5/14/02 10:18:45 AM Pacific Daylight Time

Heya Kent,

Glad to see you made it back alright from the

Gathering of Elders. (grins sheepishly) I think I

checked on the site enough times to actually see items

posted, then changed, and then posted differently, as

you sorted out your thoughts during those first couple

of days. Dang it, sure wish I could’ve gone myself.

Very interesting research you have going on with

migrations, ancestors, and so on. Thought I would

forward a few notes on a subject not yet addressed

much: blood types and Rh factor in world population.

Pretty good tracer of some lineages and migrations,

where traditional methods fail.

-- A Starting Thought:

Why Would Grandma and Grandpa Lie? --

My mother is actually a library archivist...her

genealogy stories often fascinate me. Such strange

mixes of fact and fiction sprout up in people’s family

trees - each new generation’s reality is shaped

carefully by their era’s social norms.

One story I recall: a library patron, who had invested

‘good money’ in a family crest and claimed to have

royal lineage based on his last name.

He was surprised to learn that his namesake

great-grandfather wasn’t even really related to him at

all…and that his doting auntie was actually his


Apparently there were two successive generations of

out-of-wedlock babies born in his family line, noted

in the birth records. But no one had ever actually

told the descendants.

Even just looking at such basic ‘keeping up social

appearances’ situations, we can quickly lose track of

the true roots of our families.

Knowing of this type of ‘family history’ scenario has

led me to occasionally delve into other realms of

tracking ancestry, like population-blood type

distribution, and seeking after rare blood traits -

like Rh Negative factor.

-- Blood Types and Populations: Family Ties --

I’ve always been intrigued by the low percentages of

certain blood types, and especially of Rh Negative, in

the population at large. My own blood type is A-, and

in fact, my family on both sides has occurrences of

one of the rarest types, AB-, comprising less than 1%

of the population in the US.

-- So: Why is blood typing a key factor

to consider in tracing ancestry? --

(please hang in - good information, though a bit long)


“A person's blood group is one of his physical

characteristics, just as a dark skin may be, or blue

eyes or a hooked nose. Like other physical

characteristics, blood groups can be used to divide

mankind into races.

You may ask at once: But would they (ed: blood types)

be *any better* for the purpose, than skin color or

any of the other physical characteristics we have

talked about in this book?

The answer is that in some ways, they (ed: blood

types) would be.

1. They are "hidden" characteristics. You can't tell a

man's blood group by looking at him.

This reserves race classification to scientists who

are interested in the development and evolution of

man. It keeps a person from making judgments of his

own about his neighbor's race and from building up

superstitions and prejudices about it.

2. Unlike the more familiar physical characteristics,

blood groups are inherited in known ways.

The A, B, and O blood groups are controlled by a

single gene series consisting of three genes. The M

and N blood groups are controlled by a single gene

series consisting of two genes. The Rh blood groups

are controlled by a single gene series consisting of

eight genes. In each case, we know which genes are

dominant over which.

3. A man's blood group is determined the instant the

fertilized ovum is formed and remains the same till

the day he dies. Even after death tissues can be

tested for blood groups. Blood groups aren't affected

by age or diet or exposure to sunlight or by any kind

of chemical or medical treatment.

None of the things that affect the physical

characteristics usually used to determine race will

affect blood groups. Blood groups are permanent.

4. With one exception, which we will mention later in

this chapter, blood groups have no drastic effect on

the health of a man, the length of his life, when or

whom he marries, or the number or health of his


That means that the blood-group genes are all passed

on from generation to generation according to pure

chance. Blood groups would therefore show how human

beings have mixed with one another, for there would be

no confusion due to the workings of natural




PH.D. Copyright 1955 Abelard-Schumann, New York

-- Current Blood Type Distribution --

Check out the distribution of blood types by country

(numbers are percentages of population, for each

country - or else by ethic group):


There are also rarer blood types (beyond A, B, O, AB,

and Rh factor almost always exclusive to small ethnic



Patterns of blood types become readily apparent in the

listing. Did you notice that Native Americans, listed

in the first link, are mostly O+? But not the Lakota,

who are mostly A+? And the Rh Negative gene is very

rare, in both cases.

