Update for C NEAT 2001q4 /Beware/ Debris Field More 9/16/03 NORAD Witchstorm Animation
Blueskeyes, 4/17/2003, 6:29 pm EDT
Remember the meteor that exploded over Chicago on March 27, 2003? Many homes and cars damaged by it and hundreds were out picking up stones of various sizes and shapes for mementos. If it weren´t for that event, I wouldn´t be as concerned about V1 Debris. When it exploded over the Chicago Suburb, it lit up the nights sky like daylight.
Image gallery from that event from ABC/Chicago News. Click to view slide show of pics.
More images
Freak weather wreaks havoc in China, destroying thousands of homes
Is the Earth preparing to flip? It is not just the plot for a far-fetched science-fiction disaster movie. Something unexplained really is happening to the Earth's magnetic field.
FORUM: 4/8/03 Massive Pulses of Light shot out of the ground this morning by NORAD
In an Infinite Cosmos all Dreams are True
Welcome to the Orbit Cover. Here you will see the mythstream of events, discoveries and news under current investigation. Inside you will find a more extensive current workshop, and beyond to a thousand pages representing other queries back four years in time. This page will continue to evolve as we investigate current issues, so keep coming back, never static. For additional recent research follow the arrows page-bottom like you would leaf through a book. Be sure to click several pages back for current as info is coming in hot and heavy. Keep coming back here to watch the immediate investigations unravel. Also check out the search engine below. This online laboratory is dedicated to the quest of the wondrous. Beware, future shock!
NASA: SUBJECT: GRB 030329 [GRB.jpg 2]: Optical afterglow candidate
We identify a source that is not present on archival images at approximate coordinates:
RA: 10:44:49.5 Dec: +21:31:23 (J2000) Forum
4/17/03 This
was taken last night [ look
lower right, enhanced
here left] in my school's observatory. As you can see, something strange
is appearing where "Planet X" is supposed to
be. NOTE: unsubstantiated,
and now removed from internet.
More: North Carolina Photo Hawaii Photo from 39,000 ft up Washington [Forum] |
ETA CARINAE, THE LIGHT IS HERE The galactic core It's A Nova, It's A Supernova, No It's A Hypernova
IS ETA CARINA GOD LOOKING TOWARD ETA CARINA Lasers in Eta Carinae Archive Parallel Universes
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4/17/03 MAGSTORM (although flares are low, strange) Aurora |
UNIVERSAL POLITICS [Pin a tail on the donkey]
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EDITOR: From what I can see
politicians serve neither right or left. They serve themselves and wear whatever
hat is most fashionable at the time. They also wear flak-jockey-shorts to
protect their backsides. No surprise to me that pretend conservatives seem
ready to trash the Constitution, and that liberals are pretending to defend
Liberal/conservative: give me another choice please! |
Nothing wrong with white men, except that they elect the worst of their kind to run the show C. W. Moulton
There's more technological chivalry in a dandelion than there is in the aircraft carrier Nimitz C. W. Moulton
The gov at it's very most poignant best CNN Prefab obits? [or most news is in the can long before it happens]
Free to Protest, Iraqis Complain About the U.S. But individual protest has almost reached a fever pitch, as scores of Iraqis around the city asked reporters if it was true that Mr. Hussein was now in the United States 2 3 (the evidence: that Baghdad fell so quickly, a deal must have been struck).
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The Sacking Of Iraq´s Museums - US Wages War Against Culture And History US accused of PLANS TO LOOT Iraqi antiques Experts:Looters Had Keys to Iraqi Vaults CNN Paraphrase Chicago Oriental Inst.: There was a tank guarding the Iraq museum but then it disappeared. FORUM Former counsel to the Metropolitan, Ashton Hawkins, is rallying support to challenge legislation intended to limit the trade in antiquities Trustees of the Dia Center threatened to withhold donations unless longtime chairman Ashton Hawkins, who is also vice president and counsel to the trustees for the Metropolitan, agreed to step down Ashton Hawkins represents at least five institutions (he has also represented the Neue Galerie, New Yorks new museum for early 20th-century German and Austrian art) and a growing number of private clients who are concerned about the legal risks in owning anything from paintings to Greek bronzes. Hawkins & Lord Rothschild at Elite Bash honoring World Bank Group president James Wolfensohn. The organization attracts a preponderance of philanthropists and very rich individuals, many of whom are great collectors of art of all kinds. |
Pillaging 7000 Years
Of Iraq History No Accident An entire library of clay tablets had not
yet been deciphered or researched, in part because of the US-backed sanctions
that restricted travel to Iraq.
