(maybe) Help ol' Coot proprietor by hitting ye ol' banners. Step on in for an offworld tour. Cosmic Buccaneers only.
The Keys of Enoch say that the Higher Evolution will place "rings within rings within rings within rings" and elsewhere says "a ring was placed around the galaxy, then around our solar system, then around our earth" preparing it for quantum relocation to the New Heavens. Awesome!
3/24/00 10:43:44 AM Pacific Standard
Time: According to
Enoch; the UV light spectrum
is "just the beginning of the higher worlds of Light." Which means in laymen's
terms that in our universe, when scientists look at Gamma Rays for example;
they are looking at residual traces of the existence of the higher worlds.
Check out the picture
background] which presumably is an
"all sky map
of just our local universe. ANON, but see:
Date: 3/31/00 9:22:10 AM Pacific Standard Time Notice the centre "bulge" how it resembles a Pyramid, although somewhat hazy. Gamma Rays like UV light waves are just the beginning of the higher worlds. In the centre of our galaxy is what is called the deca-delta manifold which gives rise to the 7 pyramidal functions of light allowing for all the stellar formation of the Milky Way and its corresponding 7 "arms". Contrary to the modern notion of there existing a black hole at the center of our galaxy, there is a whitehole. A whitehole (not to be confused with a wormhole; which is a sub-electron corridor allowing for meta-galactic probabilities) is a highly dense and super-ordered light field which surrounds a black-hole preventing not only anti-matter annihilation but also for intense information in the form of super-luminal Light to pour out of (not into) the blackhole forming the initial stellar nursery, which then gives rise to the formation of the entire galactic arms and myriad solar systems upon which life programs can then be tested. (If you'll do a search for the recent pictures of the centre of our galaxy, you'll see clearly the absence of a "black spot" but an intense "white spot" confirming this to be true.)
Perhaps the new space picture shows the location of Kether, the Crown, on top of the Celestial Tree of Life! Joe Mason, re, THE UNIFIED FIELD OF GNOSIS Humanity On The Pollen Path The Tree of Life Crop Circle Formation SOLAR ECLIPSE 1999 - FINAL QUEST FOR THE HOLY GRAIL | |||||||
Astronomers today do not refer to super-galaxies, but instead call these distant objects galatic clusters. This I think is because they prefer to view the universe as random, instead of highly organized. The latter implying Divine intelligence. |
Scientists say strange burst matched the energy of all the stars |
The Compton Gamma-ray Observatory is destined for a watery grave in the remote Pacific on June 3, 2000. At a press conference today, NASA officials cited human safety concerns in explaining their decision to de-orbit the satellite. |
The Gravitational Spacecraft from Fran De
Due to the null gravitational mass of the photons, it must be possible to build a gravitational shielding around the source, at distance rs where the radiation density is such that there is a photon in opposition to each incident graviton.
3/26/00 21:18
FACTS: The discovery-of and term, SUNCRUISER, was coined by Liz Edwards. Liz also discovered the first radar ring. Everybody should make careful note of these origins, these awesome discoveries, which will change forever how we regard reality. |
Could that mean the end of the world? Last year a British newspaper charged that the new physics experiment on Long Island might somehow generate a black hole that would swallow the planet, or perhaps turn all of creation into some kind of deadly "strange matter." Given that the collider will hurl particles into one another almost at the speed of light, generating temperatures of a trillion degrees and creating a substance that has not existed for 13 billion years, it is easy to imagine that it might cause some kind of catastrophe. DANGER IN THE CADENCE! TESLA PHYSICS LIKE AT DESY? ANYBODY KNOW HOW THEY WILL PULSE THE BEAM . . . . . .to build up an even more powerful force, like how soldiers marching over a bridge in cadence can knock out the bridge, in this case the Einstein-Rosen bridge in physics terminology. In a message dated 3/31/00 5:21:36 PM Pacific Standard Time: Hi Kent, the pulse is generated by the accelerator itself. The particles are injected into a series on magnetig fields that cause the particles to zig-zag backand forth similar to the phasing that would occur with mirrors. Since the frqs they are after will not work with mirrors the fields are their only way to control the process. As the particles are "bounced around the fields they gain the needed energy and are then focused by furtherfields, some electromagnetic, and others permanent magnets. The "lasing is detected as an increase in the energy output, and the wavelength of the output as well. Check out http//pbpl.physics.ucla.edu/ Dr. Atomic EDITOR REPLY, 