A black 'tarry' substance is outlined in red, and the mouth of a cave in blue.
Here it is larger. The substance seems to have a well-defined edge on the right and to be rather viscous. Maybe it's even lava. The left arm seems to have flowed around several obstacles.
This image was once located at http://www.msss.com/moc_gallery/images/M0100396.html
It's hard to believe that the images now located at http://ida.wr.usgs.gov/html/m01003/m0100396.html depicts the same site on Mars as the image I grabbed from http://www.msss.com/moc_gallery/images/M0100396.html in May 2000. Did this image reveal too much? Was the contrast deliberately altered to obfuscate the details I saw when I grabbed the image in May 2000?