My search started with Sorcha's "Red Cow Comet", (current
comet), (aside here, interesting the Jews are looking for a red heifer (see
wikipedia) for their signal, suspect a later deviation of knowledge)
lead to (run google on 'red heifer comet') Hathor, the Red
Cow, and Egyptian mysteries,
then on to Lilith on the Hathor Hall ceiling, then to the Essene's book of
the dead with a complete translation
....still with the same words popping up (of course with different spellings
per culture)
and the cloud serpent (Zip, zib) words from the Mayan culture, which Lee
is telling us is connected (check the outer rim of the Mayan Calendar, at
the 2 o'clock position for the uplifting claws.)....somehow this is all
connected...perhaps the transition of worlds long predicted and awaited.
It is a knowledge older than all the cultures that evolved, hence the slight
change in words/meanings and you have to pick out the word clues from
generalization and similar pictures.
The comet was not/is not just a comet, the scope of
what it IS though, we still do not understand, as the knowledge is more ancient
than all the cultures we have to glean from.
Right now, the comet pics are looking like the stream
from a fairy wand, albeit a huge one....and that brings to my mind the crown
of Queen....what was her name, from
Ur, Punjab? stars
on her crown...a huge one for a huge person....could it be the amount of
passings she was party to????
And this is the same dig that produced the golden "tree of life" with
"goat" (capricorn) against it in the procreation pose.
Recent scientific dating techniques establish the
age of England's Stonehenge and France's Carnac megalithic structures at
around 3000 BC. The stone arrangements, megalithic tombs and temples of Malta,
and parts of Eastern Europe are dated to 4500 BC, while the datings for those
of central Asia, India, southern China, Japan and island south-east Asia,
vary between 5000 and 8000 BC.
Somewhere between 4000 and 13000 BC, megalithic monuments
were being erected in New Guinea and some neighbouring Melanesian islands,
while those in Australia date back at least between 30,000 and 50,000 years,
with extensive sites in the central west of NSW possibly the earliest built
on Earth. These facts imply that the first civilisation arose in
18 chapters here in all...pyramids, Yahweh, birdtribe,
Ra, people of Ur...all 100,000 years BEFORE egypt.....fascinating.
purple highlight....
Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, has been associated
since ancient Egyptian times with the goddess Isis, partner to Osiris and
mother to Horus. In both the Egyptian and Mayan cultures, the date Sirius
arose with the Sun indicated the first day of the solar calendar. According
to Brady, the change from the Julian to the Alexandrine calendar in 23 BC
caused this relationship between Sirius' rising and the new solar year to
be disrupted. This calendrical transition correlates with the period in western
civilization during which the goddess and oracles gave way to the development
of logic and science (Brady, p84).
Sirius and Procyon are the alpha stars of the dog
constellations, Canis Major and Canis Minor, respectively. Mythologically,
these two stars and their constellations represent the energy of both companion
and guardian. These two stars could also be described as
3-4: Full Moon, Earth closest to Sun

Wednesday, 01/03
Earth at Perihelion, 2:26 p.m.
The Earth is at its closest point to the Sun for 2007,
at 0.98326 Astronomical Units. That's about 147,093,700 km or 91,399,800
miles. Contrary to what many think, Winter's cold weather is not due to the
Earth being farther from the Sun than normal. In fact, here in the North
we are several million miles closer during the Winter. The seasons are caused
by the Earth's axial tilt. In Winter we are tilted away from the Sun, causing
it to appear low in the sky and its light spread over a larger area, thus
diluting it.
14. Why is the new year July 26th?
The correlation date on the Gregorian Calendar, July
26, is derived from the prophetic tradition of the Yucatec "Chilam Balam"
or Jaguar Priests. This date on the Julian Calendar was July 16, and was
first correlated with the heliacal rising of the star Sirius at 19.5 latitude
north in the Mayan temple site of Edzna in AD 692. This also corresponds
to the dedication date of the tomb of Pacal Votan in Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico,
in 692, whose prophecy, Telektonon, espouses the return to natural time through
following the Thirteen Moon Calendar.
