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In 1979, the
photos taken by the surveyor were being carefully studied to identify
at least seven
sites containing structures built from surface material of the planet.
The first of the ships landed on our planet approximately 11,000 - 10,000 years ago, our time. The warrior began the process of bringing his clan back to life. With the use of the DNA material being injected into genetically engineered pre-fertilized egg.
This first ship landed in a lush, fertile area we now call Egypt. The people began to bring back all the knowledge and life styles they had known from the past. The ship was placed in a great vault, and a marker built over it, so that when the other clans arrived they would know where they were.
Over the course of the last 10,000 years, The Bluestars have landed in China, Mexico, England and most recently, America.
In the summer of 1947 the US recovered its second and third ships. The ship was approximately 120 feet long, 20 feet high. It had a half circle front end, approximately 50 feet in diameter, cutting back to the main part of the body. It had crashed into an arroyo.
It wasn't until the ship was under heavy guard that this "warrior" separated from the ship and stepped through the large hole in its side. As he stepped out of the ship, the ship emitted a loud vibrating sound. At the same time, the Ft. Worth / Dallas area experienced a total black out. The date: August 8, 1947.
Editor's Note: We are looking for brave individuals who have been involved with evidence acquisition and containment. Now is the time to emerge.
Carl Sagan, in his very popular (1980) TV series, "Cosmos," showed pictures of "The pyramids of Elysium" taken by the Mariner 9 mapping of Mars in 1972. This picture is reproduced on page 129 of his book, Cosmos; and on page 130 he has the following footnote about these Elysium pyramids:
"The largest are 3 kilometers across at the base, and 1 kilometer high -- much larger than the pyramids of Sumer, Egypt or Mexico on Earth. They seem eroded and ancient, and are, perhaps, only small mountains, sandblasted for ages. But they warrant, I think, a careful look." [Sagan]
Thanks to Elaine Lucas for many months in search of this ancient city.
1990 photo of prototype UAV (by Lockheed?) over Groom Lake
EDITOR'S NOTE: We are looking for the source of signals near the moon as detected by ELFRAD. Thus far we have an image from the Netherlands, that may or may not be good evidence, and now a display of alleged NASA Apollo images which give us more to sink our teeth into. If you have any other data please send it in, and we'll publish for crossfire and debate: taking risks is necessary in the quest for the truth.
NEW VISUAL DATA: Enhanced from kksamurai image
Interesting Footnote: Earthquakes99/01/17 18:38:04 36.87N 83.69W 5.0 3.0Lg TENNESSEE 99/01/18 07:00:54 33.35N 87.39W 1.0 4.0Lg ALABAMA On January 21, 1999, at 7:50 I was taking my break at work. I went out to the parking lot and was looking up at the night sky. When I saw an orange fireball, I called to a friend and we watched it for about 20-30 seconds. At that point it began to burst apart. It was traveling from southwest to the Northeast. This was seen in Tuscaloosa, Alabama At the University Mall. It was about the size of a half dollar.
He raised his eyes skyward, but the prayer died aborting as a huge meteor suddenly plunged into the atmosphere and burst into brilliant greenish-white flame. It streaked across the heavens from the north in an awe-inspiring spectacle which lasted fully twenty seconds. Monday, December 16, 1811 At 2:30 A.M. the earth shook. This was the earthquake which occurred where no tremor had ever been recorded before; where there was no scientific explanation for such a thing happening; where no one cold possibly have anticipated or predicted that an earthquake could happen. No one except Tecumseh.
Tensquatawa, the "Open Door," kin to Tecumseh 1/18/99 -- 4:51 AM: At least nine people killed, dozens injured by severe storms JACKSON, Tenn. (AP) - Nine people died and scores of others were injured when a fierce storm coupled with several tornadoes ripped through parts of Tennessee. Seven of the deaths Sunday came when a tornado touched down in Madison County in western Tennessee, said Kurt Pickering, spokesman for the state's Emergency Management Agency.
99-01-21 16:04:51 EST: Kent , I noticed the radar circle in Texas ( I noticed by your page so have you) . Just an interesting observation, my son, a high school student, came in today after school & told me that he noticed large flocks of birds heading East ( away from the anomaly ). He thought it was weird, most of the birds were geese, which should be out out here by now . He told me he watches the birds all the time , he can tell if it's going to be raining, stormy, clear, ect; after he gets out of class just by their behavior . He flipped when I showed him the radar. Linda C. Austin, Texas 99-01-22 10:42:48 EST: Kent, I thought there was a couple of things you might want to here. Last night 2 people left our house before the storms hit (we personally didn't get any rain in our part of town) one headed east, one headed south-east they both saw a spectacular light show. The one headed south-east reported large hail & lots of lightening. This morning I talked to a friend who lives in north Austin, she said it rained dirt ! Not mud, but dirt. Everything was covered with large amounts of dirt & there was no rain in there area either. Isn't that curious. Linda C. Auston, Texas (sleuths: see what you can find re: Los Alamos Scientific Laboratories)
Startled by the horrific noise, an elderly resident stumbled out of bed, peered out the window and noticed a dark hole, fringed with strange star-shaped lines, in the ice of a small lake. . . . saw a blue-green fireball move quickly (but only a small fraction as fast as a meteor streak) from approximately high-south-east to low-south, meandering just slightly. A few minutes (2~5) later two airplanes followed a similar course. Wed Jan 20 , 1999 -- A swarm of more than a dozen earthquakes strikes Inyo County near the China Lake Naval Weapons Station. The first quake struck yesterday afternoon at 2:25 p.m. The 3.3 quake was followed by a 3.6 temblor just before 5:00 p.m. Most of the other quakes had magnitudes ranging from one to two on the Richter scale. Older China Lake quake data
Until recently, high-resolution space imagery was available only to a few nations, and distribution of images was tightly regulated and limited. However, as additional states seek to develop this capability, the policies of the major space powers, and of the United States, in particular, have changed. A combination of the changing military and strategic environments, including the end of the Cold War, and the perceived growth of the market for high-resolution images have amplified the role of commercial forces in policy making. As a result, the limitations and regulatory mechanisms, with respect to the distribution of high-resolution satellite images that had been in effect since the early 1960s, have been weakened.
Whoever puts satellites with particle beam weapons into orbit first (property controlled by complex sensors and computers) can control the world. (note, long article keep adding an integer, ie, iresk1.txt, iresk2.txt etc). Editor's note: The (above) article, although most revealing, seems to push some cultural biases, be forewarned. This editor has long ago refused any alliance with politics, religion or any identifiable group including science. Human institutions in attempt to protect turf take turns in doing things incredibly stupid. |
We have to seek the truth no matter where it is hidden, for the truth is our quest back to our Creator. He gave the whole world to us and said make a choice. There are many paths but only One Way. It is a dangerous journey and very, very lonely.
EDITOR'S NOTE: Orbit reflect
the workings of art and science in unencumbered search--experimental. Everyone
is welcome to join us in these investigations.