As described in the previous section, The Great Pyramid, Earth's Time was kept on course by the ceremonies of the native peoples worldwide. As these ceremonies died, so did our connectedness to the Universe and all within it. These ceremonies were remembrances of an earlier time, embedded within our memory, of an Atlantean Age. In Atlantis, it is said, a Great Crystal kept Time.
The Great Crystal was the energy source for Time in relation to the Universal Grid. And through thought the crystal was used for many varied purposes.
One story says that an asteroid could be seen in those days heading towards Earth. The Atlantean Council debated what to do. Though there was some dissent, it was decided to use the Great Crystal to destroy the asteroid in fear that the asteroid would destroy Earth.
So the crystal was used to target the asteroid. This was done through thought projected through the crystal. The asteroid was destroyed, but a piece of it hit Earth anyway. And the Great Crystal broke into pieces. (cf Osiris/Seth stories) Atlantis was destroyed and the survivors travelled to other places on Earth, carrying pieces of the Great Crystal with them.
I was shown pieces of the Great Crystal, and where some of the pieces are. They still exist and could be brought back together. However, this would be of no use, as the Earth has a different balance and pole configuration now and the crystal would not work.
The pyramids at Giza are a remembrance of the technology of the Great Crystal, left for the time when another Pole Shift would occur.
Is it that the next Pole Shift will occur because of a negative, fear-based decision by mankind, as occurred in Atlantis?