LEFT: 7/9/99 16:30 UT LASCO C2 Anomaly large MID: 7/9/99 20:30 UT large LASCO C2 large RIGHT: Star Charts 7/9/99
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John Kennedy Jr. Missing
A small plane carrying John F Kennedy Junior - son of the assassinated US president - has gone missing off the east coast of the United States. The single-engine plane took off from New Jersey for Martha's Vineyard in Massachusetts on Friday, but never arrived. The US Coast Guard has launched a search after picking up a signal from an emergency beacon in the sea off the eastern tip of Long Island, along Mr Kennedy's presumed flight path. The beacon emits signals when it encounters a G-force, possibly from hitting the water or from crashing, or when set off manually as a distress signal. The plane was also said to be carrying Mr Kennedy's wife Carolyn and her sister, as well as a flying instructor.
Xray Flux Proton Flux .Electron Flux..Magnetometer .Kp Index
(Searching for feedback to validate an internet rumor, please submit.)
7/16/99: as the tally goes:
Allegedly the French, known for revolutionary discoveries about comets, were about to break a finding; they end up dead. The Vice Director, Vatican Observatory, declares media hoax regarding "grim findings" at the Vat Observatory. However, the Pope is now allegedly in residence near the Italian Observatory allegedly preparing a report about the Millennium. Recent observations at Vatican Observatory include: Vatican Observatory (vo) schedule: 6/4 - 6/11 Ryan & Ryan vatt2k Asteroids New hints come in about asteroid 1999 CG9. A possible clue is sent about an alleged hoaxer who is in an alleged grudge match with Ed Dames about an alleged position/remote-viewing at Psi-Tech concerning "homosexuality as an abomination." Email refutes gay issue. Perseids Meteor shower, August, mentioned. Comet Lee 1999 = SOHO Y1-1998 = Hale-Bopp 1997 = Hyakutake 1996 = ??? EGADS! ANOTHER NEW COMET, 1999 N2 KING OF TERROR Nosty-research The bizarre-synch between Cassini, Nosty and C-Lee. EDITOR'S NOTE: ain't the Internet wonderful? The Mythstream! Science [rational objectivity] challenges myth and in return myth kicks-butt on science--a reality Mobius-twist. Perhaps we need a new Unified Field Theory, such as: AT THE BASIS OF MATTER EXISTS MYTH: M=MYTH C-SQUARED |
Orbit thought it to be a dynamic idea to go wide open in an investigation concerning rumors of impending Vatican pronouncements, as well as to probe into the tram accident that sadly terminated the lives of many French observatory workers. Below, all brave opinions are posted, a great hurrah to our readers, and proof that democratic debate, even though wild and furious, is yet ongoing and vital within our culture.
SLEUTHS NEEDED: EMAIL 7/10/99: Kent, I just found this tonight on Jim Berkland's site in the prophecy section - could we get a confirmation on this? Ruth BELOW:
ROME (AP)-- The Vatican Observatory will soon make an announcement from its Castel Gandolfo Headquarters concerning certain startling and earth-shaking news discovered by the late astronomers at Pic de Bure Observatory. Vatican astronomers at Castel Gandolfo and Mount Graham International Observatory said the news is grim.
The Vatican Observatory Research Group (VORG) operates the 1.8m Alice P. Lennon Telescope with its Thomas J. Bannan Astrophysics Facility, known together as the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT), at the Mount Graham International Observatory (MGIO) in southeastern Arizona where sky conditions are among the best in the world and certainly the Continental United States.
EMAIL, 7/11/99 9:44:55 PM: Just wanted you to know that I have checked - as you and others may already have - every conceivable outlet I know of - including ap/upi - and have come up with nothing on this. Since this item apparently emanated from Dames' site (the conference site), I rather suspect this item is a fabrication. But we'll keep out eyes and ears open!
EMAIL, Date: 7/11/99 8:06:22 PM: This is as close as I could come in a comprehensive search of AP newswire stories with anything related to the Vatican... It does mention the Pope going to his summer home at Castelgandolfo which is where the Vatican Observatory is now located. He was to begin his 2 week Alps mountains vacation on 7/7/99 for 2 weeks... and then spend much of the summer at Casetlgandolfo where the observatory is located. I suspect that this story is bogus...seeing how it originated in private bbs forum at the Psi-Tech website. Forums are often times notorious for hoaxters. continued
EMAIL, 7/12/99 9:54:32 AM: A report in the Turin newspaper "La Stampa," is of interest. On July 8, it disclosed that John Paul II is taking advantage of his holidays in Les Combes to write a new document . . .
