X-Originating-IP: [1xx.172.105.100]
From: "michael brady"
To: jferris@mindspring.com
Cc: michaelbradyxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: quick mailing
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 14:53:26 PDT
Mime-Version: 1.0
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 25 Oct 2000 21:53:27.0206 (UTC)


Got some cash and decided to do something about the backlog in my
inbox,which has taken up most of my computer time today. And I'm talking
about a lot...and I do mean a lot...of good stuff. The word's out, huh? It's
all coming to a head and...as Whitley Strieber once said on an Art Bell
"Coast",the house of cards, they are about to fall. About to? The cards ARE
falling. I listened to last Sunday's "Dreamland" and heard Strieber mention
that law that Congress ahs passed,re:the beefing up of intelligence secrecy.
I checked his website and it was there. I've already e-mailed one of our
senators...Barbara Boxer...asking her to help in getting it played down. I
can imagine how it was sold to our elected representatives...both houses of
Congress. I don't believe that any of them have the slightest idea of what's
going on within the inner circles of power,there within the Beltline...as
they like to call Washington. My sister and brother-in-law live in that
area,on the Maryland side,as they like to say. That part of the world isn't
exactly my cup of tea. Talk about power and the feeling of living in a
fishbowl. Uh,uh,that area's not for me.

So,you've got an additional address. Good. When the you-know-what hits the
fan,it's gonna be some kind of show. Of course, tmost of those who
disappear...like they're now doing,and HAVE been doing...will disappear
without anyone realizing that they're all gone. Too bad. Anyway,trying to
get my inbox cleared up has taken a lot of time out of my mailing. So,I'll
be getting back to you once again. Take care.

X-Originating-IP: [1xx.172.105.100]
From: "michael brady"
To: jferris@mindspring.com
Cc: michaelbradyxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: update
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 14:33:47 PST
Mime-Version: 1.0
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 31 Oct 2000 22:33:47.0914 (UTC)

Hi Joni

I'm finally back online. Been off since Thrusday morning. Think back on my
postings and my alluding to something that's going to happen to Santa
Monica? It happened early Thursday morning... Santa Monica got whacked big
time and the best is yet to come in this mailing to you. As you know, I'm on
the streets. There was rain predicted for Thursday and a light rain began
about 4:30 AM. About 5 AM a power transformer blew and if you've ever heard
one blow, you know what a weird hollow sound they make. No more than 10
minutes after that, 3 helicopters showed up and hovered in a triangular
formation, over an area near where I was. As soon as it lightened up, the
high-flying elves began their chemspraying gig again. To where they turned
the skies over Santa Monica white. Then the rain began once again and rinsed
the residue all away. Only to have the elves return once again. I heard on
the radio that the blown transformer started an underground fire, which
fried all of the underground wiring,including the GTE phone lines. It took
them two days to restore the power...52,000 homes,not including
businesses...were without power. But GTE had serious problems restoring the
phone lines. I heard that it was a lightning bolt that hit the transformer.
You bet it was a lightning bolt. Maybe a celestial lightning bolt, sure.

Now for the good part. This re:all the trouble that I've been having with my
account. As you know, I've always thought that it's been external
penetration,right? I'm thinking that it's been an internal line problem.
This computer, in this libray,is connected to a main computer in City Hall.
Everything comes into and goes out of the City Hall computers. It surely
didn't take almost 5 days to restore the phone lines from here to City Hall.
I'm thinking they found something that isn't supposed to be there, that's
the sort of thing that the FBI would be very interested in seeing. An
enormous number of changes have occured here, these past 4-5 days. Changes
for the good. That's not counting all of the subtle, gradual changes that've
taken place all along...since I began this gig over 12 years ago. And if I'm
right, then there're a lot of positions that are going to be coming up for
filling...when this is all over. As it is about to be. Just wanted you to
know that there was a reason why I dropped out of touch.

On Wednesday, I went through all your posts to me and wrote down ansers to
the questions that I haven't answered. I was going to mail them to you, but
the problems hit. So, I'll still answer them beginning tomorrow. This gig's
about over for me now, Joni. Until next time, take care.

X-Originating-IP: [1xx.172.105.100]
From: "michael brady"
To: jferris@mindspring.com
Cc: michaelbradyxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: update
Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2000 14:55:02 PST
Mime-Version: 1.0
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 01 Nov 2000 22:55:02.0851 (UTC)

Hi Joni

Once again, I had so much clearing out of my inbox to do that I ran out of
time to compose something to you. But, gotta keep these lines open, that's
been the key to bringing all this to an end. Once the 'power' has been
sufficiently lifted, to where our side can take successful movement against
these underground bases, then they should try to get into the main computer
center. That's where the tapes of all the traitors should be. Then they can
be rounded up. Until next time, take care.


