Date: 7/29/01 8:37:17 PM Pacific Daylight Time


Floyd Sweet    Association of Distinguished American Scientists 2311 Big
Cove Road Huntsville, Alabama 358010 T. E. Bearden  Association of
Distinguished American Scientists 2311 Big Cove Road Huntsville,
Alabama 35801 

ABSTRACT Based on E.T. Whittaker's previously unnoticed 1903-1904
papers which established a hidden bidirectional EM wave structure in a
standing forcefield free scalar potential, a method of directly engineering
the ambient potential of the vacuum has been developed and realized
experimentally. Adding Whittaker's engineerable hidden variable theory to
classical electro-magnetics, quantum mechanics, and general relativity
produces supersets of each discipline. These supersets are joined by the
common Whittaker subset, producing a unified field theory that is
engineerable and tested. By treating the nucleus of the atom as a pumped
phase conjugate mirror, several working model energy units have been
produced which excite and organize the local vacuum, increase the local
virtual photon flux between local vacuum and nucleus, establish coherent
self-oscillations between the local excited vacuum and the affected nuclei,
utilize the self-oscillating standing wave for self-pumping of the
nuclei/mirrors, introduce a very tiny signal wave to the mirrors, and output
into an external load circuit a powerful, amplified, time-reversed phase
conjugate replica wave at 60 Hertz frequency and nominal 120 volt sine
wave power. Several models have been built, ranging from 6 watts early on
to one of 5 kilowatts. Both closed batteryless systems with damped
positive feedback and open loop systems with battery-powered input have
been successfully built. Open loop power gains of from 5 x 104 to 1.5 x 106
have been achieved. Antigravity experiments have also been successfully
conducted where the weight of the unit was reduced by 90% in controlled
experiments, with a signal wave input of 175 microwatts and an output of 1
kilowatt. The basic theory of the device is briefly explained and
experimental results presented. In the demonstration session, a videotape
of one operating open-loop unit with a 1.5 x 106 power gain is planned, as
is the demonstration of an actual working model closed-loop system with a
nominal rating of 500 watts, and without external power input of any kind.
The units are solid state, with no moving parts. Each of them comprises a
unique form of self-powered vacuum triode of extraordinary gain, where the
cathode power and plate power are freely furnished by the vacuum, and
only a small grid signal need be furnished either from an external power
source or by clamped positive feedback from the device's output. The
output is negative energy, and some of its unique characteristics are
pointed out. Implications of the experimental application of the Sweet
vacuum triode, the Bearden approach to the nucleus as a pumped phase
conjugate mirror, and the unified field theory based on Whittaker's
engineerable hidden variable scalar EM potential theory are also briefly

