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X-release date 28th March, 2003
11/25/02 6:47:05 AM Pacific Standard Time
Ah HA!!!! I KNEW IT, I KNEW they would scrub it clean......
which is why I made a point of saving a copy of the original just for
you Kent. This may be your "exclusive".
I see this morning Mitch Batros also caught
this event, (just in case anyone thinks I concocted this).
I checked the ACE and SOHO instrument readings at that time of this
event (before it too could be scrubbed) and there was no unusual activity
recorded for the same time period. Although there was a significant
CME in progress at the time, it would take a day or two for it to impact
Earth's magnetosphere. Novas and other extra solar events can also
produce such spikes, but again these also should have been detected by the
ACE and SOHO instruments. I also checked the POES aurora satellite
data and it too showed no extreme activity for the same period, which is
very odd. All indicators point to this being a Earth-based event.
If it was an equipment malfunction, why was it not reported as such?
Why was it quietly scrubbed? The only public Earth-based event that
happened in or around the same period is that Uruguay's power grid collapsed.
This is a huge stretch, but there is a slight possiblility that Earth-based
magnometers may have picked up on the spike this might have created in Earth's
Kp index, but I don't see anyway it could create such an monstrous spike.
(It is well established that our power-grids have an effect on the
Earth's magnetosphere)
However there is one other possible explanation, albeit a stretch,
but interestingly I first read about it just an hour or two before this event.
Was this an EM CORE SPIKE!? Read the following paragraph taken
from; http://www.zetatalk.com/poleshft/p89.htm
"The increasing
activity in the core of the Earth will eventually manifest itself in ways
that will become difficult to explain. Erratic weather will continue to be
explained away as global warming, the result of the atmosphere heating up
to cause swirls in the upper atmosphere. Violent wave action that swamps
large ocean going ships and the booms from clapping air caused by under water
plate movements will be lumped in with earthquake activity. The increasing
incidence of earthquakes will be explained as periodic cycles, with ancient
legends to support the cycle theory, or improved reporting mechanisms, implying
that quakes were not recording in the past. The dramatic flashes of light
caused by methane gas flares as the gas is released from trapped pockets
under moving plates will be explained away as lightning. The increasing magnetic
diffusion will be blamed on sun spot activity, as neither is readily measurable
to the average man so the story will not often be challenged.
During the months before the passage
of the 12th Planet there will be an almost total interference with radio
and television transmission, unless supported by cable of some sort. Cellular
telephones will be useless, and due to their popularity in certain cities
this will not be taken lightly. Long distance telephone calls, which invariably
use satellites to bounce between points, will also become impossible to maintain.
The governments of the world will be asked to explain, and will trot forth
their red-faced scientists with silly explanations. Undoubtedly sunspot activity
will be blamed, and those scientists who point out the inadequacy of the
explanation will be badly mistreated. Were sun spots or magnetic storms from
the Sun the cause, then satellite bounce and in particular cell phone
transmissions should return to normal on the dark side of the Earth, away
from the Sun. Since the time until the shift is short, the governments will
proffer outlandish excuses, knowing they will never be held to
We might want to be sure to catch the upcoming movie CORE, just in
case someone is trying to slip us a few vital clues as to what's really
happening, as Hollywood has been caught doing a lot recently. Interesting
how in the media recently, fact has become fiction and fiction is becoming
fact, ("black is white and white is black").
Sun: Two million hit by power blackout
25-30 ft.
waves to come to Hawaii
11:26 PM
This unprecidented Kp event WAS NOT CAUSED BY THE SUN! Something else
is up. But what? Scalar tests? Newk tests? EM Pulse weapon
Keep your ears on...
(T minus 4 days and counting.... Hope you are all ready)
What did you see there?
Here's just before they cut the SOHO-LASCO feed today:
2:45 AM Research Report: Mt Etna Core Spike Gravity Wave
I have decided to submit my research report regarding the recent Core Spike and Gravity Wave phenomena. Many here seem to point to an event that was generated by the Earth´s Core, and as I previously stated in another thread, an Earth Core Event did occur. However, it is apparnt many could not understand the phenomena thus I have decided to submit this research report regarding the phenomena. This particuliar report is hastily thrown together and will be updated in my archives over time so if it looks raw this the reason. More
Imagine, the cosmic ocean; black, with the buzzing light of a trillion galaxies. And in our galaxy, there is a cube The cube is a net or sector of space. It is a Sea of Glass full of eyes, inhabited worlds...
