7/14/00 EVENT
7/14/00 Proton Event |
Sol Date: 7/29/00 11:37:42 PM Pacific Daylight Time From: cleland@nwlink.com (James Cleland) 8/29/00 I hope you have been feeling better, good friend. I have taken note of the number of unusual diseases being reported by physicians, but that's another matter. I have sent you a copy of NASA's recent discovery that comets emit X-rays (what a surprise!) Reminded me of the interesting paper which termed the cause of the 1908 Tunguska explosion a "geophysical meteor". The paper can be found at www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Cockpit/3240/tunguska.htm. Interestingly, the event took place during a solar maximum. And, speaking of solar maximums, have you noticed that NASA keeps putting back the predicted "peak" of this cycle? Originally, it was supposed to be last winter, then this summer, and now maybe sometime in 2001. The sun is a very unpredictable creature indeed. Since I was last in touch, I have managed to find some good science which backs up the possibility of very, very, rapid climate change, in the order of a decade or so. The original site (of a University of Washington professor) is currently down, but a good digest of the paper can be found at http://die off.com/page127.htm. Aside from Bell's predicted catastrophic "downdraft" of very cold upper stratospheric air, it looks like the basic mechanisms outlined in "The Coming Global Superstorm" are scientifically quite valid. I have been paying attention to the solar activity noted on Orbit, along with my personal favorite stuff, the arctic cyrosphere. Day by day, NASA and I sit and watch the polar ice cap melt, along with Greenland, and I keep noting the temperature anomalies that pop up almost daily around the pole. And the more of the good science I read, the more I think that there is a direct connection with solar activity. I just learned from a good NASA paper that a proton event (cosmic ray shower) during the last solar max created a new radiation belt around the earth. I am sending the article, which I hope you enjoy. I sure would like to know the full ramifications of the proton event of July 14, but I get the feeling it is going to be hard to pry the information out of the powers-that-be. It does appear, however, that solar maximums tend to reduce the amount of galactic (versus solar) cosmic rays, which may tend to inhibit the formation of clouds, and increase temperature. Hmm, solar activity, clouds, temperature, hmm. Keep the good stuff coming and get well soon. Jim Cleland
[Cleland] I think
it would be interesting to compare the proton event of 7/00 with that of
3/91. If I remember correctly, the July event went somewhere between "severe"
and "extreme" on the NOAA scales, for several days. I would like to know
what the level of the 3/91 event was. They have been measuring them since
the 50's or so. |