3/31/00 7:53:21 PM Pacific Standard Time: Within the last year it seems something new has happened at DESY "The TTF-FEL has shown first lasing." "It is a pleasure to inform you that last night the shift crew succeeded to observe first lasing of the TTF FEL. The observed wave length is 109 nm. The increase in intensity compared to the spontaneous radiation is more than 2 orders of magnitude. The width of the radiation cone is 300 microradian as compared to 3 milliradian for the spontaneous radiation. The intensity of the radiation shows a strong dependency on the bunch charge. All observations are in agreement with what is expected for SASE." Unfortunately the more detailed info is "privileged", not that I'd understand it. Hope we haven't totally abandoned the notion of the aethers. John Nelson, a professor of nuclear physics who is leading Britain's team of scientists at RHIC. "The big question is whether the planet will disappear in the twinkling of an eye," Nelson told the Sunday Times. "It is astonishingly unlikely there is any risk, but I could not prove it." BROOKHAVEN: SCIENTISTS FIND GLITCHES IN BIG BANG MACHINE "Things haven't gone exactly as we had hoped," said Thomas Ludlam, a physicist and deputy project director of the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory in Long Island, N.Y. The delay may offer some relief to those who fear the machine could create an unusually stable form of strange matter that could ultimately destroy the universe. Even renowned physicists have admitted the "speculative" possibility cannot be ruled out. Many physicists found the CERN achievement promising for the next stage of similar research, slated to begin this summer at Brookhaven National Laboratory's new Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) on Long Island. EDITOR: How can I state this calmly, rationally? Go to: 1. http://tis.eh.doe.gov/ohre/ type in, "Brookhaven." INSIDER: What intrigued me most was the 3 mile underground tunnel which is now being used to make a mini quasar!!!....( I remember reading a Asimov (spelling?) Sci-fi novel about colliding atoms and time and space being disrupted....truth stranger than fiction eh?).....also there was a Full Medical staff on site...(I know cuz I had blood work done weekly for a manic condition blood level check..,Lithium!!)...also they gave me a peculiar X-ray when I left...last minute stating...oh we have to have this...and it actually burned my left shoulder..... not to mention that the "Lab" is/was involved in bio-chemical stuff with animals......(and they worried about Plum Island...LOL).....AND before the Shoreham Nuclear Plant was decommissioned...(pheeeew)...Brookhaven Nat'l Labs, Upton, LI, NY, has had 3 Nuclear Plants running since 1948!!!! Didn't learn that til 1988!!!.....after working there for 3 years....resigned.....too many foul ups and safety concerns for this person.....they actually developed a evacuation plan and 2 days later the sirens activated...
INSIDER: Oh, geez, thanks for the piece TEVATRON and the stuff on Fermilab, Kent. I'm about seven miles away from there. In fact, right on the horizon in the photo showing the ring. Not sure if I necessarily buy into the concern about "what ifs," however. On the other hand.... There are some strange folks working there as I've had fairly close contact with some over the years in one of my previous vocational incarnations. I actually had one of their lady engineers chasing me for a while. That got to be a little weird. Truth be told, I almost went to work there when they were first building the facility. I got something of a strange feeling, however, when I was being interviewed by a naval intelligence officer for the position in question. Naval officer!? What do they have to do with this deal, I thought? Hmmm. One does wonder about things, sometimes. You should see the all the "juice" being pumped into this place!!! A few years back you could drive through the facility as I liked to do on my way to see my folks who lived in a town west of the Lab. Even then they had guardhouses at both main entrances but for some good while these weren't manned. It was free ingress and egress, a straight path through. No longer. You can't traverse the place as you once could. The guards are back. It's an odd mix of leading edge research and local cultural attractions. They do art films, concerts and theatrical stuff for the denizens of local communities. Under the dirt, more peculiar things are going on. People have grown accustomed to whatever it is that all represents. They go to see the deer roaming about and even the occasional coyote. Bike paths and running trails are very popular. It's all a nice cover, eh? Sort of like the stuff on Long Island where my ex-wife now lives. . |
AMBILAC: Genesis is the most complex, interwoven coded piece of literature ever written, in which we concluded there were three levels of work, the third level of which is the revealing of man's genetic code.