X-Originating-IP: [1xx.172.105.100]
From: "michael brady"
To: jferris@mindspring.com
Cc: michaelbradyxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: update
Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2000 14:50:35 PST
Mime-Version: 1.0
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 02 Nov 2000 22:50:35.0775 (UTC)

Hi Joni

Just a quick note and I'll get back with you tomorrow. The next couple of
weeks are going to be very interesting indeed. The pace is accelerating
here, within the nucleous of it all... as the other side's resistance is
practically nonexistent now. Practically, but not completely nonexistant.
Yeah, I really believe that they found something very significant when they
troubleshooted the computer lines, following that power failure that we had
recently. However, the pace that I mention is on a very subtle level. So,
keep an eye on events these next several weeks. I'll, of course, be getting
back to you tomorrow. Take care.

X-Originating-IP: [1xx.172.105.93]
From: "michael brady"
To: jferris@mindspring.com
Cc: michaelbradyxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: further update on Santa Monica
Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2000 14:45:10 PST
Mime-Version: 1.0
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 03 Nov 2000 22:45:10.0636 (UTC)

Hi Joni

I'm going to degress with what I was going to mention to you and go with the
following. Since we've been mailing each other I've, I believe, sent you
some pretty factual information. The reason that I've done that is to get
some of what I know out of Santa Monica. Irregardless of your level of
knowledge. There're a lot of people here who don't want me to do what I've
been doing. There are many different negative factions here. They range from
the Wiccans, who aren't a love coven, but a power coven. All witchcraft,
irregardless of how they bill themselves, are into power over their members.
They have a form of love, but not the kind of love that I care to be a part
of. Then there are the out and out satanists. The adherents of Voudou. The
positive ETs, who are some of the most insufferably arrogant and conceited
beings that are imaginable. Then there are the negative ETs, the Draco

Over the years... and especially the past two years... theree's been a lot
of celestial power reigning down upon us. The power has been so intense here
at times, that you could cut it with a knife. Really. I've had the
occasion... many times... to be confronted with beings who were at one time
human... one of us. But they became dissatisafied with their lives and
decided to enter into allegiance with satan. In other words, they were the
walking dead. Believe it or not. There have been attempts to place me under
spellbinding, but since I've been under Divine Protection from the very
beginning, the actual spellbinding never took hold on me. I've been 'shown'
several different realms... positive and negative... while being completely
awake. I've met satan four times, each time he was a black human... three
times as a man and once as a woman. The reason that he chose the skin color
of black is to denote his status as the Prince of Darkness.

The reason that I recently mentioned Amy and the rebuilding of the Temple of
Solomon is because if it was to be rebuilt before satan was brought before a
Celestial court, then all hell would break loose. And now for the main,
underlying reason why I'm even here. And this you can believe, disbelieve or
be ambivalent about. Here goes.

The world events leading up to the demise of Terran civilization came to a
head around 1980. Events propelled Ronald Reagan into the White House.
Everything was setup for first, a military takeover of the United States,
followed by the domino effect with every other country. Think this
government-within-a-government, all of these underground bases, all of this
governmental secrecy, all of this chemspraying (CIA Black Operations mind
control program), the rise of special operations groups, all of these police
department SWAT teams, all of these police being involved in all of these
wonton killings, etc., etc., etc..

I... without being told anything, by anyone... was quietly set in here. I've
never chosen to be here, nor have I chosen to remain here. Once I'm free of
here, I'm gone. But I had a reason to continue the way that I have all these
years. That is that I dance to a different drummer than most everyone... but
not everyone, of course... because I'm a creator. I'm a creator who's not
antisocial. And so, I continued along my way here, learning as much as I can
about what's going on. And I've only sent you a few tidbits of what I've

And so, now, in the aftermath of that Celestial whack that we got last week,
all bets are now off. The other side's time is just about up and the truth
will now be coming out. Out for all... that is, those who want to hear it...
to learn. And it's going to paint an ugly picture. One of High Treason
practiced on a widespread scale, by members of government on all levels. All
levels. It will be the story of every sitting president, since FDR, having
entered into treaties with the Dracos... to the detriment of all Terrans.
Not just those in this country. It will be a story of how those who entered
the healing professions used their knowledge to subvert and destroy many
people. How the various branches of our armed forces have destroyed the
lives of those sworn to defend this country. Not to mention the armed forces
of other countries that have done the same thing to their own people.

