[thoughts and rumors, what is buzzing
2/27/2007 4:26:50 A.M. Pacific Standard Time
Hi Kent,
Saw the new web page talking about the energy shifting and got some
interesting 'undercurrent' mail about it today.
First astrology synopsis that comes from but I
can't find a URL there that has this
Yet Another (Occasional) Astrology Update:
"Remember to Keep Coming Up for Air!"
Saturn in opposition to Neptune (28 Feb & 25 June 2007) whilst
Pluto continues to conjunct the Galactic Centre (Dec 2006 - Sept 2007) for
previous Updates, visit:
The good news is that the very intense cluster of planets
asteroids in Pisces and Aquarius that has been around for the past
several weeks, is slowly beginning to disperse. However, the
predominant feature is the approaching Saturn opposition with Neptune,
which becomes exact on 28th February at 11.28 Universal Time (GMT).
This opposition had its first "attempt" back last August
31st, and
then Saturn turned retrograde back in December. The Saturn / Neptune
opposition occurs only once every 36 years, last occurring between June
1971, November 1971 (Saturn retrograde) and April 1972*, so it has been
a while since we felt this particular combination of energies, and that
was before the discovery of Chiron the "Wounded Healer" in November
1977, and the subsequent upsurge of general interest in all things
concerned with "alternative" healing and spiritual consciousness.
So, this time it could be a very different story, added
to the fact
that we now have it occurring with the full dynamic force of the First
Ray (Divine Will) energies of the Pluto and Galactic Centre
conjunction! It is no wonder that it has been feeling just a wee bit
intense and full-on.
*(During this period in '71 - '72 , Richard Nixon realised the need to
step up the withdrawal of US troops from Vietnam, but in April '72
resumed bombing of Hanoi; Idi Amin came to power in Uganda (interesting
timing for a film to appear about him!); Greenpeace was born as the USA
tested a nuclear bomb on Amchitka Island, in the Aleutians, Alaska; The
Khmer Rouge were gaining power in Cambodia - All sounds a bit familiar,
doesn't it: A disastrous US war (for Vietnam, see Iraq); a ruthless
African dictator destroying his own country (for Idi Amin see Robert
Mugabe); an urgent awareness of major environmental challenges
(Greenpeace born/Rest of World finally wakes up) ; the resurgence of
oppressive rebel regimes in far-off countries (for Khmer Rouge,
seeTaliban) - I guess what goes around comes around! Maybe we can learn
to do it differently this time? Maybe?) Maybe if we just all stop
giving our Pluto power away to people who really don't deserve to look
after it on our behalf, then maybe it could be different, this time
The sequence of alignments with the Saturn / Neptune opposition:
First it was Venus that came into conjunction with Neptune
on 18th
January, then the Moon conjunct Neptune on Jan 20th, then Mercury
conjunct Neptune on Jan 26th, then Sun conjuncts Neptune on 8th Feb,
then Pallas Athene conjuncts Neptune on 23rd Feband finally Mars
conjuncted Neptune (today, as I write) on 26th March.
So we have Mars moving into Aquarius at 01.17 UT/GMT on Monday 26th
Feb, with Chiron, Neptune, Venus, Moon, Mercury, Sun and Pallas also in
Aquarius, and Uranus, the Moon's Node and Ceres in Pisces - all in all,
8 planets and asteroids, plus the Sun, Moon and Moon's Node all in the
opposite part of the chart to poor old Saturn in Leo.
And all this time Saturn has been within orb of opposition with Neptune
- is it any wonder if the poor old body (Saturn) has been having
difficulty integrating these constantly changing and challenging
energies. This may have led to exhaustion, tiredness, illness,
spaceyness, ungroundedness, and sheer "what-the-hell's-happening-ness"!
Remember (in the words of the God-Father) "it's not personal". It's
just the Universe "taking care of business"....oh, and making us all an
offer that we can't refuse...which is changing us at a very fundamental
level of our being...but, it really, really isn't personal.