"La Stampa" emphasized that the document would reject all millenarian ideas and stress, on the contrary, that the world is not coming to an end, but will soon experience great changes. continued
EMAIL, 7/12/99 1:56:02 PM: Just received this, you may wish to post it.
charles bates, director, veterans for government accountability, vetsgovact@webtv.net
Mon, 12 Jul 1999 22:32:42: Sadly, you are victim of a media hoax.
Chris Corbally
Vice Director, Vatican Observatory
EMAIL, 7/12/99 6:20:13 PM :
Kent; I have been having problems sending any information
regarding 1999
CG9. I hope this information gets to you OK. Perhaps it will lead you
closer to finding the truth about the Vatican cover-up
Christopher Montgomery (Director) U.F.O.R.C. UFO Resource Center |
EMAIL, [To Frank Bloss] 7/12/99 8:37:16 PM: Thanks for your concern and so for the alert to the story, which is a hoax. We have just finished a month-long summer school for 24 astronomy students from 20 countries. We taught good science and had a lot of fun, but there is nothing else earth-shaking going on here at Castle Gandolfo. At VATT on Mt Graham our engineering team are busy upgrading the telescope, so no observing is happening. It's a pity the summer is so hot that people have nothing better to do than concoct a "Vatican crisis".
with best wishes,
Chris Corbally SJ
EMAIL, 7/13/99 9:47:16 AM: I entered into a posting sequence with a person on the AB BBS regarding Major Dames. This person, an admitted homosexual, wished to take on all comers regarding Dames homophobia (the two men at the alter RVing session that was viewed as THE abomination). This person, I accidentally discovered, posts at the Psi-tech BBS using a feminized version of his real name. This person is the one who posted the Vatican Observatory posts over there.
EMAIL, 7/14/99 12:54:39 AM: I think the person the email speaks of is *D[masculine] who posts as *D[feminine] on Doom's bb. I have known him for awhile now and I have no knowledge of him being 'gay'. I first spoke with him over postings on the contrails issue on the bb, and questioned the D[masc]/D[fem] thing. He replied that he posted this way as he is a published writer, well-known in some circles, and did not want to cause problems with his mainstream writing by being labelled as 'alternative' by belonging to various alternative mailing lists. He has a wife and young kids. Then again maybe the email you got was about someone else of whom I am not aware. *D is one to post about stuff like we look at, often causing big debates. Maybe he has upset someone...he has pushed the contrails issue quite a bit. And he did post the AP story on the bb. I feel that he was being genuine by posting it, and did so, to get the the rv'ers to view the comet in more detail and post the findings. But we will wait and see. Dr. Doom is real quick to delete users if they are causing problems. Meanwhile, try this site, if you haven't.....a good one about Nostro and the comet....continued
EMAIL, 7/15/99 10:24:24 AM: Hi, Kent....I have just been conversing with *C. He sent me the link to the rowland bbs and sure enough it says in black and white in a posting from *D that he is gay and has been living with his partner for many years. Seems he does have some axe to grind, maybe. I'm not willing to discount his info completely, but I do concede there may be a personal issue here. I am debating writing him again, now. I think maybe I should and see what happens. He's too far away to hit me!! Now tell me, how are you coping with all this? Are you finding that there is just too much info right now to think about it completely? Sure has my head spinning.
EDITOR'S REPLY TO ABOVE: This wold investigation is good brave democracy, we shouldn't be afraid to speculate, make mistakes/or even, aha, nail the truth. Inevitably in these debates new important stuff surfaces, for everybody to witness and make up their own minds.
EDITOR'S NOTE: Thus far no one
has been able to locate the alleged ROME (AP) story, ie, The Vatican
Observatory will soon make an announcement from its Castel Gandolfo Headquarters
concerning certain startling and earth-shaking news discovered by the late
astronomers at Pic de Bure Observatory.
However I have noticed that in Metacrawler Search Engine 1. Go to news link 2. Type in "Vatican Observatory." [I would assume that this would be a phrase search, otherwise results invalid] 3. Results are then posted that include: CNN - French cable car crash kills 20 - July 1, 1999 I find this odd because in the CNN article the keyword, "Vatican," is not found. Why would the search discover this tag? |
EMAIL, 7/14/99 6:56:24 AM: It is very interesting that no one has mentioned that the Perseids Meteor shower is from Aug 11 to Aug 13.
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Comet Lee 1999 = SOHO Y1-1998 = Hale-Bopp 1997 = Hyakutake 1996 = ???
