QUAKE: 01/05/07 00:33:23 UTC 56.27S 143.68W Depth: 10.0 km 5.8M PACIFIC-ANTARCTIC RIDGE
SLEUTHS: Is there someone out there who has received any interesting signals lately on their reception gear? Who has done any investigation in the connection between HAARP and other heaters transmission times and signals in the low VLF, ELF and into the ULF range? Who lives in Canada or Alaska near the conjugate point of the new VLF beacon at the south pole and has received some interesting phenomena caused by its transmission? Who has recorded VLF and ELF signals from aerial lights, similar to the phenomena in Hessdalen? |
SOUTH POLE ANTARCTICA: The anomaly was big in another way, encompassing the entire Southeast corner of the lake, about (65 b 46 miles) 105 km by 75 km Clue: were many ancient temples magnetic in nature?
UPDATE: Unique Buried South Pole Telescope Points To Earth's Center UPDATE: Life at the bottom of the world, possibly related, CIA funding at University of Hawaii Professor of Planetary Sciences and Consultant received awards and honors from diverse organizations such as the City and County of Honolulu, NASA and the CIA COMMENTARY: The U of H is a viper pit of intelligence types, predominately the CIA. They like the warm weather in Hawaii. They even have a telescope in Antarctica named after them: VIPER |
Date: 3/15/01 7:47:42 PM Pacific Standard Time UPDATE: Hi Kent: Strangely, no one is communicating out of Antarctica right now, no one. There's about 232 people at McMurdo, and quite a number of scientists, but no one's talking. This is new: Ambitious plans to penetrate icebound Lake Vostok have slowed to a crawl Almost equal in area to Lake Ontario but up to four times as deep..."The lake is not the big homogeneous feature we thought before," says Columbia geophysicist Michael Studinger. It contains "islands" where land meets ice and pockets where water rises to different levels.
This season, airborne surveyors mapped the "surface" of Lake Vostok like never before. Take a look miles beneath the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. Aerogeophysical Operations in the Canada Basin, Arctic Ocean Polar Topography, bathymetry Satellite Images of Area Adjacent to Polar Opening Hollow Mars |
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Note: I appear to be getting numerous site hits from nipr.mil. Upon search I find this group, EISCAT NIPR Oddly, EISCAT is an atmospheric cooker research facility in Scandinavia similar to HAARP--Kent |
Asteroid 2001 HL31: NEODyS and the MPC aren't currently showing quite that close of an approach, but yeah, to think that I saw it less than a week ago, and tonight it's flying straight under the south pole! What else is out there?
Magnetic anomaly appears to be in the very same neighborhood as the location of the sizeable sub-surface craft shown in Chris Carter's X-Files movie. In fact they went as far as to show the exact latitude and longitude twice in the storyline, and of the sixteen separate bases spread out across the Antartic inland icepack-- the X-Files location (83 degrees S Latitude by 63 degrees E Longitude), is closer to the Lake Vostok station than any other. Hmmm...more
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Date: 7/23/01 8:00:50 AM Pacific Daylight Time
Attached, you will find a .zip, containing 5 pictures. They are filter enhancements of the Eltanin Antenna. Please note: no quotes around antenna. This is not a mistake. I have a small amount of knowledge about antenna systems, and I cannot, for the life of me, think of what this might be other than an antenna. What kind? I don't know, but I will tell you, Kento, I can bet that "Da' SloothZ" can, within scientific tolerances. Now *here* is one that deserves a lot of attention and sloothin'. Even if it is of modern origins, the history of it and its intended uses will make for a ripping yarn. |
IUFO: Marrs-Antarctica A Nazi Base?
Date: 4/17/01 9:45:57 AM Pacific Daylight Time
The article and website are VERY interesting because when I worked at the KSC and Cape Canaveral in the late 50s; and up to 1992, I was a friend of Dr. Wernher von Braun (German Scientist who worked on the Apollo Program) and heard much concerning the Hitler Shangi La at the South Pole. It is a FACT! Look at my website. Open it with Netscape. Clark (McClelland), former ScO, Ground Test Astronaut), Space Shuttle Fleet, Apollo Lunar Program, Mercury, Gemini, Sky Lab, ISS, etc. Open: www.stargate-chronicles.com
EDITOR: Think this, tech, really
important tech, is NOT the property of governments nor even the
military-industrial complex, but individuals, genius billionaire rogues.
Do NOT follow the Fortune 500 money, because the good tech stuff might be
make-at-home simple and will NOT make a pile of cash for Daddy Warbucks.
Follow the Internet energy and invention rogues-trail. Alas, some of the
tech-outriders may or may not be genius humanitarians, rather buccaneers.