SCALAR ELECTROMAGNETICS In 1837 Sir W.R. Hamilton said, "The
notion of time may be unfolded into an independent pure science... a
science of pure time is possible." As is well-known, the fundamental units
utilized in physics are arbitrary. It is even possible to construct all of physics
on a single unit, time. This oddity shows the truth in Hamilton's statement; it
is even more odd, because quantum mechanically time is not an
observable. This means that the observable world can be modeled
completely in terms of the nonobservable, which is essentially what modern
quantum mechanics is now doing. Hamilton viewed his magnificent
quaternions as essentially having accomplished the mathematical
structuring of time. Maxwell's original EM theory, as is well-known, was
modeled in Hamilton's quaternions, not in the highly curtailed
Heaviside/Hertz vectors erroneously taught today as "Maxwell's theory."
Not a single one of the present so-called "Maxwell's" vector equations ever
appeared in a book or paper by James Clerk Maxwell. For some years the
author has worked on an extended electromagnetics theory, involving the
scalar component of the quaternion. [ref. 1] In Maxwell's original quaternion
theory, this scalar component often remains when the directional
components zero. Further, it then enfolds vectors and functions of vectors
inside, in a hidden variable manner. Specifically, the author has patterned a
unified field theory concept upon the previously unnoticed but remarkable
early work of E.T. Whittaker. [ref. 2] In two fundamental papers in 1903 and
1904, Whittaker showed that all present vector EM can be replaced by
scalar potential interferometry, and that bidirectional harmonic EM plane
wave sets could be used to produce a standing wave of force-field-free
potential (Figures 1 and 2). Thus Whittaker anticipated the quantum | phi(x)
| | | | | Potential | + + | + + <---- Organized Local Space-Time | + + Curvature |
+ EM + | + Substructure + | + + | + +
_______+__ + + X --> + EM + + Substructure + + + + + + + + + Figure 1.
Cross-section of Whittaker spherical EM potential wave. mechanical
Aharonov/Bohm effect by 55 years, including extending it to the
macroscopic world instead of the mesoscopic realm where it has been
established to date. [ref. 3] In modern terms, Whittaker showed how to turn
EM wave energy into electrogravitational potential energy, then how to
interfere two such scalar potential waves to recover electromagnetic
energy, even at a distance. [ref. 4] This unrecognized work is of great
importance: when applied to modern physics, it produces supersets of
quantum mechanics (QM), classical electromagnetics (EM), and general
relativity (GR). Further, all three extended disciplines unify on their common
Whittaker subset, in a testable and engineerable fashion. [ref. 5] (figure too
complex for ASCII) Figure 2. Infolded EM plane wave structure of a
Whittaker wave..... 

Purpose of This Paper Our purpose is to explain the detailed scalar EM
concept of the operation of the vacuum triode, since it is a universal
method for cohering and tapping useful EM energy from the vacuum. The
author believes that this mechanism is the fundamental mechanism that
must be invoked in any over-unity device that electromagnetically extracts
vacuum energy as electromagnetic effects. We also intend to demonstrate
a full working model of the device at this conference. Sweet's detailed
theoretical treatment will be completed and submitted to a major journal
shortly, to complete the scientific exposition of the new methodology. I must
also express my deep admiration for my brilliant inventor colleague. It has
been a privilege to work with him, though under great difficulties and at a
distance. He has developed several other related devices that are of great
importance to the emerging new physics of vacuum engineering, in the
sense referred to by Lee. [ref. 9] To mention just one, he has produced a
magnetic lens which apparently can directly display the vacuum's virtual
particle flux, or a good analog of it. So far as I am aware, this is the only
extant instrument today that can perform this feat. When the vacuum triode
has been proven to the scientific community, it is my intention to nominate
Sweet for the Nobel Prize he so richly deserves, and seek high scientific
endorsements for the recommendation. 

INTRODUCTION Entropy as is well known, in any closed dynamic system
the order existing in it will gradually be dissipated, as more and more
interactions occur. This leads to the notion of entropy as the increasing
disorder in such systems. The assumptions are (1) a closed system, and
(2) a positive flow of time for the components of the system. Actually no
such thing as a completely closed system exists in nature. Every mass
system is open to virtual particle flux exchange with the vacuum, for
example, particularly in the nucleus of its atoms, where the bulk of its mass
is located. However, the closed system assumption is reasonably
approximated by a great many systems which are in stable thermodynamic
equilibrium, or nearly so. On the other hand, in an open system far from
thermodynamic equilibrium, the second law of thermodynamics does not
necessarily apply, because the system violates both the closed system
assumption and its equilibrium approximation. [ref. 10]...... 