I could go on and on, but you yourself know a lot of this. And when the
world knows that this town has kept me in incognito, so that certain people
here can continue their purgatory ways, then any good people from Santa
Monica, when they're on vacation someqwhere else, will only say that they're
from Southern California. And not Santa Monica. I have a forum in my future,
a forum that will result in my getting a large sum of money. Enough to start
me over for the rest of my life... somewhere else. Anyway, until next time,
take care.

X-Originating-IP: [1xx.172.105.93]
From: "michael brady"
To: jferris@mindspring.com
Cc: michaelbradyxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: update
Date: Sat, 04 Nov 2000 14:44:37 PST
Mime-Version: 1.0
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 04 Nov 2000 22:44:37.0308 (UTC)

Hi Joni

Disregard a blank mail, just before this one. I hit the wrong button and
accidentally sent it. Just a quick not to let you know things are going
along exactly like I thought they would. All of us who are considered
weirdos and whackos are going to be seeing our status changed. Just thought
I'd let you know. Take care.


X-Originating-IP: [1xx.172.105.100]
From: "michael brady"
To: jferris@mindspring.com
Cc: michaelbradyxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: inquiry
Date: Sun, 05 Nov 2000 14:42:22 PST
Mime-Version: 1.0
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 05 Nov 2000 22:42:22.0090 (UTC)

Hi Joni

Just wondering about something. Have you been getting my e-mails to you? It
seems like it's been pretty clear on this end. I was just wondering.

X-Originating-IP: [1xx.172.105.93]
From: "michael brady"
To: jferris@mindspring.com
Cc: michaelbradyxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: reply to inquiry
Date: Mon, 06 Nov 2000 14:56:14 PST
Mime-Version: 1.0
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 06 Nov 2000 22:56:14.0734 (UTC)

Hi Joni

To answer your question, re: the other side and tomorrow's election. I'm on
the streets, so I'll give you the view from the streets. Now, I didn't say
that I'm the streets, only that I'm on the streets. Even though it's a very
subtle difference, it's a vast difference. You've probably heard the saying,
'If you're not careful, something'll get you.', I'm sure. I've been in this
position since May 1988, for a very specific reason. I don't know how many
times I've heard that the reasons for the 'H' situation is because of the
following - downturn in the economy, drugs, alcohol, bureaucratic bungling,
or just plain don't even give a damn. Those are merely the apparent reasons.

You've mentioned that you've been taken aboard a Lyran craft and apparently
treated decently. I've had a couple of characters, one in particular,
that've been on me like a second skin. You see, Joni, I've been 'beeped'
hundreds of times... dating back to when I was abducted when I was little. I
can handle just about anything, except for the abduction scenario. UFO
literature, fine. Abductions, no way. Now that I realize that I'm an
abductee, I now know why I've always had a problem with operating rooms,
doctor's smocks and physical exams. But this realization of my abduction
came long after I took my induction physical, in order to enter the Air

So, the other side that you're probably referring to probably consists of
those in my position... on the streets/the streets... and the power players.
The power players and those who have become the streets don't even bother to
vote. Of all of the people on the streets, those like me make up no more
than 5% of the entire population. The rest are lost causes. The ones here
are going by the wayside, to never be seen ever again. Unlike you, I've been
cloned and don't like it at all. Much that I've experienced I'll never be
able to describe properly, since I guess that I'm not supposed to have
picked up on what I've experienced. And much of what I know, I've learned
through retrospect. In the course of a day, most of us come across something
a little odd, right? Most would say to themselves, 'How odd' and go along
their way, forgetting it. Sort of just chalking it all up to one of life's
weirdities. I, on the other hand, would ask myself, 'How come?'... but not
try to come up with an answer. Eventually, something would happen... as it's
done time and time again... to lend credence to each experience. And then
I'd let these experiences catalogue themselves.

These experiences, plus all the textual and computer keyword searches, have
enabled me to understand all that I've come to know. But most of it can
never be proven. It's all there, but only the initiats can recognize it all.
Obviously, you must be under the belief that ETs identify themselves...
whether they're on our side or their side. It doesn't work that way, Joni. I
have come to understand this territory very well, because I've made an
effort to understand all... or as much of it as I can... that's going on
around us here. This is why when I'm free to put all of this down on
paper... which I'm not at this very time... it's going to have to be as a
work of fiction.