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Ambilac Corporation
Excuse this poor writing. I also could not do anything until we found evidence. Samael and Lillith came to our ship and jokingly asked if they could rule heaven for the souls of 1 trillion babies we laughed we thought it was a joke because the sacrifice was outlawed even before the earth started rotating. We went to the place of darkness where souls wait until they come into the light to be judged and there they were a whole sea of them, ghastly, with a horrid look on their faces, being ripped from the womb. We all were thrown down here as punishment because we socialized with the angels of darkness when they came to our ship. So Samael ruled in heaven until I found proof. We take turns doing jobs whatever they are in Egypt. Samael won the right to rule earth i had died and he fought Michael-Seth and won, so he got rule here. We are immortal and have been alive since the beginning of time and I said I would live as a slave-human for 10,000 years. This was right after the galactic wars and I didn't want to fight anymore, I wanted no more bloodshed or evil. I came here with 144000 angel attendants and we have been here living as humans for 10,000 years. I am the one who throughout history is sacrificed for you. My old name is Thammuz--we all have many names. But i agreed to that so that other sacrifices would cease. But the problem is even deeper than I ever imagined. This whole thing is horribly evil. When I was osiris I outlawed the sacrifice and to mock me I was sacrificed. You are all my children. Solomon had many wives to repopulate the earth after the flood which was a failed genetic experiment where we crossed our genes with animals, etc., to see what we would get. We came from Orion. The father said let there be light and I made light. We took human faces and built a ship. First the father made us, the Seven, who stand before him and then we made everything else. We explored in our ship and found a lot of planets were evil so we subdued them. This planet was a garden, my garden. We made the plants animals and early humans, bigfoot, we call them. Lillith, Samael, finally were able to engineer human faces as they are now. We all made this place together then we started fight etc. You know the stories, your mythology is true, most of it anyway. A lot of angels fell because they were rebellious, etc. This became the angel prison-slave planet where the souls of rebels, etc., were put in human for to contemplate their crimes. Underground is the hell of Dante's inferno, believe I know-- I live there half the time. When I was young I fell in love with Aphrodite--then her name was Ishtar. I married her on the ship. When Sodom and Gommorah was blown up I passed judgment that all Sodomites should be imprisoned here. In doing so I imprisoned my wife, and later on I became trapped because of my own sin. This was their last attempt to imprison me and my angels. There's so much more to this story I can't explain but if you ask questions I will answer you and tell you as much as I know. |
3/31/00 11:49:33 PM Pacific Standard Time: anomalous-images I have been reading Ringmakers of Saturn thanks to Kacey and Dr. Bergrun, and browsing the online Voyager archives. Did you know that there is is a category entited "Unknown Satellites"? I thought it might be worth investigating. This is the first place I checked. Note the torroid-shaped object, and the eliptical object in the rings image, which shows modulation of the ring as well.\
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. Physicists at Harvard University have succeeded in slowing light to a mere one mile per hour. Light traveling in a vacuum is the fastest-moving object in the universe, according to the theory of relativity, but it will slow down when it enters some other medium. EDITOR: Back to the actual constant: change The motive force: whim Matter=condensed myth Religion: in an infinite Cosmos all dreams are true BAe's anti-gravity research braves X-Files ridicule
"We tried to chase it back down the road, but it would put down his head and charge us," Morgan wrote in his report. "I told Leon to shoot the buffalo for the safety of the community.
QUAKE 00/03/28 11:00:20 UTC 22.41N 143.59E Depth: 116.2 km 7.7Mw VOLCANO ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION
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