The annual heliacal rising of Sirius refers to when
Sirius again rises into visibility after being hidden by the Sun's light
for 70 days. (Heliacal means rising with the Sun, Helios = sun.) Also marking
the new year of Thoth's Egyptian Thirteen Moon calendar, this auspicious
alignment of Sirius with the Sun assures that Earth is bathed in an abundance
of stellar light and information. As the brightest fixed star in the sky,
Sirius has long been regarded as a link to a higher dimensional consciousness,
one which is helping to quicken and evolve our planet; also associated with
the Divine Feminine principle.
History and Meaning of Sirius
Sirius has a fascinating history and meaning behind
it. It is the most revered on our planet of all the fixed stars, for good
reason. Sirius is Alpha Canis Major, an A1 (bluish-green) variable class
star of 2.4 solar masses with a visual magnitude of -1.46, making it the
brightest fixed star in our heavens. It is called the Dog Star, hence the
term "dog days of summer", and is also known as Canicula and Aschere. The
Chinese knew it as Lang, the Celestial Wolf. It is a binary star, having
a white dwarf companion star (a "solar moon") orbiting it, hence making its
light to our globe variable due to periodic obscuration by its companion.
It lies at a distance of 8.7 light-years from us, which is significant because
it means we are closely connected with it in more ways than one. Due to its
mass, it will end its days in a spectacular explosion (nova) and become what
is known as a neutron star --a very small but incredibly dense dark body
in space--a "gravity body" and potent source of x-ray and cosmic ray emissions
(only the most massive stars become black holes). I mention all these facts
because they will be highly significant to some readers.
Astrologically, Sirius is largely seen as a benefic
influence. Of it, it is said to produce great things from small beginnings.
It is said to bring honor, wealth, renown, faithfulness and devotion. It
makes natives who have it prominent in their charts custodians, curators
and guardians. In aspect with planets it gives success, gain and fame with
trines, sextiles and certain conjunctions, and brings violent death and loss
with squares and oppositions. The Chinese said that when it is unusually
bright or changed color (was not obscured by its "moon" or by atmospheric
conditions) it portended theft and attacks from pirates. Projected onto the
ecliptic it is found at 14 Cancer these days, but it is actually some 40
degrees off the actual zodiacal wheel, so interpreting it in a zodiacal manner
is somewhat questionable, unless one uses spherical aspects, for the more
But, when we get into the esoteric side of the matter
the true importance of Sirius to our corner of the universe becomes potently
clear and also shows why it should be considered in some manner when looking
at any horoscope.
The Star of Mercury, the Guide of Souls
Sirius was called the star of Mercury or Budha (spelling
is correct)--the great Instructor of mankind before the Buddhas (before the
Lemurian race). At the early stages of the Lemurian race there was a tremendous
influx of force from Sirius and Venus onto our planet and the great event
called Individualization took place--the human Souls were brought to Earth
and our true humanity was born.
This brings us to the crux of the matter: Sirius is
said to hold an analogous position to our Sun as the individual human Soul
does to the persona. It is analogous to the Soul of our solar system. Now--that
being said--there are some who will balk at the statement just made, because
Sirius has connotations of mind control to them. And, in fact, that is exactly
what it does. But, we have to put certain things into perspective regarding
In Part Two of this article, Malvin discusses the
concept of "Soul" and the idea of the Cosmic Mind, in the light of esoteric
teachings. The eternal conflict between the armies of the Dark Lords and
those on the Path of Light is a map for the growth of the human spirit and
the teeming souls that inhabit our galaxy.
Read part 2 of The Festival of Sirius
Artley is an accredited member of the American Federation of Astrologers.
His primary focus over the past 25 years has been on the sciences as they
express occultism and with bridging work between the two. His special interests
in those fields are the human subtle energy system and all the chakras, or
energy centres, physics and technology, astronomy and all aspects of Chinese
He sends out periodic emails about astrological happenings
and developments. These email messages are sent as a gift and a sharing.
They are sent to people of many persuasions, not just astrologers. Blessings.
Click here to subscribe to Malvin's periodic letters.
The Festival of Sirius: part 1 | part 2 | Mars, the
Red Orb | Mercury
Tony Smith's Home Page
This link goes to chinese version of the circular
calendar, speaks to 8-sided, etc....
Initiations...see Sirius.."permanent atom"
"weird pillars in front of the moon"
[Newsletter] COSMIC NEWS: Sirius Full
Moon 2007 (email from