Most will never know how close we've been to the brink. As pilots like to
say Joni, we almost bought the farm. If YOU only realized how close to the
edge we've been OVER... and I meant OVER... you'd freak out. There've been 4
attempts on my life... not to mention the myriad subtle attempts to absorb
me into the other side's action. Besides, they thought, and continue to
believe, that I'm property of their's. I'm not like you, Joni, I'm being
kept here... since it's been determined that I shall be here for the rest of
my life. Of which I don't buy.

The only candidate that... at this time... will give any credence to the UFO
situation is John McCain. No one else will. I'm holding out for the slim
chance to break these bonds holding me in this position and then I have no
compunction to tell all that I know. And I'll be coming from the P.O.V. of
an insider, rather than someone on the outside looking in. The media is
controlled by the inner sanctum, along with the educational and religious
aspects of contemporary society. I know information that not even your Rabbi
knows. It's not written down anywhere. And this is how I know.

Have you ever noticed something about human nature? When you're with someone
who accepts you as their equal and you're talking about something...
anything... that if you don't agree or disagree, then this person takes it
as you're agreeing with them? I've heard many things... satan wanting to
destroy this world... from the streets. It's nowhere written down. Nowhere.
As long as I've been here, I've been listening and taking everything in. And
learning. This is why I stay to myself. There's no way I'm going to accept
Santa Monic, since I know the alternative.

Gotta go. Did I answer your Sunday mail properly? If not, mail me back. Take

X-Originating-IP: [1xx.172.105.93]
From: "michael brady"
To: jferris@mindspring.com
Cc: michaelbradyxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: response to your latest mailing
Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2000 14:57:47 PST
Mime-Version: 1.0
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 07 Nov 2000 22:57:47.0339 (UTC)

Hi Joni

Just saw you latest posting in my inbox, so I'll go by what I scanned of it.
I'll probably not answer all of your questions. But, here goes.

I was born in Columbus, Ohio on Jan. 9, 1942. About 1948 television entered
the Midwest. All the originations of it was New York. This was way before
West Coast production began. I became absolutely fascinated with it and
watched it by the hours. It didn't warp my mind. This was back in the 'live
television' days. I eventually spent a couple of years in television
engineering, in a small market station in South Dakota. I can't give you the
exact timeframe, but I was abducted around 1950. I always had an uneasy
feeling about operating rooms and physical exams, but never gave it much
thought. Also, I always had this very slight sensation that something's been
missing from me, but again, I never gave it much thought.

I went into the Air Force in 1960 and got my separation from active duty in
1964. I went to New Orleans and worked for a couple of years in the 'Saturn
5' program... the vehicle that took our astronauts to the moon. I always had
an interest... among other interests... in UFOs. My Mother turned me on to
the subject, when I was small, when the George Adamski thing surfaced. By
the way, the craft that Adamski was taken aboard may have been a Hannibu
craft. This was part of the Nazi flying disk research program. I've read
accounts of Swastikas having been seen on the hulls of certain craft. There
were 3 classes of Hannibus, based on the Implosion Vortex physics, but I
can't recall the name of the brillian German physicist that developed the
process. This is why some believe that the Adamski photographs were fakes,
since they appeared to be too Terran to be extraterrestrial. Of course, they
weren't extraterrestrial... they were Nazi in origin. They may have been
some of the craft that were flying over New Mexico following the end of

Now, I'm agonna lay a hard one on you. Believe it, disbelieve it, or be
ambivilant about it. We, on Terra, have a future now... because of my work
here in Santa Monica. When I mention satan, I MEAN satan. I was placed under
Divine Protection over 12 years ago and brought here, since Santa Monica's
been the center of all the negative activity worldwide. Irregardless of your
religion's... and all of the other religions'... conception of satan, i'VE
at the brink... actually, over the brink... I mean we were facing the end.
I've been trying to get the truth out over and over and have been stymied
every time. Everything that I've sent you is information that few even know.

When I tell you of the widespread corruption in government... irregardless
of the level... I mean widespread. When I say that every sitting president
since FDR has signed treasonous laws, I mean treason. The Rosenbergs were
executed to cover up FDR's transfer of .75 tons of enriched Uranium to
Stalin's USSR. I'm about out of time today, but will continue this tomorrow.
Until then, take care.
