10/1/02 2:18:41 PM Pacific Daylight Time
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It astounds me to constantly find material posted to your site that
verifies or duplicates information which I have recently uncovered
concerning my own ancient ancestors. It makes me wonder about the
synchronicity of it all? In regards to some of your recently
tangents, I may have some breadcrumbs that may assist you in your search
into the meaning of our origins. Remarkably, it turns out my
were Druids. Not initially knowing exactly what this entailed I've done a
fair bit of research into them and how this relates to my family tree.
I'm still looking into the mystery of WHY they were held in such high
esteem, but history does record that they were for some strange and
mysterious reason. Possibly their title is the key, which translates
"oak knowledge". Is the oak somehow connected to the ancient tree of
knowledge? Or does it symbolize a family tree, (one endowed with
wisdom & knowledge)? My more ancient ancestors were known as the
Aes Dana.
I've traced their connections back to Tuthmose III and from there to
Sumeria and all the way back to a region near the modern city of Tabriz.
I discovered that there is a common thread or trail of breadcrumbs that
were present throughout my investigations into the ancient past in the form
of the symbology of the lion (and the gryphen).
See for yourself the Lion's trail which seems to spring from ancient
Tabriz, the source of the sun and the lion kings.
In the beginning; the Bible, Koran and a few other ancient texts tell us
that Adam and Eve lived in the garden of Eden, somewhere in the east at the
foot of the mountain of God. Some recent archeological and scholarly
investigations suggest this garden may have been located near the modern
day city of Tabriz through which the river M[eden] flows at the base of Mt.
Sahand. Interestingly enough, the Indo-European languages, from which
Gaelic tongues (a.k.a. "the language of Eden" or "language of the lion")
trace their origin to roughly this same area. Just recently,
unearthed evidence of the Celt's rather gruesome method of divination
rights in central Anatolia or Turkey, just to the west of Tabriz.
The Striding Lion
Iraq: Babylon, Processional Avenue north of the Ishtar Gate
Neo-Babylonian Period, Reign of Nebuchadnezzar II, ca. 604-562 B.C.
Lion of Nimrud Dag
The symbology of the Lion can be traced back to Mesopotamia's Inanna/Ishtar
c.3500 B.C.
A rosette similar to that found on many Scottish arms, was also worn on the
wrists of the ancient Sumarian kings as a symbol of luck from Ishtar.
The lion was the symbol of Miletus, and lions or lion heads appear on
nearly all of its coinage.
The city's "Lion Harbor" had two lion sculptures, looking much like the
crouching lions on the early staters, flanking its entrance.
Phrygian Lion Gate c. 900 - 800 B.C | Mycenaean Lion Gate c. 800 - 700B.C |
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Looking through the eyes of the Sphinx
Into the rising, setting sun
Nine lives past, Into the sands
Are the gifts of gold, Untold
When unearthed and understood
Within the key is found
To see the truths
With crystal eyes
For all eternity.
Tribe of Judah: "a lion's whelp" (off-shoot of Sumarian