Over the past year ORBIT has been investigating the rumors and facts concerning frequencies and signals washing our solar system and our earth. Many of these investigations have only turned up more questions, as was in the case of reported signals from 70 Virginis, Cygnus and now EQ Pegasi. On other occasions it has been obvious that earth has literally been blasted by the a bolt from Creation itself, such as was the case on August 27, 1998, when earth got hit by a powerful gamma burst from an alleged magnetar deep in space.
Are we being specifically targeted with beams of energy? Or could it be that our sun and its planets, like a fleet of ships, now sail into new regions of the vast ocean of the universe, entering the high seas of space where energetic gales blow and powerful waves churn?
Subj: FROM KENT STEADMAN, re: Pegasi controversy
Date: 98-11-19 01:27:39 EST
From: Phikent
To: webmaster@artbell.com.
CC: keithr@artbell.com
Re: Pegasi controversy
Dear Art and Keith:
I need your help to clear this up. I was never involved in any misrepresentation or hoax regarding the EQ Pegasi story, rather like yourselves engaged in the coverage of an interesting internet story.
Here' is an email I composed to place on my website, followed by a note from Elaine Lucas.
To Whom it May Concern:
I was originally alerted to the Pegasi story by my friend, Elaine, whom had already gleaned the information I believe from one of the alt.alien newsgroups. I rolled with the story on CyberSpace ORBIT and was shortly thereafter contacted by Art Bell.
I indicated to Art that I was not in sure of the signal authenticity or origin and referred him to a researcher in signal detection.
When Hoagland took up the baton on the Pegasi query, I realized the quest was in good hands and backed off from the greater investigation.
Please feel free to circulate this information.
Kent Steadman, ORBIT:
Subj: Re: Kent Steadman & The Pegasus 'Hoax'
Date: 98-11-19 00:30:43 EST
From: Rubie2zDay
To Whom It May Concern:
Paul Dore? writes:
After exhaustive investigation I stumbled across the following page first trial run on a web site owned by phikent@aol.com Looks familiar doesn't it ??... >>
I would like to clear up something that has been making the rounds on the internet, for the last couple of days. It seems this 'hoax' is starting to encompass many innocent individuals.
Kent Steadman is in no way responsible for the Pegasus Signal Hoax...or any other hoax, for that matter! He was only reporting what was on the internet.
I found the first post (Oct 27) forwarded from a newsgroup, by Stig Agermose. I sent it on to Kent (Phikent) because I know he has an interest in that type of item. He had nothing to do with any hoax. All he did was post the items on ORBIT, as news, just as they were written. He continued to follow-up with the 'signal' news, and posted all aspects of it. He did not confirm or deny it.
A couple of weeks later, I discovered that Terry Tim Rodgers had copied Kent's site, almost word for word and picture for picture, onto his own site. He even had it set up, similarly. This, after he'd taken some abuse from the mail list, regarding some fake documents he'd put on his site, earlier. Seemed to me he thought Kent's site might give him some credibility.
At that time, he, (TTR) also, had a copyright on his site. A copyright on things he'd stolen from another site!!
I notice the "Proof for the Pegasis Hoax" email, has no return address. I doubt very much that the 'real' Paul Dore is the composer of this letter, especially since someone of Dore's stature would surely know *Pegasis* is spelled *Pegasus!* Yep, sure <<"Looks familiar doesn't it ??">>
More like something from the mind of TTR.
Elaine Lucas
Paul Dore Attempts to ID the EQ Peg Hoaxer
Found at The Art Bell Web Site http://www.artbell.com/
Stig Agermose <Stig_Agermose@online.pol.dk>
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 02:51:59 +0200
Fwd Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 07:20:39 -0500
Subject: SETI Signals At 1450MHZ From EQ PEGASI?
Real audio interviews from ART BELL
Seth Shostak |
Michael Theroux, Paul Dore |
Michael Theroux, Paul Dore |
Abstract aliens abound on the movie screens, but in reality we still don't know if we share our universe with other sentient creatures, according to astronomer, Dr. Jill Tarter.
Tarter, director, Project Phoenix at the SETI (search for extraterrestrial intelligence) Institute will speak at a colloquium Tuesday, Nov. 3 at 2 p.m. in the H.J.E. Reid Conference Center, at NASA Langley Research Center. Dr. Tarter will give a history of the work Project Phoenix has done, and their plans for the future.
is "Project 415"? Surprise, surprise, it's the mighty 'Echelon' system. What's
that you say? Well, point your browser at:
ECHELON: NSA's Global Electronic Interception
Where was the "hoax" reported from? Oh, that's right it was England. Funniest thing, a few months ago there were some stories circulating on some Members of Parliment wanting to blow the lid off this "Echelon" system. Hmmmm. . .
EDITOR'S NOTE: What we are seeing is the report of a signal, then what follows to be a big knock-down drag 'em-out brawl. Not that brawls are bad. From our Muse-bound perspective, Zeus is growling from deep space, radio-signal or not. We can now hear him as could Willy Yeats, Jimmy Joyce, before. Who is to say that the drunken poet doesn't have the best ear?
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September 17: It was near midnight when observation of a routine star, number 4079 in the Phoenix list, became very non-routine. This star, whose slightly more familiar name is EQ Pegasi, is an M-dwarf, a bit smaller than our own sun, and 21 light-years distant. | |||||
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Paul Dore writes the following:
"Monday, the second of November has got to be one of the worst 24 hours I've ever experienced. Here is a brief synopsis of the events that ensued."