The overall effect is producing a high level of intensity,
causing difficulty for the body to integrate the, at times overwhelming
levels of these high-frequency energies flowing into our consciousness
through our etheric (Moon), emotional (Venus), mental (Mercury) and
spiritual-heart (Sun) bodies. They key to this at present is Pallas
Athene, the female warrior - she can help us define our boundaries and
know when the "cut off" point is, otherwise the body can just get
overloaded, leading to confusion, exhaustion or illness. We all need
time and space to integrate these energies - Pallas can tell us when
and how we each need to do this. Pallas particularly relates through
the Brow and Throat chakras - first we need to perceive what it is that
we need, and then we need to voice it...and then make it happen.
There is also a connection with Jupiter that is teaching
us how to
embrace what we need in order to look after ourselves and nurture
ourselves (Ceres) properly, in order to prevent us from just getting
overwhelmed by it all. Nurture your body, nurture your feelings,
nurture your mind and nurture your spirit - they all need time and
space right now, and sometimes they need chocolate and hot baths, and
poetry and music and stillness...and stillness...oh, and did I mention
stillness? -
The Learning Triangle between Venus, the Moon and Vesta is also
teaching us how to be aware of our emotional needs and to remain
focused in the stillness of the heart, which is the only truly
effective way for the emotional/astral body to stay in balance at the
present time. If we do not do this, then the mind will just go wild and
become crazily overactive, trying to keep up with the acceleration that
is taking place, whilst the will rushes madly around trying to fix
everything, in ever-decreasing circles.
The Saturn / Neptune opposition is confronting us all
with the
contradictions and tensions that exist between our physical nature and
our spiritual nature. (And the conjunctions with the other planets are
filling in the gaps between our emotional, mental, etheric and will
How well are we living up to and manifesting our deepest
and convictions? - and how good are we at loving and forgiving ouselves
and others when we, and they are not able to live up to them, which is
almost inevitable at the moment.
Pluto and the Galactic Centre
Pluto's proximity to the position of the Galactic Centre
bringing about a massive shift in the Collective Consciousness, which
is being mirrored by this intense cluster of planets in Pisces and
Aquarius, as they attempt to raise the frequencies of our energy
bodies, to become more receptive to the Pluto/GC energies. This is all
a very necessary part of the "shift" that is taking place between the
Ages of Pisces and Aquarius, as we release more and more of the old
Piscean archetypes, and learn to embrace the new and somewhat
challenging energies of Aquarius (these are new psychological and
spiritual archetypes being born within our consciousness), which are
stretching our understanding and compassion to the limit...and beyond!
The more of the old that we can release right now, the deeper will be
the profound healing of the spirit that will take place for us, when
Chiron comes into conjunction with Neptune in 2010....more of that
later, in the 2009 Updates.
Someone recently asked when things were going to get
less intense -
I think the answer is that they aren't, and we have to learn to get
used to the intensity of the changes that are taking place, because you
really ain't seen nothing yet - but, remember to keep breathing at all
times (it helps), and remember to only take one step at a time (with as
much awareness as possible), and above all, remember to spend as much
time as is humanly possible in your heart.
Now, more than ever we need to be individually empowered
in our
spiritual will (Pluto/GC), so that we truly have the strength and
intention to stay focused in a loving, yet non-attached heart (Vesta),
to stay in touch with the body (Saturn), and in conscious relationship
(Juno) with everything and everyone around us - simple!!...It is what
we will be spending the next 2000 years or so perfecting, so why not
start right now!!
Enjoy, we might as well - with love and blessings,
and secondly, a letter circulating among various tribes about a malase
affecting, first their medicine people, then women, and men.
but both basicly support the 'wave from space' theory.
