The Brit element of Port sale

The Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company

Knighted Aristocrat at the helm, certain tether to Royals: Chairman Sir John Parker


The Queen has approved the appointment of Sir John Parker, chairman of National Grid Transco plc and RMC Group plc, as senior non-executive director designate of the Court of the Bank of England.

Parker career 2

Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2006 11:49:54 +0000

The taking over of our ports by UAE is an atrocity and I am glad to see our governor, mayor, congressmen and women taking a stand against this sale of our ports. However the company that owns them now is P&O, a BRITISH owned company started and built by lord sterling (oh no I thought we fought the british over our freedom?!) Long Beach Naval Shipyard on the Pacific coast is owned by Communist China under a company called COSCO. Our nation parks are also no longer owned by us, they are being taken over by the UN, again owned by european banks, as collateral on our national debt. The east coast ports are just another slap in the face to the american people. WHY is it that an American company doesn't own our ports? Our national parks? This is America, our forefathers are probably rolling over in their graves at the atrocities taking place in this country now.

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