I received the message below from another group, I and a few others have investigated this, please note our findings, also if anyone knows of the program to decode the rest of the info, we would be grateful. NORLOK Pictures Here's part of an email that was sent to me. Hmmmmm, NASA's got info about NORLOCK but they don't seem to be making it clear for people to decifer it. I've been reading about this "Norlok" affair on Cyberspaceorbit and Sherwood's group. I know people are trying to search out more information, but nothing to make it seem in any way genuine as yet. However, I did a Google search on it and the term I entered was: "N+O+R+L+O+K" exactly like that, inside the quote marks. The returns were interesting in that there were about 8 and they all looked something like this: sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/sdb/soho/eit/daily_full_queue/200111/efr_195_2 0011128.191348 .. n o p k m j k l e k i l m k n h j p m o o o i p k k n u o o m l l k p l f h m j l p p q s p t p p p l h l o k n p l o v m p x o o q q n s m r p q u n o r l o k ... 101k - Cached (with the last 6 letters showing up in bold type, i.e. n o r l o k). When I clicked on any of them I was taken to an obvious NASA page, but the content was all in what I call gobbledegook! In other words lots of "computer type" signs, which I simply don't understand. So we accessed the page, and noticed that it looked somewhat like a program! Passed it over to someone who I knew could help and this is what they were able to find! The gobble-de-gook at the bottom is only a small sample of the rest of which is there, which is believed could be telemetry data, but we don't know what package/software is used to run it OR it could be image data, but again it is not know where to start to extract it from the original document. This looks like a report from some satellite or something! (hidden in plain view so to speak!) We did wonder if there was something else on the page, as it took a long time to load up and did strange things to our PC's and after viewing it we found we had a virus, But we have now found the source of this infection and it is 'NOT' the website, still strange things happen when you view the page though..HISTORY Version 2.8, 1999 October 20 ® ° © ª ¦ ª ® " " ¨ ª ª ¨ § § ¨ ¦ ± ¯ ³ ° ² ª ¨ © " ° ® ° ³ ¦ ¨ © ± § § ® ª © ¨ ± ® ´ ± ® · µ ¯ ¨ ¨ ´ ¨ © © · ° ª ª ² ³ Ì ª ° µ · ± " © ° " " " " ± ° " ± ± ¯ ¨ ² ³ ¯ ¥ · ® ® ± ° ³ ¯ ´ ® ° ³ ´ ² ¯ ¸ ¸ © ´ § ° " ¯ " ° ² ± ° ° ° ® ° ° ° ± © ¨ ° ¢ ± ª ¨ ± ² ² © ° ´ ² ® © " " ¦ ª ª ® ¯ ² ª ® ® " ® © ª ¦ ± ® § ° ± ° ° ª § ¯ ³ ´ ± ° © © ° ª ¨ ¨ © § ¦ " " ª ª " " ® ´ ³ ± ® " ª ª " ° ° ° ¨ " ° ² µ ° ´ ² ° ° ³ £ ° ¯ ¯ ± ® · ° ² ± µ ¼ ± ® ¯ ´ º ° ® ¨ ¯ ² ´ ´ ® ° µ ´ " ¼ · ° ³ ´ µ ¯ ® ³ ³ ± ³ ° ° ³ ¸ ¸ ° ® ´ " ² ± ° ± µ ´ µ µ ² ³ ¸ " · º · ³ ± ´ ¯ ´ µ ´ ® ² º · ± ² ¹ º º · ¼ ¹ · ¸ ² µ ± ¸ ¸ ´ ² ¸ ¸ ¼ À " À ½ º µ ¹ ¸ ¯ ³ ° ¯ º ¹ ± ¸ µ ¼ · " ½ µ ¸ À Á ¹ ² ° ² ¯ ° µ ´ ´ µ ¸ µ ¸ ½ Ä Æ ¹ ª · ½ ¾ ½ " ¸ ¸ ³ º ¸ ³ ¾ " ¾ ¸ " Ã ¾ ¼ µ ¼ " ¹ · ´ · ´ ½ ¼ À " ½ Å Ä À ¾ Â Ã µ ½ À ¼ · Á À ¼ µ " ® ³ ´ º À Â Á Â Ä ¾ À À ¸ ½ º ¿ ¼ · µ ´ ° ³ ¼ " ¿ ½ À Ã Å À À À À ¸ · ¾ ¿ ¹ " º µ µ ³ º º ³ ¼ ¹ ½ ¹ " Ã À ³ µ º " ½ ¸ ¾ ¼ µ ¸ ¸ ¾ À ¸ ´ µ ¼ ¸ · µ ½ ± ¼ ¸ ¸ " ° · ´ ² ± º " À µ ¼ ¹ ´ ¸ ¸ ¹ µ º ´ ¼ ± ° µ " ° ± ª ¸ ³ ´ ± µ µ À " ------------------------------------------------------------- As I wrote the other group, this appears to be visualization data stored in a custom IDL format. IDL is a graphics programming package heavily used by NASA, etc. The text at the beginning sort of spells out the format of the following binary data, but you may have a hard time decoding it unless you have know how to use IDL. I downloaded an eval version of IDL, but you have to execute procedural programs which load the data, and personally I don't have the time to play with it. There are free IDL packages too, mostly for use in programming. Look at www.rsinc.com or http://www.researchsystems.com/idl/index.cfm for more info on IDL. (They appear to be down today, maybe another part of the grand conspiracy game?) Bob --- In prep2003discovery@y..., Myeika Faith <myeika.faith@l...