Strange Cloud Formations / Recent Doppler / Animation EDITOR: the WV radar circles appeared on the 4th, 5th, 6th and the visible sat anomaly began to show on the 7th. This is consistent with many painstaking observations that indicate effects seem to follow the radar circle a day or so later. Why this is so? Theory pending... ANOMALIES ON 12/10-11 RADAR WATCH |
Quick As A Flash: Researchers Probe Newly Discovered, Extra-Fast Lightning
Several other observing systems have spotted these brief flashes in the past few years, but Defer has produced the first analysis relating such flashes to radar output.
Date: 12/17/00 11:25:09 AM Pacific Standard Time
From: rolando.izakovic@kvarner.net (IZAKOVIC)
Dear Kent. As regarding the wavy chemclouds, we here have plenty of them. See my USS SAIPAN page at http://deepspace4.freeservers.com/cgi-bin/framed/3113/pages/military/pagemilitary.htm or go forward through my Croatian Chemtrail Diary starting with http://deepspace4.freeservers.com/cgi-bin/framed/3113/pages/chemtrails/chemtrailcro/chemtrialcomonfiles/pagesimages/rijeka1111001130450.htm.
It is USAF's 2025 in action. By the distance between the clouds you can calculate the frequency they use to form those standing waves.
Date: 12/13/00 12:02:09 PM Pacific Standard Time
The Keys of Enoch describes how scientists will begin detecting "gravitational fields" as a precursor to developing combined light & radio astronomy which will precipitate actual Extraterrestrial Contact. (In fact only combined radio with light astronomy will allow reciprocal interstellar communication with Higher Intelligence!) So this info is pertinent to that "discovery" actually happening. We must be getting closer to that final breakthrough.......may you live in interesting times indeed!
Date: 12/16/00 1:56:26 PM Pacific Standard Time
There is now a tornado dropping down over Steadman road beneath Rome, Georgia. Alabama twister rated F4
Did FEMA coverup 5,000 dead during Andrew?