6:00am I arrive at work, do some rather routine things and cull overnight data.I have a pretty uneventful day, then around noon I receive a call from the two astronomers stating they would not be at the press conference at that I was 'essentially, on my own.' - 'Fine then.' I replied, and they apologized and hung up. Next my supervisor rings me up to tell me that I was to cease my expirement immediately. This was quite strange because he had been supportive ever since the news broke. As per his request I began the job of taking down the feedhorn and disconnecting the receiver and packing the entire kit up. The rest of the day passed without incident and I began thinking once again if I made a mistake, if I was confused by something earthly or a natural phenomena. I began questioning myself over and over in hopes that I could find something I missed."
7:00pm I arrive home to find three gentlemen in my residence. My wife Helen has the look of sheer terror upon her face. It turns one of the men was from the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) at Cheltenham, the other was from RAF Feltwell and the third from the American National Security Agency. They asked if we could speak in private. I was reluctant but agreed and Helen and the kids left the room. Over the course of nearly two hours they explained to me that what I had discovered was not extra-terrestrial in nature but most definitely interesting. It turns out that what I discovered was in fact a classified intelligence satellite having to do with something known as Project 415. I am being very careful here so as not to violate the security oath they made me sign which states that should I disclose any further detail on this subject I will be subject to prosecution under the terms of the Official Secrets Act. I was told basically that the signals I received were mistaken and that I should not talk about this matter in detail. They gave me a fair amount of information to convince me, again the details I cannot go into but I am satisfied that what I picked up was in fact a secret deep space satellite for purposes of national and international (it seems) security. After the three men were convinced that I believed them they had me sign this legal document that I cited above and left. I watched as two of the men walked down the road one way and the American walk in an opposite direction (presumably to their vehicles).
So there you have it and I wish this were not true. I had visions of going down in history as being the first human being to detect signs of other intelligence in the universe and while I found intelligence all right, it certainly wasn't the kind of intelligence I hoped to discover. I am a bit depressed now, though that could have as much to do with the weather. My family and I have decided that I should not purse this line of research any further. Should I ever discovery anything else strange in the course of my work I will be very careful about revealing it.
Best Regards,
***Commentary from the webmaster below ***
We here have been following this story since it came to our attention long before the mainstream media noticed it. We are rather sorry to see it end this way but wish Paul and his family the best of luck.
There is a lot to digest here. It is one thing to allude to vague conspiracies, but quite another to name names and point to specific actions that may have dire consequences for humanity in the very near future. Even if we are flatly wrong and absolutely nothing happens in November 1998 or June 1999, we must face the fact that comets are still coming. We have the knowledge, technology and incentive to act to save our planet. We have just lacked the will, the vision to face our fears.
EDITOR'S NOTE: Now here from email comes a cool idea. Wonder why we didn't think of this in the first place? All those with a radio receiver capable of receiving 1450 Mhz take a listen... something strange is happening...Exact frequency: 1453.07512Mhz plus or minus about +400 hz due to the doppler shift.
The Millimeter Array (MMA) Project has begun the Design and Development phase of building a millimeter wavelength interferometer. The project, funded by the National Science Foundation, includes thirty-six 10-meter antennas arranged in large circular patterns between 80 m and 3 km across. The array will be located in Llano de Chajnantor, Chile at an elevation of 16,400 feet. This telescope will be the largest and most sensitive instrument in the world at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths. |
Stones, stars, the directions, time -- these can speak to us out of an otherwise mostly silent past. Sometimes their language is intuitive, spiritual, meanings or awe will be felt by the sensitive, but can't really be communicated. But when scientists, rather than anthros, get interested, the cosmos speaks, and they can hear it through mathematics. What may have been lost in the mists of time can be found again. |
of Principles Concerning Activities Following the Detection of Extraterrestrial
EDITOR'S NOTE: Orbit simply presents the above without comment. Readers are challenged to make up their own minds.
EQPegasi Ship-The Truth Is Out. As most people know I have several people in the government that share information with me. Well last night [November 5,1998] I receive a very unusnal visit. I received a Federal Express Envelope. Inside this envelope was the most outstanding surprise I have ever received. This envelope contained sketches of what appeared to be a space ship.
UP AT CASA GRANDE (Site pulled by author, 11/7/98)
TESLA COIL SIGNAL: walked in and looked at monitor. Receiving signals
like I have never seen. Short bursts continuously.
C.J. Butler, J.G. Doyle, and M. Rodono, Astron. & Astrophys., 181, 96
VLA, Optical, EUVE, and RXTE Monitoring of Flares on EQ Pegasi and AU
Microscopii. Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun 10 With Linsky preprint
[recd only at AOC]
The 184th Meeting
of the American Astronomical Society, June 1994 [26.866]
The EUV spectra of dMe flare star EQ Pegasiwere obtained during a guest observation using the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer satellite (EUVE) on August 31, 1993. The EQ Pegasi was detected in all three spectrometer channels, although the LW detection, apart the He II line, was mainly the result of the second order throughput. The main features of the spectra in SW and MW channels are identified: a number of lines are due to highest ionization stages of iron.
31 EQPegasi
23 31 49.5 19 56 17 Spectroscopy of the coronae of AU Mi Landini Massimo
40000 A S
1. USGS is tampering with quake data. Caught them in the act (above).
2. Public Near Earth Asteroid Data Access down: http://huey.jpl.nasa.gov/~spravdo/neat.html
SCHEDULE: NEAT has been taken off the sky indefinitely due to USAF activities on the telescope. NEAT's estimated time of return to the sky is February 1999. NEAT may return earlier on another telescope if logistical details can be worked out.
3. Can't Get into Space Calendar at NASA (more asteroid data): http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/directory/c.html
4. GOES Solar Satellite up and down: ../../CBJD/sun/magon.gif
5. Strange goings on at SETI Project BETA (SETI-type feeds) offline: http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Hall/7193/betastrange.html