UPDATED! OKC-9-11 frazzled threads, seamstress needed!
Subj: Re: camp gruber Date: 9/6/02 4:05:48 PM Pacific Daylight Time From: BARDSQUILL To: NAME WITHHELD Hi, NAME WITHHELD: Looking forward to hearing back from you, re, Camp Gruber. I will gladly publish your reports as you wish--Kent Steadman Below: In a message dated 9/5/02 7:42:46 PM Pacific Daylight Time, NAME WITHHELD writes: Hello, I ran across your web page and other articles concerning the alleged link between Camp Gruber and the Ryder truck used in the OKC bombing. I worked at the DARPA project there in the fall of 1994. What would you like to know? NAME WITHHELD [NO REPLY THUS FAR] UPDATED Subj: gruber Date: 9/8/02 4:52:32 PM Pacific Daylight Time From: ANON To: BARDSQUILL I began working at Camp Gruber in September 1994 as a security officer for the DARPA project. My employer was Wells-Fargo. I cant remember by what means I heard of the job but I interviewed with a person from Wells-Fargo in a hotel conference room in Muskogee, OK. I was a CLEET certified security officer and had worked in Tulsa as a contract security officer. A few days after the interview I was contacted by Wells-Fargo and informed that they had verified my security clearance and I was hired. There were about 10 of us total working as security officers there. Our salary was $12.50/hour. Several of us including myself were in the military reserves. We all met together and were briefed on the sensitivity of the weapons sensor testing project that was in its field testing phase and that testing would take place at Camp Gruber. We were told it would be about a 3- month project. Camp Gruber has lots of training space there and had been home to one of the Armys Air Assault Schools until summer 1994. It was by no means a secretive compound like Ive read about in some articles. It was very active in WWII and is used by many Army Reserve and National Guard units for various field training events and marksmanship qualifications. It was also used as a Military Operations in Urban Terrain (MOUT) facility. Its located near Braggs and Muskogee is about 15 miles away from there. DARPA began constructing the vehicle storage area in September 1994. That was where the aerial photo was taken with the Ryder truck inside the lot. That lot was used to store vehicles that transported equipment that would be tested. It was important to DARPA that the tested vehicle itself and the testing that took place a few miles away remain private and unobserved from anyone. As security officers, our mission was to report any observations both from ground and air. We manned security outposts in 4 locations as I recall. One was right outside the gate of the storage lot, one was at a building we used as our headquarters which I believe was the post commanders house back in WWII. The last static post was out in a training area on a road leading to the testing area. And the other was a mobile post, we conducted vehicular patrols driving either a Ford Bronco or a red Ford Explorer. We rotated the posts each shift we worked so all of us worked in each one at some point during our week. I mostly worked the 2-10 PM shift so I observed the Ryder truck and other vehicles returning almost daily from the field testing site to park their trucks back in the lot. Field testing did not take place every day. Sometimes it was weather dependent and other times they conducted night testing. The field testing site had some temporary trailers erected serving as their logistics and office facilities. There were also a set a bleachers there to allow military members and others involved in the project to observe and record the testing. As I recall the majority of all civilian contractors were based out of Virginia and if I remember correctly the vehicle being tested was for the Marines. As security officers, we werent informed about every detail of the testing but we were briefed at the beginning that they would test some equipment that would make military vehicles less visible through the sights of enemy combat vehicles, radars, etc. Im sure by now DARPA either fielded this equipment or cancelled it and it is no longer a classified project. About the pilot killed there, I hadnt heard anything about that until I read about it on the internet. During my time there I did observe one or two aircraft flying overhead. I wrote down their tail numbers, turned it in to my supervisor, and Im not sure what happened after that. Im sure we just kept it on file in case we needed it later. Im not sure if the airspace was restricted or not but I didnt see too may aircraft flying overhead. The majority of any security issues we had was keeping local hunters out of the area both for our safety and to keep the testing unobserved whether intentional or unintentional. Camp Gruber and the surrounding property are very popular deer hunting areas. I worked there from the first day until the last day and dont recall any breaches of security or any problems there. The sight was dismantled in December 1994 and that was it for the program. I observed nothing during that time that leads me to believe it had any connection with the OKC bombing. But I will entertain any ideas of theories concerning a possible connection and will think back to my time there and tell what I know. But I do know for sure that any photos taken of the storage lot with the Ryder truck in it was taken sometime between September and December 1994. I never even heard of any connection with the OKC bombing until sometime last year when I ran across it on the internet. Hope this helps and let me know if I can provide any more details. Thanks. B. INFORMATION FROM NORIO Pilot/Photographer of OKC "Ryder Truck" killed in air crash!! 