Subj: 2001-PM9: close, but what about THESE?!
Date: 8/19/01 2:57:27 PM Pacific Daylight Time

I quickly looked for 2001-PM9, and was surprised to find the list of Potentially Hazardous Asteroids that Harvard maintains. Here's one link with 2001-PM9 on it:

BUT: Oh-ho! Look at this! 2001-PM9 may be close, but how about these, HMMMMM? Well?
2001-FR85 on 09/15/2001: 0.04092
1998-WT24 on 12/16/2001: 0.01248
Nereus on 01/22/2002: 0.02902
2000-PH5 on 07/25/2002: 0.01157

See these listed here:

.01157?! Kinda close wouldn't ya say? And how about 2001-FR85? Kinda conveeeeniently fits the time frame where doomsayers say something'll happen around 9/17/2001, which is the beginning of Rosh Hashanna. Or how about .01248 which is 1998-WT24 coming in on Dec. 16th?

They oughta report these objects when they're .04 AUs or less projected distance.