WILLIAM HENRY: Saddam controls an asset infinitely more important and powerful than oil or even nuclear weapons. He controls access to the temples that housed the history of humanity's origins and potentially the secrets of stargates. LATEST FROM WILLIAM HENRY ON LOOTING OF ANTIQUITIES |
Ishtar/Easter weekend 2003. Sun changes, Neat, planet X, death & resurrection, Babylon
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SLEUTHS: try to find out what
was on the plundered cuneiform tablets yet to be decode, Research thus far:
LOST: cuneiform tablets that include stories such as the law tablets of Hammurabi, the Epic of Gilgamesh and the exodus of Abraham Library of King Ashurbanipal: A collection of 20,000 to 30,000 cuneiform tablets containing approximately 1,200 distinct texts remains for scholars to study today. Ashurbanipal's collection even held what could be called classified government materials. The findings of spies and secret affairs of state were held secure from access in deep recesses of the palace much like a modern government archive. [Difficult to determine what was in Baghdad and what in the British Museum] |
Robert Fisk: Ministry of Oil and Ministry of Interior protected from looting
COMMENTARY: Here's the big picture now, we are now hanging in the wind. Everybody seams to all ready have forgotten that on the first day of war, China gave us an ultimatum to "cease all hostile activity against Iraq". Right now we have 2/3 of our military in one area in easy striking range for China (don't forget it was their support in Vietnam and Korea that kicked our butts). They have the strongest ground forces already trained in the world.
Operation Garden Plot and FM 100-19 US Military Domestic Support Plans What follows is a discussion of Operation Garden Plot, the Federal Government's plan for Civil Disturbance Control using the military.
NESTING HABITS OF WASHINGTON'S WAR BIRDS The War Party has captured the heights of the Washington bureaucracy and now they're after the U.S. 'Institute of Peace'!
Deadly Clash Raises Tensions In North Thousands protest coalition in Baghdad
EDITOR: Media shenanigans: does it seem like when things start going bad with the war we get inundated with Peterson-Laci news stories, Elizabeth Smart and the actor with the parrot? "The essence of propaganda consists in winning people over to an idea so sincerely, so vitally, that in the end they succumb to it utterly and can never escape from it." - Goebbels Turns out those Russian intel updates were real
anti-American protests in Baghdad involving thousands of people demonstrate
the urgent need for a road map in Iraq that ensures the rapid removal of
US and British troops.
The Anti-war Speech That Earned Eugene Debs 10 Years in Prison
'Oldest religious icon in Americas'
PYRAMIDS at the bottom of Rock Lake,Winconsin
© Copyright, RealSightings, October 2002.. |
More Moons Around Earth? Its Not So Loony
ORBIT CD The Secrets of Everything!
650 megs of orbit archives, took me three weeks to compile. Takes
all morning to copy/produce ten or more here on my CD burner, add insert,
package. I do treat the project like a Printmaker's craft, sign, edition
each item. CD DEMO Page. I have already
lost around 100 megs of Internet files because of an old retired server beyond
my control--many missing
images--however preserved on CD. I might have to intentionally remove
more data on my main server to make room for new. There is also the looming
possibility of Internet sectors collapse or hack.
Materials and postage about $4.00 my cost. I've sent them out free to many supporters and folks that are broke, other donations range from about $10.00 to more (general Orbit support). Don't worry about it. Let me send on approval before the Net becomes of negative interest to the TPTB. Best to do a snailmail request or I get lost. If you request by email make sure you put clearly in subject line ORBIT CD or I may not see it. If you have requested prior and I missed it do, ORBIT CD YOU SENILE OLD COOT! Make sure you send a separate snailmail or email after a paypal donation with intended request for CD. SNAILMAIL ADDY: Kent Steadman; 425 S. 156th Street #119A; Seattle, WA 98148 |
SIMPLE PAYPAL DONATION [gratis tip to keep it going]
Thanks to Great Patrons: living artists need patrons need artists, an ancient tradition towards a golden culture.
Did you know that Godlike Forum and ORBIT are run by poor folks?
Thus Spraketh Kenton:
If weird stuff keeps happening and happening I guess then we are fine.
Every day there are...endings...
But new stuff gurgles up again.
It´s only frustrating to some who want conclusions (which means several things).
Agonizing Plea to the Cosmos: "I wanna know what is happening!"
Reply from the deep booming sneaky Voice: "You do? Well that´s tough beans, Shorty."
[These Pages in Constant Update]