> wrote: > I received the message below from another group, I and a few others > have investigated this, please note our findings, also if anyone > knows of the program to decode the rest of the info, we would be > grateful. > > > > NORLOK Pictures > > Here's part of an email that was sent to me. > > Hmmmmm, NASA's got info about NORLOCK but they don't seem to be > making it clear for people to decifer it. > > I've been reading about this "Norlok" affair on Cyberspaceorbit and > Sherwood's group. I know people are trying to search out more > information, but nothing to make it seem in any way genuine as yet. > > However, I did a Google search on it and the term I entered was: > "N+O+R+L+O+K" > exactly like that, inside the quote marks. The returns were > interesting in that there were about 8 and they all looked something > like this: > sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/sdb/soho/eit/daily_full_queue/200111/efr_195_2 > 0011128.191348 > .. n o p k m j k l e k i l m k n h j p m o o o i p k k n u o o m l l > k p l f h m j l p p q s p t p p p l h l o k n p l o v m p x o o q q n > s m r p q u n o r l o k ... > 101k - Cached > (with the last 6 letters showing up in bold type, i.e. n o r l o k). > When I clicked on any of them I was taken to an obvious NASA page, > but the content was all in what I call gobbledegook! In other words > lots of "computer type" signs, which I simply don't understand. > > > So we accessed the page, and noticed that it looked somewhat like a > program! > Passed it over to someone who I knew could help and this is what they > were able to find! > > The gobble-de-gook at the bottom is only a small sample of the rest > of which is there, which is believed could be telemetry data, but we > don't know what package/software is used to run it OR it could be > image data, but again it is not know where to start to extract it > from the original document. > > This looks like a report from some satellite or something! (hidden in > plain view so to speak!) > > We did wonder if there was something else on the page, as it took a > long time to load up and did strange things to our PC's and after > viewing it we found we had a virus, But we have now found the source
EIT195 [reference to "Backside"]
SIMPLE = T / Written by IDL: 28-Nov-2001 19:18:35.00 BITPIX = 16 / Short integer (2
bytes/word) NAXIS =
2 / NAXIS1 =
1024 / Number of columns NAXIS2
= 1024 / Number of rows
DATE = '2001-11-28' / Date of file creation
TIME-OBS= '19:13:48' /
DATE-OBS= '2001-11-
28T19:13:48.118' / UTC at spacecraft
ORIGIN = 'Rocket Science' / Rocket Science =
NASA GSFC DATASRC = 'realtime telemetry' /
OBJECT = 'full FOV' /
BSCALE = 1. /
BZERO = 0. /
BUNIT = 'counts / pixel ' /
WAVELNTH= 195 / 171 = Fe IX/X, 195 = Fe XII,
/ 284 = Fe XV, 304 = He II
FILTER = 'Al +1 ' /
DATE_OBS= '2001-11-28T19:13:48.118Z' /
SCI_OBJ = ' ' /
OBS_PROG= 'none ' /
CMP_NO = 'TBD ' /
EXPTIME = 12.593 / s (total commanded +
shutter close) EXPMODE = 'backside
'efr20011128.191348' /
= -66.71 / CCD cold finger temperature (C)
CCDTEMP = 7.36 / CCD temperature (DN/100)
CTYPE1 = 'Solar-X ' /
CTYPE2 = 'Solar-Y ' /
CRPIX1 = 506.50 / Sun center
x, EIT pixels CRPIX2 = 518.30 /
Sun center y, EIT pixels CRVAL1 =
0.00 /
CRVAL2 = 0.00 /
CDELT1 = 2.62 / Pixel scale x (arc sec,
fixed) CDELT2 = 2.62 /
Pixel scale y (arc sec, fixed) SOLAR_R =
374.95 / Solar photospheric radius, EIT pixels SOLAR_B0=
1.25 / Degrees
SC_X0 = 0.00 / s/c yaw (arc sec)
SC_Y0 = 0.00 / s/c pitch (arc sec;
-109.14 after 1996/04/16) SC_ROLL =
0.00 / s/c roll (deg., Solar north + CCW from nominal)HEC_X =
59341900.00 / s/c heliocentric ecliptic x (km) HEC_Y
= 133545320.00 /
s/c heliocentric ecliptic y (km) HEC_Z =
-58664.06 / s/c heliocentric ecliptic z (km) CAR_ROT =
1983.00 / Carrington
rotation at earth
DATE_OBS = '2001-11-28T19:11:00.294Z'
(no occ mask)
COMMENT P2_X = 1024
COMMENT P2_Y = 1043