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I am looking at material in Spanish that describes the entry of Hercolobus into our solar system, and its proximity is the same as that described for Comet Lee on 11/8/99.
For diagrammes, go to
The proportions here show the sphere of influence of Hercolobus, but old Spanish texts insist its mineral proportions are much smaller than those of our earth.
Remember that we only "see" with mineral sight.
T E R R A 12.756 x 1
J Ú P I T E R 142.984 x 11
HERCÓLUBUS 850.000 (aproximado) x 66 (aproximate)
This is the planet that at present is pulling our earth apart - separating its various spheres/bodies of the Morphogenetic Grid.
Extract of the Report correspondent for the Chilean Astronomer, Carlos Muñoz Ferrada to Mr. Brian Marsden (Harvard University) Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics (Specialists in Comets), Harvard, Boston, Massachusetts (USA): (05.04.1984)
"And, at the same time, the undersigned has included the calculations, illustrations, sidereal positions, that he also calculated, and made known on June 11 of 1940, of the slow penetration of our solar system of a new and brilliant cosmic mass that approaches The Earth; of a gigantic "comet-planet" (of elliptic orbit as a comet and of great mass like planet), of high vibrations, a heavy large electromagnetic field something like that of three times the planet Jupiter, high speed, coming vertically to the earth's elliptic, and that in a "direct" line in elliptic orbit in the period of 13333.3 years, 133.3 centuries, between our Sun and a "Black Sun" of a distant moribund star that is 32 billions kms away.
Also, that this great star that comes penetrating has a great idiosyncrasy of 0.99999 an half-angular movement of 0.0000739 per day; that at the same time: 12 half-angular conjunctions of the great new and distant planets: X more XI with their gravitational interferences in eccentric orbits is the equivalent of a complete cycle of 13333.3 years equal (1125.6 x 12) 173.9 years of the "comet-planet" of great mass and electromagnetic field.
This great star that is approaching, with uniformly accelerated speed, soon should be located near the North Pole, to the north of the "northerly crown," in all the "minor Bear," in the equatorial sidereal co-ordinates with straight ascension equal to 15h.15m. and a decline equal to plus 67º20'norte. And that on Thursday 11 of August of 1999, D.C., which means within 15 years to count from 1984, this star that will shine even by day; on that date it will be in conjunction: sun-comet-moon-earth, at 11h22m. universal time. At the same time it will be the day of the great total eclipse of the reddish sun. In those instants, this mysterious star will be in "perigeo" to only 10.5 million kms. from the earth. This speedy star will enter the earth's orbit with a parabolic speed of 66kms per second, and at the same time, on that date, its "perihelion" will be only 139.1 million kms. from the sun. Also, the undersigned has found it probable to determine that this new and gigantic cosmic attractive mass could even "straighten" the axis of the earth with great gravitational and geophysical disturbances, and could even influence the field of attraction of our satellite the moon. The orbit of the earth's elliptic would remain parallel to the celestial Ecuador. The two poles eliminated at the same time, as in the days of the of spring and autumn equinoxes."
The anterior document is been found in [http]:// [www.geocities.com]/ Area51/ Nebula/ 9380/
If anyone can confirm the authenticity or not of this extract, we would be deeply grateful.
Hercolobus, the red planet, is also known as Wormwood or Barnard1, this last name from their discoverer, an astronomer called Barnard of whom at the moment we have no information.
The Hercolobus planet is a giant with a size about 6 greater times that that of Jupiter, belonging to the Tylo system or Tyler, and whose orbit around their sun lasts about 35,000 years.
The orbit of Hercólobus brings it to a point approximately 500,000 Kilometers from the Earth, or even less. The danger of collision is nil, since the planetary orbits do not cross, but what consequences can come from the approach to the Earth of a planet of such colossal dimensions?.
As far we as could investigate, the consequences would be without doubt quite disastrous. Four previous approaches, at intervals of 35,000 years, are all bound to large extinctions or enormous climatic changes. It is said to be the cause of the extinction of the dinosaurs and even that in its last approach the axis of the Earth deviated and inverted the present earth-rotation.
In the Internet, we find information such as the following literal transcription:
"The Revolution of the axes of the earth will speed up violently; what it is now the pole will be the equator and part of the equator will be the poles.
The magnetism of this planet will awaken inactive volcanoes and attract the fire of the centre of the earth, causing volcanoes to erupt and thus provoking chains of earthquakes. Many large cities like Paris, Rome, New York and Moscow, will disappear in accordance with the Law of Karma, small cities will see social, cultural and economic crises with the exodus of people that will search for refuge like beasts.
Some countries with weapons and nuclear centres will be in emergency-situations. Many inactive viruses will dominate the human chaos. Forgotten illnesses will arise causing bewilderment to scientists . Mutations of animals from laboratories will take to the streets and avenues, and only with the Powers on High Initiate will be able to combat them."
(Text obtained in [http]:// [www.prompt-ven.com]/ [planetasundy]/ [esoterismo]/ [herco.htm])
In theory, August 11 of 1.999, coinciding with the last eclipse of the millennium, Hercolobus will arrive at this nearest point to our planet and, according to the information that we have been able to dig up, this approach will either straighten the planetary axis again or deviate it still more, then again invert the direction of terrestrial rotation.
In past days, we have found the extract of a note that, if authentic, represents the only astronomical document that we possess concerning the existence of Hercólobus, a report sent by the Chilean astronomer Carlos Muñoz Ferrada to Mr. Brian Marsden of the Smithsonian Centre of the University of Harvard.
Here are a list of connections related with planet Hercólobus:
[http]:// [www.geocities.com]/ Athens/ Oracle/ 6788/ hercolobus1.html
[http]:// [home.earthlink.net]/~ [gnosisla]/ March5.html
[http]:// [www.geocities.com]/ Athens/ Crete/ 7842/
Send us any information you may have.