B. & K are distant
COUSINS, for God's Sake ! Blair too ... All their bloodlines
stem from the "Crown." And NO one is "CHOSEN" for Skull &
Bones unless they are related to the "Crown."
There will be no loss for K. He's already been well paid for his
Post Election Angst
Is A Diversion
Keep Your Eye On The Ball
By Henry Makow PhD
Consternation over John Kerry's defeat diverts us from
the real issue: World domination by a subversive occult
Although Bush and Kerry aroused deep antagonism, they
were identical on the important issues: Iraq, 9-11 fraud, "terror" hoax,
Patriot Act and illegal aliens. Both candidates even opposed gay
Many people wanted to repudiate Bush for launching a
gratuitous obscene and tragic war against Iraq. But Kerry might have been
an even worse alternative.
Bush must be doing something right to arouse such enmity
in liberal quarters, Hollywood, New York, Canada, the UK and
According to British commentator Tim Rifat, Bush's victory
is a "disaster" for the New World Order and Jacob Rothschild is apoplectic.
Bush's imperialist ambitions run counter to the integration of the US into
a world government where China, Russia and Europe will have
US imperialism will derail the Illuminati's timetable
for a Third World War around 2012, says Rifat. Rothschild agent John Kerry
would have made a deal with the Iraqis similar to the one the British have
in Basra. He would have given Iran, North Korea and China time to prepare
for the final conflagration.
On the other hand, Rifat could be wrong. The "rift"
could be for appearance sake only. The Illuminati could be setting up Bush's
U.S. as a new pariah, a la Hitler, in order to foment war.
We are brainwashed to see everything in terms of good
guys and bad guys. Bush and Kerry represent rival factions of the Illuminati.
Neither have our best interests at heart. Their argument, if there is one,
is over pecking order. We are helpless
as long as we are bitterly divided into conservatives and liberals. Let's
step out of the right-left paradigm. The Illuminati controls both sides using
the media.
The correct paradigm is Illuminist elite versus
humanity. We are in the advanced
stage of a long-term conspiracy against Western civilization. The conspirators
have subverted our social institutions, business, government, law, education
and the media. They have managed to enlist the support of many people who
equate complicity with "success."
The conspirators consist of dynastic families consisting
of Jewish finance (Rothschild) and old British, American and European aristocracy
(Rockefeller, Windsor, Cecil) joined by marriage, money, and devotion to
Lucifer (Freemasonry.) The top ranks of the Freemasons are the Illuminati.
They are based in the City of London.
The Royal Institute of International Affairs and the
Council on Foreign Relations coordinate things using their network of
foundations, think tanks, business and professional associations and intelligence
The Illuminati-run cartel of cartels is the real
"establishment". It is neither Left nor Right. It is very big government
controlled by very big business. These are the same forces that drove British
imperialism and the New World Order is a continuation.
(See The Jewish Conspiracy is British Imperialism"
The Illuminati is dehumanizing us as a means of imposing
its tyranny. To do this they are destroying the four pillars of human identity,
cohesion and strength.
As I have said, these pillars are Race, Religion, Nation
and Family. Anyone who undermines these institutions is an Illuminati pawn.
Anyone who upholds them is on the side of humanity.
Race. The human family is made up of races, none better
than another, each with unique qualities to contribute. Have you ever wondered
why Europe and North America have to become "multicultural" while Israel,
China and Japan are allowed to retain their racial identity? Obviously the
Illuminati have determined that people of European descent do not need national
homelands. They constitute the greatest threat to the New World Order and
must lose their racial and national cohesion.
Both Bush and Kerry support Illuminati policies by
permitting the influx of millions of illegal aliens while hypocritically
professing concern about terrorism.
Religion. You don't have to be religious to believe
in God. As far as humanity is concerned, God is following spiritual beacons
like goodness, justice, truth, and beauty. Man has a divine soul that allows
us to perceive these ideals. We simply need to apply them to our daily behavior.
That's it.
The proverb "Do Unto Others as You Would have them Do
Unto You "is all the guidance we need to govern our
True religions are concerned with human perfectibility
using these ideals as guides. Illuminists (and Satanists) want to reduce
mankind to a subhuman state like cattle. Satanism is not a religion. Religion
is about manifesting God, not Lucifer.
Bush and Kerry both bring God and religion into disrepute
by pretending to be Christians. They are Satanists. They belong to the Skull
and Bones chapter of the Illuminati, a satanic secret society. They admit
they belong and refuse to speak about it
Nation. People need boundaries: their skin, neighborhood,
city and country. They don't want to be "global citizens" where important
decisions are made by the Illuminati through the United Nations front. National
autonomy is a healthy thing. So is democracy when it's
In this case, Kerry is more internationalist than Bush,
but Bush is turning the U.S. into an international pariah, which also discredits
A male friend told me that on his first date with a
28-year-old programmer who makes $50,000, she broke into tears at the thought
of not having children. Unconsciously millions of women sense they have been
betrayed by femanism.
The Illuminati have brainwashed women to think wife
and mother is an oppressive and unworthy occupation as compared to working
for the government or corporations i.e. the Illuminati.
Young women are favored for jobs in order to break up the family, i.e. prevent
women from having children and men from becoming
providers. As result, women are
squandering their precious years of fertility starting a career instead of
a family. They learn skills and attitudes that often make them incompatible
to men.
We derive our identity and purpose from our family roles.
