This is unlike any comet I've ever seen before, beyond my wildest
expectations! Golly-gosh!
Here's the nagging question in my mind: Is C/2006 P1 (McNaught) a comet, or a rogue planet [um...Planet-Rex], or WHAT? Keep coming back, I'll be updating for the next week, if I survive, sigh... |
1/18/2007 1:53:24 A.M. Pacific Standard Time
Hey Kent,
Just watched comet McNaught set in the west from my driveway in Auckland, New Zealand just after sunset. Was amazing to see, especially through binoculars, should be visible for next couple nights. Very bright disc, much larger than Jupiter. Tail was phenomenally long, way cool.
My camera fried a a couple days ago (arrggghh!), so had to store this in analog memory... will never forget!
I'll be camping east coast of Coromandel Peninsula next couple nights, so may not be able to see due to western hills, but will see if I can get some friends to photograph, or find a high spot to drive to...
Was even cooler than the Lasco c3 feeds :)
Thought you'd appreciate the eyewitness account...
1/16/2007 9:14:25 A.M. Pacific Standard Time
Heya, Kent!
Thanks so much for your fanastic coverage of Comet P1 McNaught. I don't think we've heard the last of this giant, for sure. And I *more* than suspect it is *far* more than just a comet.
Hugs and stay warm,
kent -
1/16/2007 1:40:27 A.M. Pacific Standard Time
i felt obliged too. something inside me has been "screaming" that something BIG is on the brink of happening. i was a much more spiritual person when i was younger but in the past few weeks i've felt something forcing me to examine myself because of a nagging feeling that things are going to change soon. i've been having strange dreams about the future and "the end" since i was a child but they have gotten more frequent and complex lately. i felt a lightbulb go on when i found your site a year or so back. i was wondering if you or others have been feeling really "strange" lately. perhaps this comet has me feeling all out of wack? please keep up the work, you are a wealth of knowledge!
Hi Kent,
1/15/2007 8:14:19 P.M. Pacific Standard Time
The waves seem to be gone with only a tiny trace at 10 o'clock.
![]() |
1/15/2007 7:16:42 P.M. Pacific Standard Time
Thanks for putting in the extra hours during the Comet McNaught passage across the SOHO field of view. Take a close look at the attached http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/data/realtime/realtime-c3.html from the 011507-1354 through the 011507-2154 images and note what appears to be an additional tail pointing back toward the sun. I believe Jim MaCanney has discussed the probablility of comets having an electrical tail on Coast-to-Coast when interviewed about Hale-Bopp during the pre-Beelzebush era. Looks like McNaught has one too. |
1/14/2007 4:12:31 P.M. Pacific Standard Time
Hey Kent
where did that other comet come from.
I am pulling up starry nite and shows an unnamed comet at RA(J/2000) RA 2 hrs 28.47m and DEC 9 degrees 16.117' at 2.37 magnitude. about 0.881 au. We cant see it due to the snow storm.
Any one seen it yet?
Check SWAN
1/14/2007 12:25:48 P.M. Pacific Standard Time
Latest images look as if headed right for Mercury? Really would not want to see an impact there could be trouble.
1/14/2007 12:16:44 P.M. Pacific Standard Time
hey, kent, i dont know if it has anything to do with the comet, but at 9am, about a hundred white planes showed up here in va beach, and chaffed the sky, they are going at it the likes i have never seen before, they are turnig a blue sky silver, it is almost unreal,
1/14/2007 7:55:56 A.M. Pacific Standard Time
Hi Kent
Check this out (2-suns)?
1/14/2007 1:30:59 A.M. Pacific Standard Time
It seems as if the dust from Mcnaught might obscure the light and other electro magnetic energy from the Sun.
I've not seen the Kp index so flat before:
Also looks like the feed has been cut on the C3 Camera and from what's there now you can see the tail from the approach of the comet moving in from the lower right toward the Sun at the end of the animation.
Notice about 2007/01/12 08:54 the cloud from the comet's approach starts to come in from the lower right. This is the comet's tail incoming.
I'm predicting we may see some unseasonably cold temperatures in the next few weeks, more quakes and who knows what else.