In love,
Anon wrote:
Ok, NOW I know we are dealing with an ongoing situation and I am
calling out to ALL of you for prayers and help or shared wisdom. We
have all been hearing about more and more of our friends (and many of
us ourselves have been affected too!) with some pretty odd and damaging
health concerns that have increased in severity since this past fall. I
now have been called in by a community of Cherokee down in Tennessee to
help, then got another message this morning form a group of people
being affected by this up in New England. This confirms what I have
been watching since last year this time. If you think about it, we have
seen an increase in these "symptoms" over this past year and now I have
friends reporting the same things happening to the spiritual people in
New Zealand, Australia, Scotland and Canada. NOW we KNOW we are needing
to pay attention.
Please, my sisters, if you know of anyone dealing with these kinds of
issues, please have them email me. If we have those who have some
suggestions? WRITE ME! We are pulling together the medicine leaders
from all over the world at this point that I am in contact with in an
attempt to find help and healing for our People. If you read this
message below, it will describe what is happening. This new thing we
are dealing with is really taking the Medicine leaders out the worst
and first, so this IS a critical need for us all to address and prayer
for. PLEASE keep these emails confidential! I thank you, and
PRAY for the People so affected by this time and for we who are giving
every ounce of knowledge, prayer and ceremony to find help to fight
this. I thank you, and send my love to each of
Osiyo ! I am most happy to help. Speaking with you today only
more evidence about what many of us across the World have been finding,
but now it gives more proof of the timing and the actual affects of
what is going on. I am keeping all of you there in my prayers as are
good people all over the place! I know what difficult times these are
for all of you. Many prayers will continue! ALL the people there are
in prayers because sadly, I have a list of over 40 of the People of all
Nations that are so ill right now that they can barely function.
As for the "what is causing this" question.... Well my Sister, several
of us began noticing dramatic changes about one year ago. Things got
worse and more intense as we moved into the end of August...especially
for the women. Then all of this REALLY began affecting people in late
fall and the most dramatic time was near December 28th and on to now. I
have been in constant contact with other medicine women and my Sundance
leader/medicine man here in Bozeman as we have watched this "thing"
intensify. There is still much that is misunderstood but what I can
share for sure is this.... there are MAJOR shifts in the magnetic,
electrical and gravity forces in, on and around Mother Earth. We as a
People have always understood these things, especially the influence
the cycles of the Moon play upon us here. A couple of really qualified
folks in our extended circle are aware of some of the changes in the
cosmic things but also some evidence is now showing changes in our
human response to WHAT is happening around us.
What I shared with you and with others is that I beleive we are not
dealing so much with an "evil" thing as much as we are dealing with a
"changing of channels" thing... well, imagine living your entire life
speaking Cherokee only...all of a sudden you are demanded to speak
nothing but Japanese and you know NOTHING about the Japanese language.
That is as close as I can try and explain this alteration in all that
is around us now. This alteration is causing the human body to really
respond....some severely and some not as much...the evil part of this
is how it is hitting our medicine people FIRST and hardest. The people
who reacted the quickest to the subtle changes last year were those who
live their daily life in connection to Earth, to the signals and subtle
changes in all things around and within them. The medicine people were
hit first...then women who are deeply connected to Earth and
Moon....then it expanded to the men. Our responses have been severe
headaches, fatigue, sleep pattern disruption, muscle and joint pain,
dizziness, confusion and total distortion of our emotional stability.
As this progressed, those of us who are the healers and helpers for the
People began comparing with each other and seeing a real pattern
developing. We now see other things coming about in the average human
who is NOT in touch spiritually, in tune with the Earth and in
connection with these things? They ARE feeling these "shifts" but they
are clueless as to WHY they feel the way they do. Several of the
medicine people have told me that they have now been seeing high
suicide rates...and from people that had no history of that kind of
depression. Assaults, violence, and angry outbursts are coming from
humans all over the globe in ever increasing numbers. So, the GOOD part
is that Creator has allowed us to be connected to each other and try
our best to help each other through this time. The bad part is that we
are severely affected by this "shift" and now we also have to deal with
the responses coming out of humans who are NOT spiritually able to hang
on to Creator and to each other as a community.