CONCLUSIONS A new unified field theory has been developed, tested,
and at least partially verified experimentally. The concepts of the theory
have been applied by Sweet in a series of inventions that produce readily
usable, safe electromagnetic power directly from the vacuum. The
methodology lends itself to formulation of power devices without moving
parts. Antigravity, predicted by the concepts of the theory, has been
demonstrated in actual practical demonstrations on the laboratory bench.
Though not discussed in this paper, application of the concepts and
methodology to a large variety of other fields, such as medical reversal of
aging and curing of almost the entire range of present debilitating
diseases, has been previously pointed out. [ref. 23] We have also pointed
out the mechanism for Kaznacheyev's cytopathogenic effect, or the
induction of cellular pathology at a distance by electromagnetic means. [ref.
24] We have also pointed out the specific mechanism involved in Priore's
device, which in rigorous laboratory animal testing under the auspices of
eminent French scientists, demonstrated nearly 100 percent cures for
terminal cancers and leukemias, sleeping sickness, artherosclerosis, and
other debilitating diseases.[ref. 25] We believe we have also produced the
concepts enabling the direct engineering and therapeutic manipulation of
Popp's master cellular control system. [ref. 26] We conclude that the
concepts we have utilized and experimentally demonstrated are universal,
as implied by any notional unified field theory. Our conclusion is that the
concepts, theory, and experiments, taken together, are sufficient for
investigation and replication by the scientific community. If replicated and
fully substantiated, we believe the work will directly point the way to, and
usher in, a new unified field theory physics of universal application. 

SPECULATED IMPLICATIONS As can be seen, the implications of the
new approach are profound. The authors believe they have ushered in the
forerunner of a vast new physics, one which will change our lives, and our
view of physical reality, in ways previously undreamed of. By mastering,
controlling, and gating the vast, incredible energy of the seething vacuum,
we can power our automobiles, flying machines, and technology
inexhaustibly. Further, it can be done absolutely cleanly; there are no
noxious chemical pollutants to poison the biosphere. With practical
antigravity, ships can be developed to cross the solar system as readily as
one crosses the ocean today. And the ships, automobiles, and technology
will never run out of fuel; the inexhaustible vacuum fills every system,
everywhere, to overflowing. 

Not discussed in this paper, it turns out that living systems, faced with the
problem of achieving negentropy so as to maintain their form in a
dissipative external physical reality, have always used the hidden internal
channel for such things as mind, thought, cell control, and living functions. 

With the new methodology, one now faces the advent of access and
engineering of the mind and life of the observer as readily as the observer's
physical body. Transmutation of the elements, control of the weather,
lighting and powering our cities and homes cheaply and cleanly, and
provision of plenty for everyone is the vista for the future. We can in fact
clean up the radioactive wastes, rid ourselves of coarse nuclear and
petroleum powerplants. We strongly stress that, with the ability to engineer
the Schroedinger equation itself, the new methodology allows the direct
engineering and control of quantum change, and hence of physical reality
itself. The methodology is extendable to hyperdimensions; nested virtual
levels of the vacuum are already precisely that. The author has already
pointed out the application of this emerging technology to the absolute cure
of diseases such as AIDS, cancer, leukemia, etc., and shown that the
Priore device in France already proved the efficacy of the application in the
60s and 70s. We shall be able to rid ourselves and our descendents of
diseases. With direct access to the actual software of life and mind, in the
future we should be able to achieve levels of education previously
unattainable, by directly inputting the relevant software. 

Previously we have also pointed out that four nations of the world are
already embarked on weaponization of scalar EM unified field technology.
It is sobering to think that, in addition to having the ability to make our
planet a paradise for humankind, we also will have the ability to make it a
hades. For that reason, we are doing our best to clarify the technical
concept and the theory in this 1991, hopefully with the view that humankind
will seize upon the positive aspects, and develop and apply this technology
for the betterment of all people everywhere. Long ago, Albert Einstein said
these words: "It would of course be a great step forward if we succeeded in
combining the gravitational field and the electromagnetic field into a single
structure. Only so could the era in theoretical physics inaugurated by
Faraday and Clerk Maxwell be brought to a satisfactory close." And
Teilhard de Chardin wrote: "Someday, after we have mastered the winds,
the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of
love. Then for the second time in the history of the world man will have
discovered fire." The authors fervently believe they have come upon fire for
the second time, as allegorized by de Chardin. If so, let us all use the
knowledge wisely. 

Steve Wingate, Webmaster