Women's natural role is to be wives and mothers, to raise the new generation.
(I'm not saying all women must do this or that they shouldn't have careers
The Illuminati (like their Communist front) pretend
to champion a minority like Jews, Blacks, women, workers and gays. They don't
give a damn about these groups. They use them to subvert the social and moral
order and assume control. Our so-called leaders are betraying
MARRIAGE Gay marriage is another
brazen attempt to subvert the family. Yet the liberal media persists in labelling
our resistance "intolerance."
Are homosexuals and heterosexuals identical? Are they?
Then why would their marriages be?
Imagine my friends and I had a gay pride parade. Imagine
we dressed up in business suits and marched through the streets conducting
ourselves in a respectful manner and giving out pamphlets advocating abstinence
before marriage and monogamy after. Imagine our signs and floats said "Gay
Pride." Gays would certainly
We want equality, we would reply. If you can have gay
pride parades, why can't we? But
you are not homosexuals and gay pride is a homosexual institution, they would
Exactly! Marriage is a heterosexual institution. Gays
are welcome to have a separate marital status with equal rights and
responsibilities. But they are not welcome to equate homosexual with heterosexual
marriage. Equal is not identical.
Gays represent 3% of the population. Those who marry
probably represent less than one quarter of one percent. The purpose of this
campaign is to undermine heterosexual marriage. Gays activists say as much
in private. See "The Other Attack on Our Manhood"
Do majorities have any human rights? Not according to
the Illuminati.
Kerry would probably favor gay marriage but could not
risk alienating voters. Bush pretends to champion traditional values but
the Illuminati likes to control both sides of a battle. Bush has done little
to reverse the tidal wave of femanism and homosexuality in schools, the military,
government and corporations.
The recent election was a demonstration of how "freedom"
works. We choose between two candidates screened and selected by the Illuminati.
At best, they represent rivalries in the elite. This has been going on for
more than a century.
Under the circumstances, it's beside the point to complain
when the "lesser evil" doesn't win. That's buying into the lie. It makes
more sense to reject the matrix entirely. It is a mental
trap. We need to stop believing
what we are told and start using our common sense. Education is a trick designed
to prevent us from thinking for ourselves.
Let's set aside philosophies, prophecies and religious
differences and begin to apply universal ideals such as truth, justice and
love to our lives.
Life on earth is a miracle. Even my dog displays sweetness
and gentleness because we care for him. He has a soul. And he's just a
dog. People are capable of so much
more. Let's not allow ourselves to be diverted, degraded and destroyed. Let's
keep our eye on the real paradigm. Let's uphold God, family, race and nation
and bring truth into the world. Henry
Makow Ph.D. is the inventor of the board game Scruples and the author of
"A Long Way to Go for a Date." His past articles exposing femanism and the
New World Order can be read at his web site http://www.savethemales.ca/
He welcomes feedback at henryatsavethemales.ca Your
email may be posted using first name only.
Comment From Ted
Amen to what has been stated above by Henry Makow! Every
word of what Henry wrote is true, except for the percentage of the population
that is homosexual. Many believe that number is closer to 20%. And from what
I've seen, it probably is. However this does not detract from his message,
which must be stated.
The subterfuge to destroy our society and that of other
western civilizations is both blatant and intentional. The common denominator
is social engineering to lower and control the population. Remember when
women's styles were attractive to men ? Not any more. The "picnic" look seems
to be permanently "in." And this fits the plan of not attracting men to women
and hence, lowering the desire to mate. This meshes well with the "career
before children" approach women have indeed been brainwashed into following,
like cats in a line at a Vet's office waiting to be spayed. If a women waits
too long in life to have children, this is effectively what they have done
- they have spayed themselves by not using their fertility. Mother Nature
waits for no woman, contrary to popular belief.
To invade EVERY facet of an everyone's life is the goal,
and they have attained this end. Controlled and programmed in government
training camps (public schools,) girls grow up to be over-assertive which
will repel men in life, and boys grow up to be cowering mice expecting to
be put down by women. Even the sciences have a form of brainwashing as well,
to stifle anything that isn't "mainstream," or may contradict little gods
like Hawkings and other notables. Scientists usually laugh at any knew ideas
that aren't in Nature magazine. It is THEE source of all information for
those that live inside the box. The entire situation is sickening, and seriously
retards originality and creativity. Perhaps this is why so many innovative
new ideas come from Russia and Europe.
(For example, the magnetron used in radar and microwave
ovens came from what was England.) It is also this same box that also holds
the tools to force people's sexual outlooks as well.
The ace-in-hole for everyone who reads this has is to
have a knowledge of what's happening to them. Mind control is not effective
on those that are aware of it's presence. I'll repeat - mind control is almost
completely ineffective on those that are aware of it happening. A magician
can only be famous and popular, is no one knows how his tricks work. The
same is true for social and sexual engineering, perhaps the most sinister
of all forms of control. Mind control encompasses biological agents, chemical,
hormone, psychological tricks, government lies in history books and electronic
weaponry. Each one by itself won't do it all. But when it is all put together
by devious minds that are trained in this form of psychological social
engineering warfare, it's extremely effective - but again, it only works
on the unwary. Remember "keeping
up with the Jones ?" That's the pressure that most people succumb to. But
that's their choice to do so. So it is with marriage and relationships as
well. Will you let the control freaks doing social engineering tell you what
to do ?
Ted Twietmeyer