7/23/02 1:37:20 PM Pacific Daylight Time It has come to the attention of the Oklahoma City Bombing research community that Sargeant Robert Luis Harding of Oklahoma National Guard and a facility manager at Camp Gruber, had actually been killed in the crash of his small home-built aircraft just a few hundred yards from a covert operations site on May 15, 1995 after he had earlier allegedly took the controversial aerial photo of the site which included a mysterious Ryder Truck. http://www.proparanoid.com/OK2.htm#fraud The original, controversial aerial photos first appeared on the Internet at: http://members.aol.com/bardsquill/truck.htm A detailed background information on the controversy surrounding Camp Gruber, Oklahoma, is located at: http://www.proparanoid.com/OK1.htm#public --- from Norio Hayakawa Civilian Intelligence Network http://www.hometown.aol.com/groom51s4 C. STRANGE WASHINGTON POST ARTICLE http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/RANCHO/POLITICS/OK/TRUCK/IVY/ivy_debate.html The Oklahoma City Bombing Washington Post Staff Writer Saturday, June 14, 1997; Page A08 [....] Tony Sgarlatti of Hopkins, Minn., is selling an "Oklahoma City Bombing Fact Pak" ($29.95) via a site on the World Wide Web. It offers alternative theories on the April 19, 1995, blast, including allegations that the explosion came from bombs planted inside the Murrah building. His latest theory is that an "electromagnetic pulse weapon" was involved. Other Web sites carry photos of a Ryder truck parked at a military installation in Oklahoma, where conspiracy-minded investigators contend the fertilizer bomb was assembled. The Oklahoma National Guard confirmed Friday that the aerial photos were indeed taken above Camp Gruber in the fall of 1994 and said the classified project involved weapons sensors and was overseen by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. The National Guard´s statement said the truck "had no association whatsoever with the tragedy at the Alfred P. Murrah Building." D. INTERNET SEARCH: WHAT THE HECK ARE WEAPONS SENSORS? DARPA developing killer tech http://www.fcw.com/fcw/articles/2002/0527/web-darpa-05-27-02.aspTECH TO BE CONSIDERED * Affordable Moving Surface Target Engagement (AMSTE). This is IXO's largest program. It's a system-of-systems approach coupling sensors to precision weapons. The goal is to find a target from a long distance and engage quickly. The challenges include accuracy, maintenance and affordability. AMSTE was demonstrated successfully last summer. * Advanced Tactical Targeting Technology (AT3). This is a series of networked threat warning receivers designed to provide rapid geo-location of a target within 50 meters, within 10 seconds of the first intercept. The idea is to replace the current generation of radar warning receivers with these boxes, but network management and multipath issues remain challenges. A real-time test aboard three T-39 aircraft is planned for this summer. * Tactical Targeting Network Technology (TTNT). This is envisioned as a multiplatform tactical sensor system with networked communications, providomg more bandwidth sensor-to-sensor and sensor-to-shooter. This program is in its early stages, but lab demonstrations have made the IXO think it is achievable, multiple contractor concepts are being considered. TTNT will co-exist with the current Link 16 tactical data link system, a high capacity, secure digital communications system that supplies near-real-time data and links tactical commanders to shooters in the air, on the ground and at sea. (illegally downloaded by Wen Ho Lee, at Los Alamos?) E. TARGETING, EH? BUT FROM WHAT? private_info.htm Well you cannot expect standard Commercial Airline Pilots to know about (CLASSIFIED). OPS BLACKSTAR is Highly Compartmented, Secret Fire-Command & Control Platform System that flies out of Holloman AFB NM./FT. Huachuca, AZ (BLACKBAG OPS). Combine BLACKSTAR (Pilotless) and Thiokol's Corps. Portal Transport Systems (illegally downloaded by Wen Ho Lee, at Los Alamos), and You can control ANY AIRCRAFT THAT IS FBW. Remember that OPS BLACKSTAR has broadcast dissemination capabilities to 100 Aircraft at one time (AWACS, ASARS, JSTARS, TENCAP, TROJAN SPIRIT, GUARDRAIL-CS, UAV's, SIGINT, TEAMMATE, TRACKWOLF, REMBASS, HUMINT, CI IMINT, MASINT, TECHINT, JTF, ARF-OR, ACE, JIC, ACT) for an effective INTELLIGENCE BOS. I have personally SEEN, OPS BLACKSTAR in operation. [GULP, CHINA!] F. HUMUNGOUS "UNREGISTERED" SATS Astronomers Spy Unregistered Satellite April 5, 2002 08:30 CST http://c1.zedo.com//ads2/f/11421/3853/255/0/152009479/152000000/0/152/228/zz-Site114.html A group of Japanese astronomers watching the heavens around the clock to spot any sign of huge asteroids and comets apparently found an undisclosed spy satellite, they announced Thursday. It is 50 meters wide and orbiting the Earth but it doesn´t show up on any of the lists of satellites registered with the North American Aerospace Defense Command. There are more than 8,000 objects up there sent from Earth but this one isn´t listed, making it a prime suspect as a spy satellite. The large satellite was observed by a group of Japanese astronomers who search the sky constantly for huge asteroids and comets that could threaten the planet. The unidentified object was spotted at the Japan Spaceguard Association´s observation center in Bisei, Okayama Prefecture, in December last year. After examining the NORAD list, the group said it was most likely a U.S. or Chinese satellite. Aerospace engineering specialist Nobuo Nakatomi said the object was likely to be a spy satellite. "It is a common practice around the world to secretly launch satellites for technical or military reasons, and they won´t make entry on the NORAD list," Nakatomi said. "Judging from the information available, it looks like the object is a U.S. or Chinese spy satellite." Shuzo Isobe, director of the spaceguard association, was delighted with the ability of its 1-meter-diameter optical telescope at the Bisei Spaceguard Center. "We will keep watching space to spot asteroids or man-made objects that can be a threat to Earth," said Isobe, who is also an assistant professor at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan. Though the astronomers found it using a one-meter telescope, the unidentified satellite can be observed with binoculars in the southeastern sky. Source: Mainich Daily News Cosmiverse Staff Writer [50 meters wide, GOOD GRIEF! HOW THE HELL DID THAT GET UP THERE?] G. SO IT´S WAR NOW, EH? HAVE A BAD FEELING THAT SOME OF THESE MYSTERIES MIGHT BECOME PAINFULLY APPARENT! War Begins & Nobody Notices! http://www.rense.com/general29/war.htm Nearly 100 US-UK Jets Hit Major Iraq Air Defences http://www.rense.com/general28/htt.htm Bush Family Face-off http://www.godlikeproductions.com/bbs/message.php?message=3830&topic=3 H. TARGETED BY WHAT?
![]() ISTC Project 1545 Induced Seismicity Due to Electromagnetic Impact Caused by MHD Generator |