FORUM [green dog]
Jan 13, 2007 12:40 pm
To me, it looks like some sort of reflection. The line joining the two bright centers goes right through the center of the disk, and the distance from the disk is the same for both centers:
Note --- on the attached lasco_c3.gif movie, the cloud that moves across the view from the 5 o'clock position up and to the right about 180 deg from the comet. Perhaps it's a reflection anomoly. Either that, or something is being illuminated by the additional radiation of the comet sort of like a beam of sunlight through a window that lights up the dust in the room. In my almost 10 years of watching the SOHO satellite images and movies, I don't recall anything as large or radiant as this comet.
Two guys so far, amateur astronomers with graphics knowhow, have IDed the anomaly as lens-reflection. Not personally sure this is the whole story as I have never seen before either. But then I've never seen a comet this bright.--Kent
1/13/2007 8:52:20 P.M. Pacific Standard Time
Hi Kent
I just wanted to first let you know that I have been visiting your ORBITS page since the late 90's and it never ceases to amaze me. I would like to tell you about my experience with Comet P1. You may have read it already on GLP.
My husband and i saw this " second sun" a few weeks ago. It was about 4 PM Long Island NY,the sun was setting. I looked up and thought i saw a rainbow in the sky.. it was kind of a small rainbow and i found it odd. I had my sun glasses on and after i removed them this rainbow was actually a bright light..like a second sun. My husband and i sat in the car looking at it. It was hard to stare directly into, just like the sun because it was so bright. Wish I had a camera. Then again on January 7th when all of the news was starting to break about the comet i was in the parking lot of a grocery store. Knowing where to look for the comet i looked up to the right of the sun and there it was again. Once again through my sunglasses it looked like a small rainbow, but with my sunglasses off it looked more like a second sun to me than a comet. Not as big as the sun but just as bright.
The interesting part of this story is that both comet sightings were before sunset and much higher in the sky that the pics shown on the web. So off i went to the beach with my camera and binoculars last Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Looking where space.com said we should look and i saw nothing. I was somewhat disappointed because now i was ready to really see it and it wasn't there. Now I read today on space.com that the comet is visible in daylight . Point being that its been visable in daylight all along in my opinion.
Anyway I just wanted to tell you my story and thought it may come of interest to you. If you have any other questions for me let me know.
Keep up the Great work
I just wanted to add that the above photo looks more like what I saw than any of the other ones that have been posted. It looked that big and bright! And once again it was more before the sunset than after. Also in my prior e-mail i said info i read about it was on space.com when it meant spaceweather,com. But I would like to add at the space.com site they said quote "The comet went unobserved for nearly six weeks but was successfully recovered in the twilight toward the end of December". My first sighting was in early December before any of this was news and it was around 3:45 -4pm
jmccanneyscience.com [How could this comet sneak up on us?]
1/13/2007 12:50:45 P.M. Pacific Standard Time
What has this thing done to the sun - I haven't seen the elctron flux this low for ages!!!
Kent Steadman wrote:
The wave rings have me stumped so I asked around:
Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 12:14 pm
They're refraction fringes, not gravity waves. Have you ever looked at the raw SOHO images available in the archive? Do you know how they're processed to enhance the detail and create the coloured images we usually see on the web site?
I don't know the exact process followed by SOHO (though it's probably available somewhere on the web). I did do a bit of work on those images when talking about the "Minbari image" with vianova a couple of years ago. To bring out the detail, I had to subtract the previous image from the most recent; this greatly increases the contrast. There are always thin refraction rings around the occulting disk; in subtracting images, they're mostly removed. When one of the images being subtracted is brighter than the other due to a change in the brightness near the limb of the Sun, then the rings from one image are brighter in that area and the subtraction doesn't remove them. There might also be fluctuations in the camera that vary the image brightness from one image to another.
1/13/2007 9:53:30 A.M. Pacific Standard Time
...what a great job they are doing keeping us updated. :-) I've sent a few gratuitous emails their way.
Have you seen this?
