SOLAR TORPEDO 10/25/01 X-Class Flare Region 9372
SLEUTHS: EDITOR: been expecting this: info or disinfo? If true, Omar and Osama dead, would we be told this on mainstream? Ruin their cool war? Filed by Hiroyuki Sugiyama, Yomiuri Shimbun Reporter based in Beijing. Based on Japanese sources in Tokyo, news report (s) has been received that on October 16th, both the leader of Taliban Afghanistan Omar and the leader of AlQaida, Osama bin Laden, were both shot and killed in Afghanistan, by elements within their ranks. However at this time no other news sources have confirmed the assassinations. Hmmm Dept.: U.S. may never catch bin Laden, Rumsfeld says Blair: bin Laden trial 'unlikely' IMPORTANT Anti-Anthrax Information Anthrax Bacteria Likely To Be US Military Strain
SOLAR TORPEDOES 10/19/01 16:06 ANIMATION 10/22-23/01 same trajectory ongoing MPEG 10/23/01 15:50 MPEG EDITOR: recent torps have followed same NE directed angle of approach as seen on many other events dating back to '98, also with identical 5:00 solar orientations. To date no noticeable solar splash has been made by the 10/23 torp, quite the opposite. The sun is quieter. Earth-directed CME has yet to arrive. Missed? |
Ancient Black Hole Speeds Through Sun's Galactic Neighborhood, Devouring Companion Star |
Date: 10/22/01 10:17:27 PM Pacific Daylight Time
This is very nasty. It is physically impossible for comets to have this trajectory so consistantly since the earth is moving relative to sun. Of the Torps you have followed 50% have come from 5 O'clock. This would indicate something in orbit synchronos with Earth so that they always show up from same direction. Also speed is problem. They are traveling far in excess of normal speeds. They impact always in 24 hours or less. This puts speeds between 500,000mph and, are you ready for this 3.895 Million MPH. This is really big. Save all Torp files.
Date: 10/24/01 2:22:22 PM Pacific Daylight Time
Kent: I just learned that the diameter of the area covered by the Lasco C3 imager is 45 million miles.
This means that the minimum distance traveled by these Solar Torpedos is roughly 15 million miles the maximum would be 92 million miles if it came it directly from SOHO (work the angles).
The last one took approximately 34 hours to cover the distance from the edge of the field of view to the carona... so:
Mimimum averaged speed 441,176 MPH (123 miles per second)
Maximum averaged speed 2,705,882 MPH (762 Miles per second)
Date: 10/27/01 4:53:17 AM Pacific Daylight Time
Weird, but yesterday my computer crashed with "memory failed" messages. I thought I'd really had it with my electronic gadgetry. Then, later, I went by the grocery and their scanners were giving the cashiers fits ringing up credits instead of charges, refusing to read bar codes, etcetera. I twiddled my thumbs in line while helpers ran around the supermarket manually checking prices.
On a hunch, I decided to turn the ol' machine back home back on during dark hours. And lo! Here I am. It works again!
I did notice on the net last night (on a friend's computer) that the Pentagon is asking for creative input about this war! Ha! For starters, torpedoing the sun (if that is what they are doing) may be rather like shooting self in foot, wouldn't you say?!!!
Date: October 18, 2001 at 21:57:12
Several fellas were up on the ridge watching the sunset this evening. They saw a strange object beside the sun as it set. Was it a planet perhaps? It went down as the sun did and was gone over the horizon. I wonder if anyone knows of a planet in that region. We are in the northern hemisphere. The object was brightly lit making the men think it was a plane's headlamps, but it stayed stationary beside the setting sun. Shall go see if we spot it tomorrow evening.
EDITOR: evidence is beginning to hint that earthly manipulations are to divert from watching the sun!
Date: 10/21/01 12:16:38 AM Pacific Daylight Time
Hello Kent. I just read Your comment [above]:
My opinion is that the Sun is being artificially manipulated by local control structure which uses, basically, two triangle ship types. Repeated presence near Barksdale AFB of the smaller ones (last version of well known US flying triangle TR-3B) was recently documented by two shots made by my partner, revealing their shape in chemtrail clouds, and that larger one is frequently visible on your LASCO captures.
They are trying to increase Solar output and cause sudden environment change, so humanity could be drawn, as they have "prophesized", in global conflict of/ on many levels, our global society destroyed, rapidly developing connection of humanity with it's source cut off and, more or less, willingly downsized so it could be suppressed and exploited for at least next 26000 years or so. Or its largest part definitively destroyed in the case they loose.
Best regards.IZAKOVIC
Date: 10/23/01 6:37:15 PM Pacific Daylight Time
SLEUTHS? Well....we got out the Voltage Meter and guess what........All our AC Electrical IS IN REVERSE ENERGY!!! The voltage meter is going to the left instead of the right on AC !! We double checked it against the car battery and guess pegged out to the right....and it was set at 500 DVC ...and it still pegged out!!!
