3/4/03 8:22:57 AM Pacific Standard Time

I just reviewed the worldwide seismic server data and discovered a large
break / gap in the data. The data gap, as viewed at the Albuquerque, NM
seismic server is quite large and starts at approximately 14:55 HRS GMT. The
data gap is showing up across the board at several servers, at this time.

Based on a quick review of the seismic data from various worldwide
location's, it appears that the earthquake was located in Mexico or the USA.
No source that I can easily locate has any available data on the earthquake
at this time, except for the large gap that is present in the various
seismic log's, that is all the information there is on this earthquake.

Worldwide Seismic Chart's / Log's

Albuquerque Seismic Chart / Log

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