"Please note that while we do have "real time" data from SOHO/LASCO, we do not have continuous, uninterrupted 24hr contact with the spacecraft. This means that there will be periods where the images are not updating. These periods typically last only a couple of hours, but sometimes our ageing data processing machines do crash and a technician has to manually restart the process. At weekends this can take time, so please be patient with us! You can always check the spacecraft contact schedule to see when the planned data gaps will occur."
Analysis of anomaly at 5:00 lower right [reflection on camera lens?] Look at the MPEG
1/13/2007 8:33:43 A.M. Pacific Standard Time
Taking that apart (gif animation), the waves show very clearly in a few 'frames'.
1/13/2007 7:37:47 A.M. Pacific Standard Time
Hi Kent,
Is someone out there checking out the comet? See attached pic. lol! Polly
1/13/2007 6:34:58 A.M. Pacific Standard Time
Hi Kent,
The timing seems off, but as you know the Earth rings like a bell when a major earthquake happens. The camera was on the Earth. Was the Earth shaking in fear of what was coming? Animals can sense an earthquake before it happens. At first the Japanese said it was a 8.3 magnitude earthquake yesterday, and now say it was a 8.2. I remembered, and and so does Linda M. Howe that 58 days before this 8.3, magnitude there was another 8.3 magnitude in the same general area. What amazed me about the first on on Nov. 15, 2006, was the aftershocks went on for many days and made a picture like a donut with a hole that got no quakes.
This Great Quake yesterday (our time) happened during the 864 minute of the day. The Sun is 864,000 miles wide.
1/12/2007 10:33:18 P.M. Pacific Standard Time
Take a look at this..
bottom right hand side---4 o'clock
What is that cloud?
As the comet comes into view, the cloud begins to show and gets
thicker and bigger.
[See Below]
1/12/2007 1:45:04 P.M. Pacific Standard Time
am i going blurry or do you also see the impression of a disc shape at about 5 o'clock?
1/12/2007 10:11:41 P.M. Pacific Standard Time
This puppy makes Comet Neat look like a firecracker. Moreover, it's coming on the inboard side of the sun, and if it interacts with the Sun on this side, the CME will -- uh -- uh -- Kent, what will that CME do, anyway?
1/12/2007 7:45:31 P.M. Pacific Standard Time
I recant what I said earlier after viewing blowup Sun1-12-07(1508).jpg
These series of waves, may be the result of the influence gravity mass, placed upon the sun.
This conjecture would be so, as directly beneath the comet, as it is depicted by shown plates, there seems to be an erupting felon, where the charonisphere, meets the comets path?..So the academic question would be, what is the totality of mass and structure of the comet?
1/12/2007 5:49:24 P.M. Pacific Standard Time
Hey Kent did you see the STEREO image of the comet
1/12/2007 4:46:49 P.M. Pacific Standard Time
On Sun1-12-07(1508).jpg this is an impulse wave, or shock wave produced by the sun, from timed, broken movements, via its mass, in relation to internal mechanics.
This is an infraction on time and space, so is expressed as a solaric gelatinous torque movements, which then expressed clipped waves, in thre aether surrounding the immediate sun.
1/12/2007 4:38:14 P.M. Pacific Standard Time
Ernestine Trudeau
Frank said the waves may be sound reverbrating from the comet! What do you think?
1/12/2007 2:32:38 P.M. Pacific Standard Time
I am wondering ifthere might be a solar electrical discharge while thew comet is somewhere slightly between the sun and the earth. If McCanney's theories are right, I am wondering just how much effect the earth would have should it happen. I realize the comet is not going directly between the sun and the earth, but even a severe glancing blow would seem to be partially earth directed if it happened.
1/12/2007 1:11:59 P.M. Pacific Standard Time
What are these white marks on the C2 feed - they started early morning and have been on each picture since!!
1/12/2007 12:35:20 P.M. Pacific Standard Time
I'm copying the Lasco feed - every other frame - but I'm suspicious - the comet - looking remarkably like their presentation of the last one - is moving sort of as expected - but shouldn't other things be moving too??
Like Mercury - and the 3 stars at 7 o'clock?
