Lincoln County says meteor probably caused lights, explosions
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ORBIT: GREAT QUAKE Quake May Have Made Earth Wobble When will the gong stop ringing? Harry Mason Comet Machholz
Mercilessly Unpredictable, Quakes Defy Seismologists Despite their best theories, despite more than $1 billion worth of spending on instruments on faults in California and Japan, scientists still cannot give timely warning to people in harm's way. Quake's power = million atomic bombs? Scientific Background on the Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami Volcano erupts in Andaman Islands Scientists: Tsunami Could Hit West Coast Arthur C. Clarke Some scientists believe monster quakes come in clusters Toba 2 3
SLEUTHS: hope to find world radar for the 24th-25th, any help appreciated.
Indonesia Needs Help, Death Toll [in Acheh alone] Expected To Exceed 400,000 FORUM CITIES GONE, DONT YOU UNDERSTAND GONE. Something weird in Indonesia MORE AWESOME PICS Towns Found Flattened in Sumatra Tsunami toll may rise to 1,500,000, says UN
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Great Earthquake (Indonesia) - Magnitude 9.0 Thursday 30th December
The death toll has reached 100,000 people from the great earthquake and tsunami. Over 5 million people have been left homeless. The earthquake caused a shift of mass towards the Earth’s centre and increasing the spin of the earth by one millionth of a second and changing the earth's tilt by an inch. The subduction of the India plate under the Burma plate shifted mass towards the centre, making the earth more compact. As a result days will get shorter by a fraction of a second. Wildlife officials in Sri Lanka said they believed animals sensed the tsunamis were on their way and fled to higher ground. No dead animals have been found. More pics |
Elders' Sea Knowledge Spares Some Thais
Faye Wachs said she was impressed by the efforts of the Thai government and the International Committee for the Red Cross, but "she was appalled at the treatment they got" from the U.S. government, her mother said. Ayn Rand Institute: U.S. Should Not Help Tsunami Victims ISRO saw the killer wave but chose to remain silent
An enormous number of UFO sightings before Tsunami and earthquake
[Some] Evidence for Sumatra 9.0 Quake Leans towards Meteorite Strike 2 3
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Impact Harbingers? YOWUSA.COM, 11-July -2004 Jacco van der Worp |
The BLOG of The Millennium Group
12/28/04 Los Angeles gets a tornado warning |
DEC 26 Weird IR SAT rectangles again
Pentagon, HAARP, Tsunamis, Bad Weather, Bad Science America's Coast Would Be Toast
UAE sees snow for first time ever
Tesla´s "World System" MUST READ: tsunami Tesla? TECTONIC WEAPON: MHD INDUCED SEISMICITY Forum
NOTES FROM IM: Can you refer me to more information on the "reversed magnetic flux" please. I know of one detection device invented by Wilbert B. Smith in the '50s, which I think used a caduceus coil to detect the electro-magnetic energy variations when an ETV was near. ... " Wilbert B. Smith was an electronics expert and head consultant to the Canadian Government and military, and he said the ideas for his inventions were given to him by the "starmen." He knew of the truth of ETI and spoke it openly, instructing his family to hide his work notes upon his death so it would not be lost into the abyss of the Pentagon's secret vaults. I could talk all day about him; he is a disclosure project all on his own -- but here is some info for anyone would like to read more: Forum
Over St. Helens? [On lens? Jettisoned rock?
Analysis requested]
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X-CLASS ALERT! Midnight UTC, possibly earth-directed! Sunspot 715 on Dec. 30th. This strange active region is shaped like a figure-8 MAGSTORM: glancing strike Unknown Energy Surges Continue to Hit Planet |
Space Station's Main Oxygen Generator Fails
Huygens Probe Shines for Cassini's Cameras Mars: South polar terrain survey traverse 2 Meroe pyramids
New 'scope snaps Orion in infrared Solar System Warming Trend
The deal was struck long ago, To Keep the Anunnaki at bay, Now that the time of the deal is almost at hand. They shall return to take their puppet masters away, A great Walled in fence, Keeps them in and flight of fear the powers fall, But fear not meek for you shall grin, And own the rights to splenders all. |
GERMAN GUY, WOLFY, NUKES: sometimes disinfo
is trolled into a forum to bring it down--so do use discernment in sleuth.
If GG is disinfo then it is of a higher level than what we see routinely.
If it is valid INFO it is also of a higher "insider" level. Either way the
brighter Spooks are suddenly coming into active forums for whatever reason,
which might pose the basis for the key sleuth which is WHY?
Note: GLP has recently changed hands, apparently more
of a standard business arrangement. Nevertheless, in Kent's experience, a
free-speech board can often be most trying with unjustifiable return inside
the current political climate--good luck to all parties.
VOICE OF THE WHITEHOUSE: We have a number of faked IPs that permit government stool pigeons to send out reams of pro-Bush and pro-government propaganda to sympathetic bloggers and right-wing websites. A false vox populi but sometimes effective. Also, the psychology boys are now busy inventing weird conspiracy theories to put out to the boobery to keep their minds off of the growing and deadly disasters now beginning to loom over the heads of the Administration such as the Iraq mess and the even more serious financial crisis about to ruin all of us. (Incidentally, I took all of our savings and put them equally into Canadian dollars and the euro. I am hedging my bets here.) Forum 2 |
IN DEBATE: There is a rather well-known author who may often be the source of the White House Insider having a creative and satirical romp with his "voice". It strains credibility to think that the White House would not have long ago ´plugged´ such a gushing leak. One cannot but notice that both gg & ears surely raised the critical thinking level around the net to a new and refreshing altitude, leaving the mumbojumbo hoards around fully exposed for the dimwits and counter-ploys they express themselves as. The light shown in the direction of the 12/27 Gang, deserves more study and revelation. The trove of available information and analysis has thus far, at least to my awareness, not provided a deep look at Wolfowitz and his cohorts activities on and about 9/11. From what we have been generously provided by gg, it would seem that it´s high time to crank-up some further sleuthing. |
Date: 12/23/2004 at 12:23 AM
I read your latest thread, ...get a get book on the battle of the Alamo... it´s coming in on all four sides. German Guy. I check out his facts and they´re right, but the date is anytime between now, right now, and mid-March! ...stay under the radar CONCEPT: "If an internal nuclear attack ever occurs in this country without a major failure of our satellite assets...perhaps we should rethink just who the enemy really is..." |
Colorado Judge Arrested By Citizen Militia
UN AGENDA 21 The contents
of this website are the sole property
O`Hara----- The United Nation`s plan for World "Peace"
things for men to think about
Cosmic Thought |
Does all of life in the universe contains a hidden DNA message: from one god to another..."I´ll meet you for pizza at noon."