from throughout the space agency being honored for their professional dedication and outstanding achievement in support of the manned space flight program.
The Honorees were given a VIP tour of Kennedy Space Center and attended a special reception. Honoring them were several astronauts and senior officials from NASA and the space industry. The Honorees also were taken to a special VIP viewing area to watch the STS-79 launch of the Space Shuttle Atlantis on Sept. 16.
Kennedy Space Center is the launch site and preferred landing site for NASA's Space Shuttles. STS-79 was the fourth docking of the Space Shuttle with the Russian Mir Space Station. Crew members were Commander William F. Readdy, Pilot Terrence W. Wilcutt, and Mission Specialists Jay Apt, Tom Akers, Carl E. Walz and John E. Blaha. Blaha stayed on Mir, replacing astronaut Shannon Lucid, who established a new record for U.S. human stay in space during her six-month stay on Mir. Lucid returned to Earth with the rest of the STS-79 crew". Anyone look in who's who yet? Dona
SLEUTHS NEEDED: Can anyone confirm a possible NASA information lockdown:
NASA initiated an information lock-down two weeks ago. All info., including responses to Congressional inquiries, must be submitted to the Office of the Director before employees are permitted to respond to outside information requests.
baffled by dark streaks across sky
ASTRONOMERS admitted yesterday that they are unable to explain a strange phenomenon which appeared in the sky just before and after the total eclipse.
Long, dark streaks across the sky baffled watchers, including people on the Channel Island of Alderney. BBC Radio Guernsey was inundated with calls yesterday morning from those who had witnessed them. One caller said she had taken a video recording, but when she watched the tape later, the streaks had vanished.
EMAIL, 08/16/1999 6:20:41 PM Pacific Daylight Time: The picture off the Discovery Channel is a big rock, much closer than we think. The dark streaks across sky are due to the light having to take multiple paths around that object and setting up the cancelling pattern here on Earth.
The two dark streaks are bands of light cancelling each other around that object. In other words, when the sun's brightness was diminished it forced limited sun rays to travel around the object. As we engineers know, the bands of lights are setup due to the Wave Functions of Light itself, adding and subtracting with each other after taking alternate paths around the object.
You got my attention... Donus
The California psychic, Charles Jeron Criswell King, popularly known simply as "Criswell," says " that, time and time again, he has dreamed of a day when people will speak to one another, and when they talk about tomorrow, nothing will come out of their mouths."
That same day, Criswell predicts, what he calls a "black rainbow" will encircle the earth, and will slowly suck away most of the air in the atmosphere. Men everywhere will die in the streets. But the disaster will last only a short while, with survivors coming back afterward to rebuild the earth." Criswell says this day will be August 18, 1999.
Criswell knew nothing of astrology and it's anyone's guess as to where he came up with this date, as he made his prediction sometime in the 1950's.
EMAIL, 8/13/99 9:09:13 AM Pacific Daylight Time: A big meteorite, whose size has not yet been calculated technically, has fallen last night in the countryside of Nardo' (Lecce), some km. away from the main road to Gallipoli. (the meteorite) has broken in pieces hitting the ground. Dozens of people said to have witnessed the phenomenon: everybody talk of a 'great ball of fire' that has crossed the sky and was divided in two pieces before crashing in the ground. In the landing place, the meteorite has caused a fire of the bushes, that has been extinguished some hours after by the fire guards. continued
AUGUST 18, 03:54 EDT
Astronomers Baffled by Space Light
LOS ANGELES (AP) An arsenal of analytic tools used to figure out the makeup and distance of stars and galaxies has failed to unlock the secrets of a mysterious celestial light detected three years ago.
``It's fairly uncommon to stumble on something you don't have a clue about,'' astronomer S. George Djorgovski said Tuesday. ``It certainly hasn't happened to me, and I've been doing this for many years.''
Djorgovski was part of the team at Caltech's Palomar Observatory that detected the object, a pinpoint of light, during a digital survey of the northern sky.
It remains one of the biggest mysteries uncovered by the Digital Palomar Sky Survey. The survey, which has collected information on more than 50 million galaxies and about 2 billion stars, is about two-thirds complete.
Some astronomers believe the object may be a new class of quasar, sources of energy found in the center of galaxies and believed to be powered by matter falling into massive black holes.
``This sort of looks a little like them, but not quite. The similarity may be superficial,'' Djorgovski said. ``That's the closest thing we have found in all the astronomical literature.''
Usually, astronomers are able to determine an object's composition and distance by breaking down and analyzing its light. But the mystery object's spectrum does not fit any of the known patterns, Djorgovski said.
Light also usually holds clues about an object's distance. But because graphs derived from the light do not match anything known, researchers aren't sure whether it is inside or outside the Milky Way galaxy.
Repeated photographs revealed no changes in its appearance, ruling out the possibility that it's an exploding star or supernova.
Djorgovski challenged fellow astronomers to help explain his discovery at the June meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Chicago. So far, nobody has produced an adequate explanation.
``We probably have looked at the spectra of several thousand quasars, and this just doesn't seem to fit,'' said David Crampton, an astronomer with the National Research Council of Canada. ``It didn't ring any bells.''
The next step will be to analyze the object's infrared spectrum, something Djorgovski hopes to do next month at the Keck Observatory in Hawaii.
Researchers also hope that the Hubble Space Telescope might someday be pointed at the object, which is located in the constellation Serpens.
``But it's very competitive to get time on the Hubble, and they don't like fishing expeditions,'' he said.