Approximate revised: perihelion date: Hyakutake, May 5, 1996; Hale-Bopp, May 6, 1997; SOHO J1-1998, June 26, 1998; Lee August 13, 1999 = IMPACT
The powers that be understood that Comet J1-1988 could be the same comet as Hyakutake and Hale-Bopp. The bad news was that when they extrapolated the periodic orbit, they found the August 13, 1999 IMPACT. continued
EDITOR'S QUERY: If the above has any validity, should we then rethink what the Cassini Mission is all about?
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On July 13th, Australian amateur Daniel W. Lynn of Kinglake West, Victoria, discovered an 8th-magnitude comet moving rapidly northeast through the constellation Hydra. He was using 10 x 50 binoculars. The comet is very low in the western evening sky and most readily visible from the Southern Hemisphere, but it seems likely that it will become better placed for Northern Hemisphere observers during the next week or so. The discovery was confirmed by V. F. de Assis Neto in Brazil and also by F. B. Zoltowski in Australia. |
the alleged origination of the Vatican story from within
the Berkland BBS or Psi-Tech conference BBS does
NOT mean,
the story originated specifically with Psi-Tech or Berkland, and we at ORBIT
do not wish to point fingers or place blame, simply get to the crux of the
story. Please stay alert and keep looking. We will try to post your
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Cable car accident kills 20 observatory workers in France Cable car accident kills 20 observatory workers in France Village in shock; cause of sudden plunge unclear. |
EMAIL, 7/11/99 5:00:32 AM: I watched the news of the tram for days on TV here [Australia]. It was made a big story, yet normally something like that wouldn't be (here, at least). I discounted it on first report, but when we kept hearing the same story over and over I sat and really listened. The report was that 20 astronomers were on that tram. No other people, just astronomers. No cleaners, no support people. I sure would like to get my hands on the list!!! continued
EMAIL, 7/12/99 1:47:07: The list of the killed astronomers and service men is on the homepage of the Plateau de Bure Observatory at http://iram.fr/ Did you know, that they are famous for their research about Hale Bopp? Maybe they found something about comets, that does not fit in NASA's theory about their "dirty snowballs!" Especially they found complex molecules on Hale Bopp never seen before by NASA. Read it all on their homepage (almost last entry in the index).
EMAIL, 7/14/99 8:29:46 PM: Our local paper, San Diego Union, reported the accident and specifically said that it appeared that the cable had been 'cut'. I'll search the paper's online archives and see if I can locate it. I did not see that (cable cut) suggested in any of your Web's info.
At present, there is no explanation
as to why this accident could happen. The telepherique has been under regular
maintenance by a dedicated IRAM team, and under supervision by the official
safety authorities. The latest official inspection took place in December
EMAIL, 7/15/99 9:02:07 AM: What I do know is there has to be more to it. The head of Smithsonian Air and Space has now died in a motorized glider accident where the glider just fell apart. Something is happening, but we aren't seeing what it is.
EMAIL, 7/15/99 12:58:17: I just wanted to let you know that I conducted a very comprehensive search for the Vatican Observatory story using an international news database with over 4,000 resources. I was looking not just for the AP story but also for any other news media which may have picked up and ran AP story. I searched for all of 1999 in case this all started earlier in the year. There were no hits in any of the sources searched. Now, while I would like to say that completely closes the door on this subject, I can't because I have seen stories run on the wires one day and then when you go back to look for them, they're gone. Here is a very recent, perfect example which even involves the Vatican. This story ran on Reuters on July 13, 1999 just as you'll see it now: continued
EDITOR'S NOTE: I have seen this bizarre string of accidents and deaths before, and wouldn't you know, during a similar unsettled period of asteroids, comets and Mars probes. Surely this gory scenario couldn't hint the protection of silly theories--or the retention of a security shield around even more immense issues such as mankind's actual place in the universe?
Vatican Observatory Publications
Update of Time allocated on VATT for May 1 - Sept 30, 1999
NOTE: Vatican Observatory (vo) schedule: 6/4 - 6/11 Ryan & Ryan vatt2k Asteroids
"WHAT IS APPROACHING US" Father Malachi Martin
The Malachias- Prophecy and the total solar eclipse
EMAIL, 7/16/99 5:34:57 AM: The following is a well researched piece
that you may find useful.
http://www.sightings.com/ufo4/quat.htm Also-- when you get to the mystery of the "Thursday Worship"-- just think of Thanksgiving. I see some of the dates as being more than a month or so premature as far as harvest goes-- and they had not included the big flare/shift prior to the fragment strikes all of which figure in before the Millennium. Thank you for you devoted following of this grand drama of the ages and all your work. It has not fallen on deaf ears entirely. |
EMAIL, 7/16/99 7:16:11 AM: Last night Art Bell interviewed Michio Kaku and they had quite a discussion about Mir, Comets, Nostradamus and Cassini and exotic matter. Kaku suggest that a course correction should be made on Cassini that would send it into the sun. This was better than taking a chance and letting is skim over our atmosphere at 700 miles out and perhaps (because it is a delicate situation) having it be deflected in a situation that would send it down to earth. The plutonium dispersal could kill 200,000 people. Deflect it - yes! But - send it into sun?????? Considering the sunspot cycle and the instability of th sun and the cme's - I ask - wouldn't that be just as dangerous? We don't need a nova either. Any other ideas?
