11/9/02 1:17:17 PM Pacific Standard
Kent, I did an online machine translation (using http://www.tranexp.com:2000/) of that
Norwegian page someone submitted about Jupiter and strange gyrations. The web site you
were given (www.nrk.no) is all in Norwegian and didn't have the specific page of the article
linked to the homepage, at least as far as I could tell, but I did a search and found this page
which may be the article in question:
Det var enten planeten Jupiter eller stjernen Sirius som ble
filmet på himmelen over Numedal natt til lørdag.
Det hevder professor KÃ¥re Aksnes ved Universitetet i Oslo som har sett bildene.
- Det er helt vanlig å se at Jupiter oppfører seg på denne måten, sier Aksnes.
Øyvind Tangen i Norsk Astronomisk selskap i Kongsberg hevder det er Sirius som er
observert siden den er den sterkeste stjernen på himmelen sett fra Norge.
Tangen har sett Sirius oppføre seg slik mange ganger tidligere, og den kan lett forveksles med
noe annet siden fargene og størrelsen varierer raskt. Til og med plasseringen kan endre seg,
sier han.
The machine translation is the following:
It was either the planet Jupiter or asterisk Sirius as became
movie at blue above Numeric night at Saturday.
Facts allege the professor KÃ¥re Aksnes against College in Oslo as has seen it all pictures.
- It is the absolutely be prevalent to see that Jupiter are behaving at this course, say Aksnes.
Øyvind Key in Norwegian Astronomical company in Kongsberg allege it is the Sirius as am
was observing afterwards that is it loudest asterisk at blue sett at Norway.
Key has seen it all Sirius behave so a lot of times a prior, and it able easily confound along
with anything else afterwards colors and bulge varies express. Through the placement able
change her, say he.
Kent, the above article had a published date of 04.11.2002
Here is the search page I used to track down the above:
If any of your readers know Norwegian, perhaps they can figure out which page is the
genuine article that submitter referred to. I don't know Norwegian, but I think the article
pasted above is the one referred to.
In my search there were several other pages that mentioned Jupiter, such as the following that
may be related to gyrations:
The other pages were written in October and I don't think they probably contain the Jupiter
gyro data we want.
Hope this helps.
K Man out.
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