We are in the cube. It is resurfacing, and the wisdom it imparts to whomever comprehends it makes them a master of nature, able to manipulate matter and to enter the hyper realms through a ladder that extends from a wormhole within the cube. William Hentry ...... ARCHIVES: Tevatron ....Neruda Interviews
Below is the LASCO C3 for 11/24/02 22:18 [NASA data-feed cut immediately thereafter]
Detail, possible structure |
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Date: 11/25/02 10:10:27 AM Pacific Standard Time
Hello Kent, The ELFRAD system recorded an extremely high amplitude wave form on Nov 24th. This has some of the criteria of a gravity wave with a source approx. 4.38 AU from earth. Very unusual. http://elfrad.com/gravitywave.htm Charlie Plyler ELFRAD |
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Date: 11/25/02 9:18:04 PM Pacific Standard Time
Kent, This is getting interesting. Please scroll down to 11/24 and look at the missing data for this one hour from 11:30 to 00:15 on the 25th-- Charlie
Date: 11/26/02 1:18:10 PM Pacific Standard Time Thought you might find this graph interesting. It represents the information Charlie gave you on the missing data. Note the missing info between 22:00 and 00:00 UTC the night of the 24th. http://www.sec.noaa.gov/ace/20021126210412epam_e_3d.gif Also: http://www.sec.noaa.gov/ace/20021126210414Epam_3d.gif [in case the above remote epam files time out I saved them, here and here] |
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Date: 11/25/02 12:57:56 PM Pacific Standard Time
In regards to Charlie Elfrad's note that the spike appears to have been created by a gravity wave who's source is 4.38 AUs distance...4.38 AUs is currently the approximate distance between Earth and Jupiter, which has been reported to have been behaving strangely as of late. Was Arthur C. Clarke onto something? "Something wonderful is going to happen." The birth of the fabled blue star or Kachina? However, if the source is from 4.38AUs outside Earth's atmosphere, why did it fail to register on satellite and SOHO-based magnometers? |
SS 11/27/2002
4:38 AM Solar Cube
Yo Kent..I think your on target with this solar phenomena that appears to be ejected by the sun. In this latest case you seem to focus on the cube shape, but when I look at it I notice the object inside looks like it is actually causing the cube shape, like it´s magnetic.
Anyways, I am sorta coming up with a theory regarding this phenomena in regard to mirror matter. Sorta came to me awhile ago while watching some these solar phenomena you been pointing out. I was trying to figure out the begin point for certain mirror matter and this may be it, the exact moment in which the first vibration in the "Zero Point Vaccuum" occurs and this mirror matter then begins to materialize more densely into plasmic matter and do it´s thing.
Anyways, just wanted to point out that the cube thing actually looks like another one those solar ejection phenomena.
Date: 11/25/02 12:47:02 PM Pacific Standard Time
Looking back at some of our work...I think we have the big events incoming we talked about - especially after we calculated that solar time difference to earth - one earth year plus before events came about etc...our sun in synch with its point of origin - that would explain the time delay and matrix falling apart...will send the relevant section...here we go - a brief extract - Howard
Multi dimensions as calculated from the Giza Plateau
February 2001 http://www.ambilac.com/feb_2001.html
This will then take us to the 36th-37th Dimensional Physics level.
The book of Revelation, describes many things but the two most important things to bear in mind are the 4 Horsemen, and the 1000yr.reign. The other important items are the 7 stars, 7 candles and the 7 churches. Next is the number 144,000.
Utilizing our 360 degree mathematical model, we find that from the centre there are 4 equal 90 Degree quadrants. In an earlier article we explained how the 12 houses are derived etc., we had also further explained how there are 3 houses, at ALL times having their maximum influence on our planet in any given quadrant. These 3 houses and the effect on our planet, at any given time dictate our Orbital spin. Because time is constant it cannot exist solely in that quadrant. The Earth continues to spin as the next quadrant enters the space. This process continues until the original quadrant has gone Full Circle. As our Sun is our second Time line it is only fair to say that 1 Earth year (of Time) is (10x4=) 40 Sun years
GIZA-GENESIS, THE BEST KEPT SECRETS - A trilogy of three volumes
Howard Middleton-Jones and James M Wilkie http://www.ambilac.com/ http://ambilac-uk.tripod.com
Recent observations with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) have documented an unexpected and rapid, seven-fold brightening of an unusual double star at the centre of the impressive 47 Tucanae globular cluster in the southern sky.