"This wave is infinitely variable, it seems. you have to chase it with careful adjustments." HANS
Op amp is: Motorola MC1741CP1.
Pin 1. and pin 5. each go to separate outer lugs of potentiometer A.(Centre lug goes to V- .) Pin 2. goes to outer lug of pot B { The remaining lugs of pot B are tied together, and to Vground.(neutral). The case of pot B is also Vground. Pin 2 also goes to comon point of 1 Megohm 1/4 Watt 20% carbon res, and neg side of 0.22 mF mylar or epoxy capacitor. The res. and cap. are in parallel. Pin 3. is the wide-open input from antenna coil ( I used two glass diodes back to back for input protection. Si.). Pin 4. goes to V-, at the centre lug of the pot A . Pin 5. see first line. Pin 6. is the output, direct-coupled to scope input. Pin 6. also connects to the second comon point of the parallel 1 Meg res. and 0.22 mF cap. (whose other end connects to pin 2.) Pin 7. goes to V+. Pin 8. is no connection, open float. Parts beyond chip, i resistor, one capacitor, two pots, two diodes. Notes: Both cases of the pots are connected to Vground. Watch this when working with pot A, as its centre lug is V-, NOT Vground. All system ground is Vground. Input and output are mini-shielded inside box to their jacks. Pot A is 20Kohms. Pot B 500 Ohms. |
WARNING!![]() |
The writing on the ugly drawing is repeated here; The median diameter of the circular part is 6 feet. The material should be rare-earths magnet, if it will conduct current at a nominal resistance of less than one Ohm along its entire length, not just the power-connecting points "C and C1". The diameter of the material rather than the circular part, is 2 inches. Where the outer diameter touches the base, is where the coil winding begins. Go all the way around, and end at the similar junction on the other base; (lucky there's a gap of 2 inches.) The windings should be able to carry an immense "current". Wire the unit according to the configuration shown on zero-point web-site, under Colerp. I know nothing about the danger or functionality of these things. I just think it would be very interesting, and maybe effective --who knows? I think Coler's system uses more than one module, and has plates of some kind. The Germans powered a flying-saucer with Coler's system, right? Adapt as you see fit. Again, you are at your own risk. BEWARE!! Consult with zero-point first. Coming up next, the activator, following which is the passive hyper-space window.
"I believe I started Haarp idea in the 1960's due to someone I consulted with. Will explain some day. I said basically that if you could generate a frequency it's like having a "pond."
When u throw something in the pond - coming or going (like airplanes, spaceships) it makes a ripple in the pond & u can pick this up with "listening" instruments.
Side effects of the frequency are unknown & have to be checked on humans & animals & plants.
A friend's friend is making a documentary of Haarp and most of the people she interviewed have had "visitors," asking questions." -dc