EDITOR'S REPLY TO ABOVE: I'm beginning to wonder what the REAL MISSION of Cassini is all about. Could it be targeting an incoming "Lucifer's-Hammer," an asteroid, comet? Have we ever nuked a space object before, even a whole world? There have been rumors. Who knows, maybe Eddie "Strangelove" Teller has brewed up some big boom-booms by now?
EMAIL, 7/16/99 2:53:26 PM: I just wonder how much of a connection there is between all that is going on and the findings of Sitchin on the return of the 12th Planet, Nibiru. continued
EMAIL, 7/16/99 5:25:55 PM: Sorry to burst the "bubble"...BUT the G-Feds are still embroiled in a WAR beyond Jupiter. This "SHIP" has been I-D'd by a "CLONE" of the Eridanus group who ARE FED allied and it MAY pass this way...but may, MOST Likely be heading for the "Saturn-Jupiter" arena where the WAR is still raging!!! The SIRIAN Groups are NOT as yet Vanqished...and it IS one Bloody Mess, to say the least!! The SHIP appears to be of the "Carrier" Class with 5 of the Glowing-Green Drones in tow. They are "PLASMA Drones" with Nav gear aboard as well as remote "AIMING" from the control sector of the Carrier itself. continued
SLEUTHS NEEDED: EMAIL 7/10/99: There was some talk earlier about ELF pulsations. On ano. list, the point was made that Earth's frequency is usually somewhere around 8 and that it is currently (7/10/99) a whopping 17.4! Those interested were referred to this site: http://www.ccmaui.net/~aquarius/schumann.htm
A single SOHO frame gets tweaked by the censor
INTERNET MESSAGE: The [SOHO] films are so messed up. All the dates in the films go from one day, then back to prior days, then forwards. It makes it very hard to get it in order. .
EDITOR REPLY: also satellite environment (magstorm) charts make no sense at all--7/3-7/5 readouts almost straight-line even though we had seven well-centered M-Class flares 6/29-7/2. These disturbances should be washing earth.
MDI Operator's Log, 05-Jul-99 05:12:26: Quite a few data products haven't been updated, but it looks like everything's proceeding OK. Happy Independence Day!
TDT - Actually, the LOI-V 10-day plot shows some bad data in the 1st 12 hours of July 4, which does not appear on the 24 hour plot. I wonder what that's all about...
6/29/99 C3 |
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Nostradamus 1999
and the 'King Of Terror
COMET -C/1999 H1 (LEE)
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Spacecraft to Fire 1,100-Pound Bullet at Comets Core [Temple 1 Comet]
explodes in sky above New Zealand
July 7, 1999
WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) -- A meteor exploded in the sky above New Zealand on Wednesday, casting an eerie blue light and showering the earth with fragments from space, authorities and witnesses said.
99/07/08 11:04:50 30.07S 178.08W 116.6 5.3Mb B KERMADEC ISLANDS, NEW ZEALAND
Asteroid Eros
flyby movie contains several anomalies are as yet unexplained by NASA scientists.
These include a humanoid face in the style of the massive Easter Island statues,
apparent reorienting of the asteroid rotation to make the Eros face more
visible to the NEAR spacecraft, explosive gas events that may be related
to intentional reorienting of Eros, and an extraordinarily bright spot that
could be sunlight glinting off a window of a artificial structure protectively
built into the wall of a 1/2 mile (1000 meter) wide crater on the distant
The direct download address of the 2.3 MegaByte movie
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MGS MOC Release No. MOC2-142, 8 July 1999 (enhanced)
Lethal implications of Radio Frequency (RF) weapons
Deputy Mayor of
a Yugoslav town Speaks of E-weapons
Almost Y2K
Ready Not OK For Nuclear Plants
The NRC had set a July 1 deadline for all 103 U.S. nuclear power plants to correct software that might be affected by the Y2K bug. The agency solicited reports from all its licensees on their Y2K readiness, and last week released a report stating that all but 35 of the plants had solved all Y2K computer problems.
EDITOR'S GENTEEL COMMENT: Shut 'em down you greedy lil' pissant jerks!