In fact, Europeans - especially ‘old lineage’

Europeans, like the Basques - are almost the sole

carriers of the Rh negative gene. It is almost never

found in other groups.

-- What Is the Rhesus Factor (And Who Has It)? --


“The Rh. or Rhesus factor comes in two forms, positive

and negative. Most people of the world are Rh-positive

while the Rh-negative people are mostly found

concentrated in out-of-the-way places in Western

Europe and the far N.W. corner of Africa.

Professor of Genetics Dr. Cavalli-Sforza at Standford

University published a gene map of the locations of

the Rh-negative peoples and showed that the highest

frequency occurred in Morocco, the Basque country,

Northern Ireland and Scotland, all carrying over 25%

of this factor (Scientific American, November 1991).

The locations of the Rh-negative occurrence appear to

parallel the present and past use of the Basque

language among the people, and as such, is of great

interest to this study.

Some tribes of Berbers in the Atlas mountains of

Morocco have a frequency of close to 40% Rh-neg. and

many of these still speak Berber, a language closely

related to Basque. The language of the Basque country

is, of course, Basque.

This book makes it abundantly clear that Basque is the

language of the geographical and family names of both

Ireland and Scotland, even though that language is no

longer spoken there.”

From Web Site of Edo Nyland, “Rh. Incompatibility.”

-- Who Were These Pioneers of the Atlantic? --

“…The Rh-negative people who populated all the islands

of western Europe, from the Canary islands to the

Lofoten in the Arctic, all were sailors, fishermen,

ocean explorers. They all had the same dark hair and

long skulls of the Berbers and Basques.

…At Mount Komsa they established their religious

center, carving their typical symbols, boats and

implements on the rocks, just like they had done in

Morocco, Euskadi, Ireland, and a little later would

also do at the southern tip of Sweden.”

From Web Site of Edo Nyland, “The Master Builders.”

-- Why is Rh Negative so rare? A: Infant Mortality.



“Rh-negative blood is one type that can have a drastic

effect on human health....Sometimes a mother is

Rh-negative and her unborn baby is Rh-positive (having

inherited one of the other Rh genes from the father).

When this happens, some of the baby's erythrocytes may

be destroyed and other serious damage also results.

Consequently, the baby will die before birth or very

shortly after.

Nowadays, modern medicine can handle these babies,

once they are born, by means of transfusions. In

earlier times, however, no help was possible. As a

result, you would expect the rh gene to disappear

slowly. Rh-negative mothers would have fewer living

children, and so the rh gene would be passed on less

frequently than the other genes in the series.

Sure enough, the (Ed: Native) American, Australian,

and Asiatic groups have little or no rh gene. The

African group contains a small quantity of rh gene.

The inhabitants of Europe (including Americans and

Australians who are descended from Europeans),

however, have a good deal of the rh gene; about one

out of seven among them is Rh-negative.”



PH.D. Copyright 1955 Abelard-Schumann, New York

-- The Effects on Ancient Tribes --

-- Or: Cultures Grown of Rh Issues --


“Once, very long ago, it is assumed that the whole of

humanity was Rh-negative. Every time an Rh-positive

allele arose by mutation, it was quickly eliminated.

Then once, just once long ago, it was not eliminated.

This probably happened in East Asia. Perhaps the

mutation occurred and first expressed itself in a

woman belonging to a very small tribe.

…The Rh-positive allele must have been passed on much

more often than the Rh-negative allele, it might have

become the far more common allele in that small tribe.

…For the time being there was no problem. Humans were

distributed in a large number of small families,

rarely coming into contact with other tribes. Only one

tribe carried the positive allele, all others were


We must speculate that sooner of later the Rh-positive

tribe came into contact with an Rh-negative one and

they interbred. Then, in a year or two, disaster

struck. The first few babies were healthy, but with

later babies…the infant death rate rose very high.