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Date: 10/20/01 6:45:05 PM Pacific Daylight Time
Check out the C3 Mpg for 10/20 at 6:18 and 6:42. What is that object?? EDITOR: Strange, put both frames in animation; they appear to be the same except for the black-glitch boxes |
Date: 10/25/01 10:15:40 PM Pacific Daylight Time
Kent , Since I have been reading your site for only last couple months not sure your take on nibiru. Nor your take on the Mystery star cruiser near the sun. This article says the Jews called it the winged globe. The star cruiser def looks like a winged globe to me. And now that it is so close perhaps we have no Idea of how it will effect the Ellipses of Near Earth asteroids. Could possibly pull them right into us without us knowing or expecting. The current military exercises with Egypt and others is called Bright Star...hehe how nice
EDITOR: tell ye what, I now think the Sun is going to save our sorry butts! Might screw up a most dandy war, X-Forces comms fried, Taliban warriors howling at the Aurora, pesky Elohim flapping around, ET walkins fleeing from their poor shells in the maw of subtle spirit-frequencies, tsk tsk!
TIMES By Dr J.S. Chiappalone MD.
Date: 10/22/01 1:31:42 PM Pacific Daylight Time
Today, as the EM storm rages around the earth, the sun flared twice more (M6 and X1.) The human / solar interface is becoming a continuous series feedback loop. Can we discover a process to brake (or break) the circuit before it spirals off into thermal runaway?
Date: 10/20/01 7:50:53 AM Pacific Daylight Time
Kent, On October 13, 1917 some 70,000+ people witnessed the "Miracle of the SUN" at Fatima in Portugal. Many thought the world was ending as the SUN appeared as it would hit the ground.
In the 1960's at Garabandal in Portugal the girls said that an event called the "Warning" would occur in the future. One description was like 2 stars or SUNs colliding in the sky. They said soon afterward would be the End of Time but not the End of the World. When the pope died back then and the church bells rang, one of visionary girls turned to her mother and said "only 3 more Popes now" ... (Pope Paul IV , Pope John Paul I, Pope John Paul II)
Watch Pope John Paul II, either if he dies of flees Rome then time is very close. His birth on May 18, 1920 when converted into the Mayan calendar was on kin 140 which is 10 AHAU ... the AHAU mayan glyph is the glyph of the SUN.
o | o --+-- Peace be with You & your Relations o | o |
Date: 10/20/01 10:14:44 PM Pacific Daylight Time
You kill me. Have been reading your site for a couple months now. No longer may I remain silent. My veil be cast off. All will now know my treachery, liking what you say. I be twice as ugly and ten times as stupid. Vowels and syllables have clouded my reality. Nothing is as it appears. What possible gain may I have from such partnership? Years fall as rain through the endless cycles of perpetual lives till I am washed unto the sea of time.To few I may stumble upon that perhaps dare to think as I. I aspire to the distance that does not exist between us. Snip only in fear. Die only with courage. Let's give um one hell of ride.
How Churchill chased flying saucers The Pine Bush Boomerang
Meteor storm 'will be worst since1966'
Iceland Lake Disappearing Into New Crack in Earth
YONAGUNI EVIDENCE, the head and headdress
10/18/01 7:53:13 AM Pacific Daylight Time
Because one of my favorite one-liners is "Fear freezes
intelligence," I'd like very much to see a more hopeful, balanced focus come
out of Orbit -- hard as that may be to conceive right now. I'd like
you to consider the possibility, anyway.
EDITOR: okay, tis done for a while anyway, always has been so really, but be responsible, read gol-durn it, all of it, very, very carefully, read it again! Written 15 years ago and in metaphorical style Chasing Shadow was and is a potent warning. This homegrown novel presents precisely the paradigm, Fuhrers versus the Fair-hearted, Magic versus Technology, Spooks versus Spirit, perhaps even the solutions that we face now. Tell your friends to read, urgent! Then DO something! Creatives arise! Patrons, please don't let us wither away, the cadence of marching boots is at the bridge. . We are letting go of the world, as we have known it. We are letting go of limitation. We are free to choose the reality we want to live in. We are free to manifest it and bring the vision into focus. No matter how many civil rights are taken away or given, we are free to be sovereign citizens of Source within our hearts. |
Mastering the light-winds from the sun she absorbed the rays into her soul; thus commanding all the powers of her world.
For the magical creatures she reigned radiant Queen of the forest; even the shy and most fragile were unafraid.
Her cottage was a place of gathering. On a hill cresting a flowery meadow and ringed by deep woods she held her daily court. They would all come: the animals, the elves, gnomes, fairfolk and especially the little halfling children who waited in the realm preparing for births on denser worlds. The most exalted duty of the Queen was to nurture these halfling pre-borns schooling them to fly the deep journeys. She seldom felt sorrow when they left for their new homes beyond the veils.