1/12/2007 11:25:35 A.M. Pacific Standard Time
Looking at a closer examination of the waves...the C2 diff shows it very clearly.
There was also a small proton event, clearly visible on:
Subject: I can see the comet in DAYLIGHT
Date: 1/12/2007 11:24:01 A.M. Pacific Standard Time
Hi Kent,
It's that BRIGHT! if you know where to look for it. By standing in the shadow of a building to block out the sun and away for the glare of the sun. You can faintly see it. Binoculars are better and it stands out more.
Too bad to I don't have a good camera. Maybe others do.
1/12/2007 10:46:45 A.M. Pacific Standard Time
Comet McNaught will pass within a fifth of the distance between the Earth and the Sun. As the comet approaches the Sun, the amount of dust and gas it releases will increase dramatically, causing the comet to become extremely bright. "This might become the brightest comet SOHO has ever seen," says Bernhard Fleck, SOHO Project Scientist
I don't know....but maybe you do, is ReX's passing closer or more distant than the one in our recent past that the sun "reached out" for...it appears that there are sun spots already reacting to it's approach, leaving little doubt in my mind that this will be a spectacular event, and that we will not only see but feel on earth.
One question: why do we have no data to establish the size of this monster...is it really as big as or bigger than the Sun?
1/12/2007 8:38:32 A.M. Pacific Standard Time
Please tell me what are these WAVES I see ???
Holy My God
also a little dittie at almost 2 o'clock ........[Compare to earlier C2]
1/12/2007 6:53:36 A.M. Pacific Standard Time
Rev. 21:1 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.
It has been well established from numerous sources that comets are actually planets in the process of formation accumulating mass from space dust and debris as they course through space. Once they acquire sufficient mass they are captured by the sun and settle into a concentric, as opposed to an elliptical orbit.
An interesting connection is made by Henry Everett http://www.phy.duke.edu/~everitt/StarofBethlehem.pdf#search='giotto%20comet%20christ'
associating Christs birth with the appearance of a comet otherwise known as the Star of Bethlehem. He also conjectures that according to ancient Chinese records the appearance of this comet moves Christs birth 5 years previous to the commonly accepted date making this the year 2012!
Everett highlights Giottos portrait, The Adoration of the Magi depicting the Star of Bethlehem as a comet. http://www.wga.hu/frames-e.html?/html/g/giotto/padova/3christ/scenes_1/chris02.html
Christ said he was the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end. Interestingly, in the portrait Last Judgement, Giotto portrayed Christs return in what else a comet!! http://www.mystudios.com/gallery/giotto/39a.html
There is speculation that the Heavens Gate cult was actually suicided by CIA Director Bobby Inmans hit men because they had some very dramatic information about the comet Hale-Bopp and also encryption programs that would make it impossible for the intelligence community to spy on internet users. (Input Bobby Ray Inman, SAIC, Rand, Heaven's Gate and see what the search engine spits out!)
1/12/2007 6:52:10 A.M. Pacific Standard Time
Hi Kent,
This huge monster "comet" (NOT) may very well be a twin to the sun. It is certainly as big or bigger than the sun. I have had several daylight sightings. TPTB seem to be chemtrail-ing heavily to prevent the public from seeing it, and the media is ignoring it.
I believe that comets may well be harbingers of Changein our lives and history. This one could be major. A day light comet was seen just before Julius Caesar was deposed.
John in Manassas
1/12/2007 6:49:48 A.M. Pacific Standard Time
hi there, it could beNIBIRU!!! TIME FOR A SHIFT!!......
1/12/2007 6:14:11 A.M. Pacific Standard Time
I would say it is a potential planet, like Venus used to be according to Immanuel Velikovsky, which came around every 52 years before it settled into orbit.
Revelation 8:5 could be a CME or this comet.
This Com Mtn could be what Revelation 8:8 is talking about that relates to Rev. 3:10-12.
A huge celestial body will come at the same time as New Jerusalem, and push Earth out of orbit, because of electro-magnetic repulsive forces, which will make Earth go out past Mars and turn around and fly in close to the sun and be sterilized. Then Earth will again find its old place of peace.