As we have been told by our Ancestors, there would be coming a
difficult time....big changes and choices we humans needed to make.
Several of us are thinking that perhaps some of this "upset" time right
now may be the leading up to this kind of thing but we are not for
We are gathered together in good ways and pulling together across
Tribal Nation lines and THAT, dear Sister, is a beautiful thing to see
indeed. As we walk through this together, we will need to follow what
is happening within the areas that seem hardest hit...your community
being a very important one to keep tabs on. We are trying to share
advise and hopefully some good protection/solutions as we can find
them. I don't believe we have had to deal with this kind of "shift" least in times that our stories can tell us about. So, big
prayers, pipe carriers, holy ones, medicine workers of all
kinds....well, we are gathering and trying our very best. I believe
that those who are the stone speakers will bring us some REAL help at
this time too.
My biggest concern is the upcoming full Lunar Eclipse on March 3rd. In
less than a week, we are going to be hit with some MAJOR moon
influences and I am most worried about our women. I have recommended
perhaps trying to gather the women together there....if not in a full
gathering type thing, then at least being in touch, praying together,
whatever it takes to get us all through this upcoming eclipse. We have
two of them to deal with in March but it is the first one for now we
need to REALLY be cautious of. Especially our women....remind them
stay calm, as non-emotional as possible...stay focused on prayer and
the unity of the People....but most of all ask that people really stop
and think twice as they move about doing their work daily. We laughed
today on the phone when we both said that we had burned ourselves over
and over again because for some reason we just couldn't seem to
remember that things coming out of an oven require HOT PADS to pick
them up!!! She and I both could relate to something so obvious....that
we have done all our lives with care and yet now? We are lucky to
remember that there is dinner cooking in the oven!!!! So that too is
need for the People to hear and be reminded of. We are all just not
thinking and remembering clearly....we need to watch out for accidents
and such because we have seen what those can do in several cases all
Please keep in touch and update me with what is happening amongst our
People there. We will keep praying but also share our knowledge
together. United we will hopefully find a way to keep our People well.
Subject: WAVES
Date: 2/25/2007 2:06:49 A.M. Pacific Standard Time
Hey Kent!
I'm totally comfortable with the idea of invisible waves from space... It's taken me a while to get my head around it all & still working on it.... What I find interesting is that the increase in solar output (electric cosmos of course, I saw star streams & galaxies in plasmas around Eric Dollard's Tesla Magnifying Transmitter at the Integratron circa 1985-1987) & the increased energetic activity across the solar system all seem to be keyed to the geocentrically oriented solstice alignment phase we're in now, exemplified by our knowledge of the Mayan calendar end date.
From my studies of the original Anthroposophical scientific researchers (Wachsmuth, Kolisko, Hauschka, etc) it became very clear to me that the heliocentric and geocentric universes are both real and integrated. It is only the materialistic consciousness of our degenerate end phase that prevents global awareness of this simple and obvious situation. One big crazy old clockwork getting ready to strike 12, and we're right in the middle of it! The invisible waves are identifiable in esoteric terms, and such will become more clear in time :)
Subject: huge hole in Guatemala
Date: 2/24/2007 7:18:51 P.M. Pacific Standard Time
Hi Kent,
This story does not sound right. Since when does a broken sewer main result in a 330 foot deep hole in the ground emitting loud noises?
Then there's this bubbling lake in Louisiana -- foot-high bubbles!
And just a ton of recent earthquakes in the western USA. Nothing would surprise me. I wonder what symptoms the earth exhibits before a polar flip, or turning to a new axial orientation. I wonder if it does it within a matter of hours or a couple of days? It must be a hellacious ride-- if you survive....
Subject: WAVES
Date: 2/24/2007 6:27:57 A.M. Pacific Standard Time
kent, in the bible it is called the day of the east wind,