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comet more weird
than ever BARDSQUILL: seems to be radiant DRUID: got any newer pics BARDSQUILL: attachmentp12.jpg BARDSQUILL: http://www.bunkahle.com/Aktuelles/Astrologie/Images/winged_disk.gif DRUID: the reconstructed pronunciation of her name is *_Usat (ooh-saht) BARDSQUILL: weird was just processing that image BARDSQUILL: wingednib.gif DRUID: hey DRUID: can u do something for me DRUID: overlay comet neat and comet p1 DRUID: onto the same image DRUID: http://www.ou.edu/class/ahi1113/slides/04-11-1.jpg |
1700-1550 BCE
2000 bc
Chinese record the earliest
known sighting of a comet
overlay, flipped
Neat to match
do u have a full
at mid show
DRUID: Despite the episode of the "burning of the books"
the Chinese records of comets and probable comets include no less than sixty
objects during the twelve centuries Before Christ. In contrast, Babylonian
astronomers register just eight comets in the same interval, but that number
is still well in advance of the number of observations of comets which had
been made in any other country and shows that the Babylonians were also probably
energetic observers, if less concerned with leaving permanent records.
DRUID: i wonder if any where this comet
have this
DRUID: It is almost certain that a bright object was
observed by the Chinese and Koreans in late February or early March of 5
BC. This object was observed for two and a half months in total and was
positioned in the south of the constellation of Aquila, or the north of
Capricorn. It was probably a fast nova which was bright for only a few days
at maximum and was probably quite close to the star Theta Aquilae. The position
of the nova would have been around Right Ascension 20h00m, Declination -03
degrees and it would thus have appeared in the dawn sky.
DRUID: read above
"Ho-Ku" is the Chinese constellation, or asterism, which includes Altair
and various stars of the south of Aquila (the Eagle). A po-hsing is a bushy
star: an extremely bright star with rays, or a tail-less comet. The problem
here is the date which is given; the day Chi-yu did not exist in the second
month of the year. It is almost as if the chronicler had written that the
star had appeared on February 30th.
DRUID: A po-hsing is a bushy star: an extremely bright
star with rays, or a tail-less comet... what if it meant a comet with a bushy
tai;l like what we see here
don't understand
that bushy tail worth beans
it's almost like
the comet is in an intrinsic outburst regardless of the solar passage
DRUID: going back to nov 2006
DRUID: Russian Scientist Warns Star of Jesus
Shockwave Approaching Earth
DRUID: what's interesting is in that report
DRUID: it crosses with something i was researching
DRUID: example, by 2,500 B.C. Chinese stargazers had determined
that a year was 365 and 1/4 days long; and they also kept detailed records
of sunspots, eclipses, shooting stars (bright meteorites), comets and novas.2
Interest focused immediately on two special objects a 5 B.C. Chinese
hui-hsing and a 4 B.C. Korean po-hsing. A hui-hsing ("broom star") was usually
a comet that displayed a tail as it swept through the sky; and a po-hsing
("bushy star") was applied to a comet or bright star that seemed to emit
DRUID: emit rays????
DRUID: isn't that what this is kinda doing
DRUID: ok so my new theory
DRUID: here goes
DRUID: we are entering the age of the gods
DRUID: HB was our first Sign
DRUID: NEAT was out Second
DRUID: P1 our 3rd
DRUID: the depictions and symbols from Egyptians are actual
symbols people saw
DRUID: imagine 4000-3000 Years ago seeing such a site in
the Sky over Egypt
Eye of RA
DRUID: with all the bible stuff (REV)
DRUID: the return of christ n stuff
DRUID: add that russian story
DRUID: mentioning "A prominent University of Ottawa science
professor says what we know about global warming is wrong -- that stars,
not greenhouse gases, are heating up the Earth"
070107A [Burst of Interest]
DRUID: what if this comet is the star of beth
DRUID: ( foreseeing the coming )
DRUID: The British astronomer David Hughes, in The Star of
Bethlehem (Walker and Co., New York, 1979) follows the trail from Kepler's
investigation into the twentieth century but is there any real evidence
for a Nativity supernova or nova (a lesser star explosion that remains visible
for a shorter period of time in the sky than a supernova)? There wasn't any
until Western scholars began to study Far Eastern astronomical records,
some of which are very ancient
DRUID: which also mentions about po-hsing, etc.
DRUID: so my question is in the book of REVs say anything
about this event
DRUID: ( if this was or a pre cursor of the effects of either
a Nova or is the star of beth, whichever the result will be outstanding ,
the effects would be starting to reach us now )
And the third angel
sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp,
and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of
[chap 8]
DRUID: what's's next
And the name of
the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood;
and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.
DRUID: ( angel = comet /)
DRUID: every book much better to look at the same time
DRUID: each version of the bible
Rumor is that
McNaught is a team member of Project Wormwood
DRUID: possible
DRUID: ok start here
DRUID: and read each verse to 8-10
DRUID: using verse >> to continue
DRUID: The fourth angel sounded, and a third of the sun and
a third of the moon and a third of the stars were struck 8:12
what they saw
in ancient america too
DRUID: try this for size
(9:13-16) China has long vowed to upgrade the 2.3 million-strong People's
Liberation Army, which lags decades behind the U.S. military in terms of
technology and reach.9 (
http://www.taiwansecurity.org/AP/2006/AP-260506.htm -)
DRUID: its not that the bible is true or correct its the
fact people are doing what it says , its not foretelling its instructing
(remember the name bible is in reality Basic Instructions Before Leaving
Earth )
DRUID: as to the fact Comets always are one of two things
, a Precursor to something like a war / battle , if your on a winning side
of course its a good omen , if your on a losing side (King Harold) its kinda
DRUID: Chinas Economy is rapidly growing at a nice rate ,
its army is growing fast , its adding technology to it , it just launched
a missile at the USA (EAGLE)
DRUID: The Pentagon report issued Tuesday accused China
of seeking to extend its military reach with more long-range aircraft and
weapons that would allow it to compete with the United States and potentially
pose a threat to other countries.
DRUID: in all this China has been mention throughout
DRUID: does the saying 'On Earth as
it is in Heaven"
does it mean repeat
what's in heaven ( to mirror the heavens )
DRUID: well if you did mirror the heavens would you not produce
the image of isis
DRUID: i've been brain working overload
DRUID: read above...
DRUID: let me know what you think
DRUID: somewhere must be some sort of explanation
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An ORBIT sleuth is decoding/converting
a whole bunch of files like this:
Too much work for one person: if you might be interested in assisting the project contact: cybersleuthers@hotmail.com |