8/20/02 7:50:45 AM Pacific Daylight Time
Dear Kent! Glad to see the call for info on infrared photography. I wonder
if you have read "The Cosmic Pulse of Life" by Trevor James Constable. He
has part of the book devoted to his own experiments in infrared photography
in the 50's and has many pics of his own as well as other independent researchers
findings. Please find attached two scans of (many) images contained in this
book. It is available from Borderland Sciences Research Foundation, Garberville
Ca, ISBN 0-945685-07-6. Their website is: http://www.borderlands.com/main1.htm
Click on Catalog, then books - don't forget to check out the archives as
well - much food for the little grey cells here! Mr. Constable is a native
of New Zealand residing in Hawaii and has a long career as an aviation historian
as well as a pioneer in biogeometric weather engineering which he developed
(inspired by the work of Dr Wilhelm Reich) during 25 years service in the
US Merchant Marines. He has formed an international company for commercial
use of his discoveries mastering air pollution. Based on his observations
he maintains that the source of some ufos is the invisible (ether) and some
of them are plasmoidal living organisms, living in our atmosphere, made visible
by infrared photography. I think that at the time when he took these photographs
he was using the old way of imaging in the infrared (the pics were taken
in the 50's). I searched through many infrared sites and have never found
any similar effects in any of the photos, so maybe the film that is available
now is not the same as then. Also there seeems to be a way to use digital
cameras with only a filter mounted in front of the lens for infrared photography
thereby avoiding the (considerable) expense of normal infrared photography.
http://www.infrareddreams.com/how_to_shoot_ir.htm Mr. Constable gives detailed
instructions as to how to achieve similar results in his book - maybe there
is someone out there that was inspired to experiment after reading his book
and would be amenable to share findings via cyberspace orbit. You are in
a perfect position as owner of a widely read website to be able to (perhaps
you already have??!) reach such a person. I know I was extremely interested
myself and only severe lack of funds kept me from pursuing such an undertaking.
With the kindest regards