Subj: URGENT!!!
Date: 9/28/01 7:55:04 PM Pacific Daylight Time Kent, I have an amazing discovery to report, and it is of the utmost importance that ALL astronomers out there pay attention. I received a new telescope yesterday (a 6" dobsonian). My father first noticed something which he described as a "circular shadow" move across the surface of the moon. At first, I questioned what it could be, and what it could not be. However, I then took a look through the telescope for a short time and noticed several myself, and they are exactly as described. They are what I would call circular in shape and metallic. I know this because tonight at approx. 7:15 pm MDT (Mountain Daylight Time). I noticed a flap of these UFOs. Several flew the same direction, the rest flew somewhat independently. The seventh one seen actually slowed a little, I noticed a glint of sunlight off of its obvious disc-like shape, it made a sharp turn and kept going. In all, I've so far seen a total of about 15. I saw seven (the flap) in about a timespan of only 30 seconds. It was, without doubt, the most amazing event I've witnessed in my life. The rest of my family has been hooked on the telescope and each has seen at least a few. I should also mention that these objects 1) travel at different altitudes above the lunar surface, and many seem to travel at the same height as others (as in predefined flight patterns), 2) they all appear to be the same shape, apparently circular, but it is still unclear if they are all the same size, and 3) they have been seen to make intelligent maneuvers and course changes. My exact location is: High Rolls, New Mexico, at N 32 55.480 and S 105 49.098 The UFOs I saw yesterday were during the nighttime during a timespan of 7:30 to 9:00 pm MDT. I'm sorry I can't be more specific than that. The ones today were spotted from 7:15 pm MDT (just before sunset), a grouping of seven was seen at 7:38 pm MST and the rest were seen from that point to about 9:15 when I finished viewing for the night. A total of three other persons have also been able to see the same objects at different times. The exact type of scope is a Bushnell Voyager 6" Dobsonian. I have been using a 10mm Celestron eyepiece which provides me with 120x magnification and allows me to see approx. 3/5 of the moon in the view at any one time. I have found this to be optimal for viewing the objects. I will be making a detailed and thorough log starting tomorrow. I will provide you with any and all updates. I urge all astronomers out there to WATCH THE MOON! Watch intently and you will see them. You will also want to watch the moon in the daytime (when possible), which I did today just before the sunset and that is when I saw the majority of them.
Date: 9/30/01 2:59:22 PM Pacific Daylight Time Due to the weather that's arrived suddenly, I have to stop viewing (hopefully I can resume in about half an hour or so). At any rate, I thought I'd go ahead and post tonight's sightings so far. There have been a total of seven sightings and their details are as follows: Number Time Size Direction Time Observed #1 1923 Very Small East to South 1 second #2 1925 Very Small NE to SW 1 second #3 2023 Large NE to SW 1/2 second #4 2026 Small East to West 1 second #5 2027 Small East to West 1 second #6 2034 Small West to East 1 second #7 2035 Small SE to NW 1 second Note: Direction (above) is actually reversed and upside-down based on a telescope limitation, which is actually common. I have not adjusted the directions based on how the moon is seen with the naked eye, but have kept them as I saw them through the lens of the telescope.
Date: 9/30/01 10:43:15 AM Pacific Daylight Time
I dragged out my old reflector telescope and observed the moon from 8:30 - 9:30 pacific time. I used a Meade 4.5" reflector with a 17mm lens. My location is 32' 56" 1.32'N 117' 7.7" .4 W. I didn't see any anomalies.
When you observe the full moon, you can see the shadows of things moving in space. These objects can be in our atmosphere or anywhere in space between here and the moon.
The observations that were reported on Orbit were probably objects in near Earth orbit that happened to pass in front of the moon. I hope this guy reports again.
Date: 9/29/01 9:51:01 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: (Charlie Plyler)
Interesting.... Got the petal to the metal trying to finish the receiver. wrote:
[KENT] hmm, will study: Meanwhile when you are up an running, might check the .9 hertz Moon Info. Here's reports from amateur astronomer:
Date: 9/30/01 5:03:01 PM Pacific Daylight Time
Kent, It would seem that the hurricane near Baja is causing bad weather patterns up where I am. It's possible that I'll get some viewing time in tonight, but not likely. Have you received any confirmatory statements by anyone else out there with a telescope? Since I have seen them from multiple locations (same town, though) now I can safely say that this is not a localized phenomena. If anyone took my advice to watch the moon, at least seven UFOs could have been seen traversing the lunar surface yesterday night. Did you receive my update yesterday? If not, I can resend it.