Halflings would not die, but simply transcend to their mortal worlds carrying with them the seed of her love, a spark that would glimmer eternally and never cease to be.
Occasionally in the long spiral of time, rarely and always unexpectedly, one of the halfling brood would return.
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CHASING SHADOW by Leah and Kent Steadman |
GALLERY Kent's Kandles |
ELFRAD friend, Sheri Plyler:
Indian Springs Herbal
Easy Donation UPDATED, Credit cards now accepted for PayPal donations |
Patrons: Most EXCRUCIATING around the clock
task yet.
Thanks for your recent help. Hate to be a pain, but we need more help, real emergency help, fuel in the gas tank help, supplies in the trunk help, look at these reports of recent, a tad dangerous wouldn't ye say?
Sticking me neck out here so stick some coins in the cap, just a few, just in case...look at it this way, most all information sources insist on anonymity, except dum and reckless old coot...Kent
A bit crass, I admit, but even coins can be magical!
BARDSQUILL: Aye, things are not being resisted quickly enough, going to a different approach
FRIEND IN HEART: Rense had a couple of great interviews the last 2 guys yelling 'wake up!!!'
FRIEND IN HEART: polls are total BS...
BARDSQUILL: I've decided to use creative power
FRIEND IN HEART: yes...I saw Chasing Shadow back!!!
FRIEND IN HEART: love the music...
FRIEND IN HEART: yes...good energy...fearless...
FRIEND IN HEART: that's the way...
BARDSQUILL: Tell everyone to read the tale or their butts will fall off, scenario and solutions are there, always have been. WIZARDS WANTED!
FRIEND IN HEART: I will spread the's a great story...
BARDSQUILL: It's the heart up against the pinched mind and wizardry is there
BARDSQUILL: No time to stumble around anymore
FRIEND IN HEART: I've read's awesome
BARDSQUILL: See the larger scenario is a breach between worlds, very delicate balance and events can now tip either way.
Date: 10/19/01 12:44:10 AM Pacific Daylight Time
Okay, Mr. Bear, I was dragged kicking and screaming into your story, denied the usual doom and gloom, and read. I do understand that the only solutions to our peril are creative ones, as in manifesting creativity. We surely can't beat back the meanies with physical force. There's just too many of them now, and, while most play checkers, they play chess. I've been in denial of the spirit world for a while now, having been berated and rediculed by friends and collegues alike for having taken the plunge over ufos, and having been manipulated by the likes of CSETI. A bear of a different sort, a very cynical one, yet no less of a twin of Dr. Gene Scott than you, pulled me to the side of pragmatism in typical east-coast fashion after many late-night talks. He's gone now, but the cynical shadow remains. The thing I fear most is being deceived, and led down a blind alley, divorced from reality. But now, with the huns within sight, I know there's only one way out for us, and it is to will ourselves to a higher place. For me, though, little things like where to go and what to do are distracting. So, I guess I'll just stay right here and try to imagine a better world, only with the intent of making it so. Surely, our creative powers are stronger than those of our rulers. Why else would they have to arm themselves so fiercely, and strive to control our very thoughts? The thing they fear the most is our spirit, and, if they're not careful, their plan will backfire and cause the RELEASE of that spirit, and they will have absolutely no control over it. Perhaps this is what it's all for.
The Statue that came Alive! A True Story!
THE IRISH TIMES Israeli tanks and troops pour into Bethlehem
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born? Yeats
From the Ashes of Angels: The Forbidden Legacy of a Fallen Race
Is civilisation the legacy of a race of human angels known as Watchers and Nephilim? Andrew Collins, author of FROM THE ASHES OF ANGELS, previews his history of angels and fallen angels and traces their origin back to an extraordinarily advanced culture that entered the Near East shortly after the end of the last Ice Age
Date: 10/23/01 5:55:26 AM Pacific Daylight Time
2001/10/19 03:28:41 4.08S 123.83E 10.0 7.4 A BANDA SEA
Record Number of Tornados Stuns Weather Observers
Global Gestalt & Planetary Sovereignty
The Transdimensional's Lifter1 Experiment Video
Please would you do something to make it easier to find things on your site. It is very difficult, especially when things keep moving around.
Cain't, tried, things coming in so darned fast impossible to corral and organize, would need a supportive staff to do so. It's just me, and I'm going at max flowing with stream of events-stream of consciousness. Best I can say, try to stay in the flow with me, follow the arrows [below], the search thingy, recent site map and the links-- Kent
P.S. If somebody has some kind of cosmic software that could index this pile o' stuff, please let me know, better yet, DO IT!
P.P.S.S. ORBIT rides the Never-ending Story, gathering raw input, with a few attempts to imply-only wider patterns. It is up to other poor suckers to try to find theory, proofs and other such gropings within the matrix. Good luck to ye, Mateys! HAIL TO THE TRAVELER!