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Subj: Signal?
Date: 98-12-06 11:18:45 EST
From: ulf@elfrad.com (Elfrad Group)
To: Phikent@aol.com (Phikent@aol.com)
Hello Kent,
Am sending you the photos I mentioned earlier. Perhaps you can figure out a good dialog. Frank recorded his data using a Geo-phone and it is my understanding there were no bursts before or after this time for a long period. The same situation here. The signal is very strong. Concerning the FFT photo you can see a peak frequency around .025 which corresponds to a wavelength of 7,450,072 miles. I checked the Global Seismic situation and there were no events during this time period to account for the unusual peak. The small peak around 3 hz indicates the signal bursts which are shown.
In Frank's photos the signal bursts are also very predominant. Perhaps we should check GPS and find out the exact distance from there to here.
I will analyze recent data in a few minutes to see if the frequency peak is still there. Will inform you as soon as possible.
Charlie Plyler
Elfrad Group
Subj: Signal
Date: 98-12-06 17:51:37 EST
From: ulf@elfrad.com (Elfrad Group)
To: Phikent@aol.com (Phikent@aol.com)
Here is the latest analysis of the current event.
The spectrum analysis indicates two peaks. One at .08 hz and another at .9 hz. The wavelength for each respectively is 2,328,148 miles and 206,946 miles. This signal was continuous and lasted for a period of precisely one hour starting at 20:28 UTC or 3:28 PM EST. 12/06/98.
Charlie Plyler
Elfrad Group
Date: Sun, 06 Dec 1998 17:35:57 -0800
To: Charlie Plyler <cplyler@i-america.net>
From: Frank Condon <FrankCondon@Geo-Seismic-Labs.org>
Subject: Re: Anomalies
Hi Charlie:
I'm sending along another GIF file attached to this message that gives you an overview of the entire sequence of bursts as recorded here. I did the spectral analysis and see a peak at approx. 4.8 Hz. But, it could be a harmonic of a lower frequency 2.4 Hz Main signal that is suppressed due to the Geophone . A spectral analysis of the output from the bandpass filter shows the same results as that from the geophone, so I'm not sure. I'm getting ready to startup the overnight run and see what happened today on the instruments. My system was down this afternoon! As far as releasing this information is concerned. We know that whatever is going on behind the scenes in the Government whether it be a cover-up for a landing or not, we need to get the information published and out there for peer review. It all looks innocent when you are not seeing these transmissions from thousands of miles apart as what we are now currently observing! So, I heartfully give the go ahead to have my information put up in good faith on ORBIT along-side of yours. You know, I haven't posted a GSL Report for almost three days and I'm hoping to do so again by this evening to get back on track. But, I have to admit, it's very hard to go back to the seismic stuff when you see what might be going on out in AZ.
Frank Condon
Subj: EMP
Date: 98-12-06 22:15:20 EST
From: ulf@elfrad.com (Elfrad Group)
To: Phikent@aol.com (Phikent@aol.com)
Intense Electromagnetic pulse detected 02:37:51.4 12/07/98
Elfrad Group
Reports tonight of a fireball have been broadacast in a special bulletin as dozens of calls are entertained at local news desks. Tonight (Sunday, December 6, 1998) sometime after 21:00 Eastern time reports of a glowing fireball that streaked across the Georgia sky were reported to local Atlanta news agencies. FOX network interrupted a bropadcast of _The X Files to report the anomolous fireball. The fireball, quoted as being like "a meteor, only 100 times brighter than any I have ever seen" by an eyewitness, was reported to be a flaming ball with a fiery tail, accompanied by an audible noise as it traversed the night sky.
Reports of the fireball have come in from Jonesboro GA to Rome GA as the fireball traveled east to west.
Local news broadcasters seek insight from employees of Fernbank Science Center in order to explain the source of the streaking light.
ICQ Conversation during intense Electromagnetic pulse detected 02:37:51.4 UTC 12/07/98
The EMP spike seemed to coincide with the Georgia fireball sighting. The fireballs were reported to be going east to west, destination, where? Would have taken only a blink to get over SW if that was in fact their trajectory (whatever they were).
Conversation on ICQ between Charlie Plyler and Kent Steadman during the EMP event.
NOTE: TIMES BELOW IN PST Earthquake=Plyler; Kento=Steadman
12/6/98 7:14 PM Earthquake Kent Just registered an intense EMP. Don't know
the location as of yet.
Had an echo at 1 second and several small ones in
decreasing amplitude.
Might be a good idea if possible to see if related
to flap.
Am sending data
12/6/98 7:43 PM Kento YIKES:
Reports tonight of a fireball have been broadacast
in a special bulletin as
dozens of calls are entertained at local news desks.
Tonight (Sunday, December 6, 1998) sometime after
21:00 Eastern time reports of a glowing fireball
that streaked across the Georgia sky were reported
to local Atlanta news agencies. FOX network
interrupted a broadcast of the X Files) to report
the anomolous fireball.
12/6/98 7:44 PM Earthquake Could it be a hit for the EMP?
12/6/98 7:45 PM Kento The fireball, quoted as being like "a meteor, only
100 times brighter than any I have ever seen" by an
eyewitness, was reported
12/6/98 7:45 PM Kento was reported
to be a flaming ball with a fiery tail, accompanied
by an audible noise as it
traversed the night sky.
night sky.
Reports of the fireball have come in from Jonesboro
GA to Rome GA as the
fireball traveled east to west.
12/6/98 7:45 PM Earthquake Wow!~ Where did this happen
12/6/98 7:46 PM Kento Local news broadcasters seek insight from employees
of Fernbank Science Center
in order to explain the source of the streaking
12/6/98 7:46 PM Kento sometime after 21:00 Eastern time
12/6/98 7:51 PM Kento HOW'S THAT FOR SYNCH?
Sent you a less sketchy report by email.
12/6/98 7:52 PM Earthquake We are really getting good at this...Almost a little
12/6/98 7:55 PM Earthquake This may be very true. Also this may have already
been accomplished.
Food for thought.
12/6/98 8:01 PM Earthquake Am on line ICQ with Georgia..They are talking about
fireball on police scanner,
If anything new comes up, will let you know.
12/6/98 8:02 PM Kento pretty wondrous deal
12/6/98 8:06 PM Earthquake Just found out that the times correspond. Whatever
it was, it was generating
a huge pulse. Opens up an entire new subject.
Eyewitness said on scanner that
it sounded like a rocketship. Retrofire? Straight
line from East to West to area of
12/6/98 8:11 PM Earthquake Gives the word incoming an entirely new meaning.
Time comparisons:
From Local Time to UTC:
Eastern Standard Time (EST) EST + 5 hours = UTC
Central Standard Time (CST) CST + 6 hours = UTC
Mountain Standard Time (MST) MST + 7 hours = UTC
Pacific Standard Time (PST) PST + 8 hours = UTC
Kent Steadman
A. 02:37:51.4 UTC 12/07/98 =EMP event
B. 19:14 PST 12/06/98 (+ 8) or 03:14 =Charlie contacted Kent after having monitored pulse.
C. Sometime after 21:00 Eastern time 12/06/98 (+5) or 02:00+ =Georgia Fireball
Compiled: Kent Steadman