Infant survival is vital to the tribe’s own survival.

Any tribe’s existence was tenuous in those early days.

A rash of dead babies had to be avoided at all cost…

When the truth finally was known, the Rh-positive

tribe would have to develop a rule: do not mingle with

strangers, specifically *do not mate with outsiders.*


(Text goes into much more detail on various effects of

different rh types on social structure, then

summarizes section.)

“So it is likely that the impact of *Rh-positive*

alleles is to give rise to tribes:

1) that are exclusive,

2) that may be war-like,

3) that may have some tribal god,

4) emphasize mating for life,

5) revere the first born,

6) emphasize female virginity,

7) relegate women to an inferior social status and

8) elevate some member to the status of king.”

Both quotes from Web Site of Edo Nyland, “Rh.


Nyland also indicates the remaining *Rh Negative*

tribes had much different tendencies, due to their

groups from being an older culture where Rh issues

were not originally known: matrilineal, more peaceful,

worshipped nature deities, open relationships, etc.

So perhaps the fall of ancient female-oriented

societies (Rh negatives) simply mirrored the rise of

the new Rh Positive gene groups in human populations!

-- Wild Speculations on Rh Negative People --

1. RH Negatives: the Master Builders of Legend?

”It has been suggested that the builders of the great

pre-Christian monuments, such as Stonehenge, had

Rh-negative blood. Is it possible that Rh-negative

people are more technically inclined and more

inventive than Rh-positive people? Let us explore this


See: http://www.islandnet.com/~edonon/rh.htm

(About halfway down page)

2. RH Negatives: Alien cross-breeds?

”The descendants of this seminal ‘Mother race’ were

the Celts who, like the ripples on a pond, spread out,

colonising various northern areas of the planet.

Scots, Irish, Basques, Spanish, Scandinavians,

Icelanders and the Portuguese, all these peoples are

of Celtic origin.

These disparate nationalities have one common genetic

trait, a large percentage of RH-negative blood types,

which, according to the beliefs of the Thule society

was a characteristic of the Hyperboreans and their

extraterrestrial associates.

In recent times, the majority of alien abductees are

reportedly from RH negative blood groups, is this a

possible indication that UFO cultures are tracking

their cross-bred progeny?”

See: http://www.fsreview.net/spi/nazinth.htm

3. RH Negatives: The Blood of the Gods?

“Blood is mentioned more often than any other word in

the Bible, except God. These two words you will find

in almost every page, blood and God! (The blood of the

Gods?) This message has been written for thousands of

years. There is a connection between the blood and the

Gods. “


November, 1976, Page 46


-- Bit of Fun : Blood Types and Personality:

What’s Your Sign? --

Did you know in Japan, they refer to blood types in

the same way we Americans ask might ask, ‘What is your

sign?” Supposedly it is a personality indicator.

Sadly, it appears that I will never be the life of the

party according to this personality gauging

system…maybe I should invent my own…

See “Can Blood Type Determine Character?”


-- Some Other Mother Thoughts... --

A couple of years ago, I ran across quite a few web

sites proclaiming the ability to catalog and

cross-match a person’s DNA for likely ancestry

patterns (methods mostly based on mitochondria, the

mother’s genes that are unique identifiers of


Mitochondria are a good place to start for a lot of

identification tracking purposes individual dna

identifiers, family dna codes, ethic dna grouping, and

so on.

Mitochondria sampling, as I understand, is also one of

the key methods anthropologists and others use in

tracing the common ‘Eves’ of modern humanity. (So

far, there are no common ‘Adams’ that can be traced,

that I know of…)

Eves, but no Adam…hmm…

Perhaps it really does all come down to the Primordial

Goddess at some point: ‘Adamah’, made of bloody clay,

the female fertile blood...the great mother’s sacred


Interesting thoughts… Signing off for now.

Take care, and peace to thee and thine.