The Universal Grid surrounds everything in our Universe including our Earth, our Solar System, and the stars we see in our sky.

At various sectors of the grid, specific stars, galaxies and planets exist, by the combination of grid points that are in that sector. Everything in that sector will have a certain thought configuration, and be related to every other thing in that sector.

Therefore certain configurations in the stars surrounding our Solar System, will be found within our Solar System as well. And configurations in our Solar System are found on each planet in that system including Earth. The configuration of certain constellation and solar system patterns form a grid surrounding Earth. Therefore this Earth grid can be mapped over the earth's surface from point to point.

As this is a mathematical thought energy grid, this grid can be manipulated by thought energy, in the same manner as travel through the Universal Grid can occur. It basically is a matrix grid within the Universal matrix grid. This Earth Grid I have called the "Blue Grid", as it was shown to be as being a blue light grid surrounding Earth.

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