One thing for sure though, we would really
like to talk to a space-age CAPTAIN
Schaubergers inventions More Nemo hints |
SEE: Stewart Swerdlow
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the series of reports, “The Quest for the Inner Passage,” (THEI
Vol. 1) we found that Admiral Byrd, who’s family is part of the elitist
crowd through kinship with England’s Royal family. Seemed to know from
an early age that he was destined to explore the earth’s Polar Regions.
In “Quest for the Inner Passage” we learned that a veil of secrecy has covered his expeditions from the start. As one biographer put it, “there were secrets that would not be talked about (1). We also learned that the One World Order paymaster John D. Rockefeller and his pals had financed every one of his early explorations. (2). And, much to the dismay of the other expedition members, all of the scientific information gathered by the members of Byrd’s First Antarctic Expedition – “enough to fill 7 large books” – was turned over to Rockefeller before anyone else had a chance to study the findings, only to vanish and never be seen again. (3). |
NEMO THEORY Radiant Energy: Unraveling Tesla’s Greatest Secret
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Of all the great inventions and discoveries of Nikola Tesla, nothing stood out with greater potential benefit to the whole of humanity than his discovery of Radiant Energy in 1889. The series of observations that led to the discovery of Radiant energy initially grew out of experiments that Tesla had conducted in an attempt to duplicate the results that Heinrich Hertz had claimed to achieve in affirming the existence of electromagnetic waves, the discovery of which Hertz announced in 1887. While replicating Hertz’s experiments, Tesla experimented with violently abrupt DC electrical discharges and discovered a new force in the process. |
Date: 5/1/01 8:30:14 AM Pacific Daylight Time
Do these APOD postings seem more than somewhat coincidental?
APOD: 2001 April 29 2- Ice Fishing for Cosmic Neutrinos
Antarctica Hears Little Normal Matter in the Big Bang
NEW: Russians Eye Antarctica's Forbidden Minerals
MOSCOW, Russia, May 2, 2001 (ENS) - A Russian prospecting vessel is reported to have just collected data on oil and gas reserves in Antarctica, a global nature reserve where minerals exploitation is forbidden.
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Date: 4/26/01 7:13:44 AM Pacific Daylight
Raytheon, the folks that run Antarctic support for the NSF, have released a few pictures of both the McMurdo and the South Pole evacuation missions. Check out http://www.polar.org/medevac/index.htm Photo credit: NSF FOX NEWS TO THE RESCUE on South Pole Story! 70South: Antarctic Evacuations |
NEW: Russians Eye Antarctica's Forbidden Minerals
" We've found some really bizarre things - things that we've never seen before," said Richard Hoover of NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center. Hoover and Dr. S.S. Abyzov of the Russian Academy of Sciences have been examining deep ice core samples from the Vostok Station about 1,000 km (620 miles) from the South Pole. Bacteria May Thrive in Antarctic Lake 30 Years of drilling: Historical Isotopic Temperature Record from the Vostok Ice Core 5.0 Antarctica - Significance Today A very exciting opportunity that can be developed is an application of molecular biology techniques to determine the biological history of the Earth, at the microbiological level, that is embedded in ice and sediment cores. With the ability to extract any nucleic acids that may be present, followed by sequencing, fingerprinting, etc., it should be possible to learn how life has changed with the Antarctic environment. |
South Pole Nuclear
Reactor Accident? Workers Exposed To Radiation?
Eleven Other Americans Extracted From South Pole
Date: 4/26/01 7:42:32 AM Pacific Daylight Time
Dear Kent: Following is one plausible cause for increased radiation exposure at the South Pole. It is something to think about, since if our atmosphere is changing, then there are implications planet wide. Our huge snowpak in the Northeast has melted and nearly EVAPORATED overnight. There has been very little flooding overall, despite the predictions. Things are quite a bit drier than usual, and I don't think it is going into the earth. It is getting sucked up into the atmosphere.
see: Radiation alert under ozone hole in southern Chile Ozone-eating clouds form in cold polar rings - study
The new power plant, which went online on January 20, will increase the station's peak generating capacity to one megawatt of electrical energy, while providing three levels of backup redundancy. On January 18, meanwhile, personnel at the station, conducted successful test of a new satellite ground station. Employees of Raytheon Polar Services Company, NSF's logistical contractor in Antarctica, worked closely with a number of government agencies and sub-contractors to achieve these successes
Tunnels that house subsurface portions of the new South Pole station, including the power plant, with the dome of the existing Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station.
HISTORICALLY: The Fletcher Prouty Commentary - July 20th
In November 1963, when I was Chief of Special Operations with the Joint Staff in the Pentagon. I was sent to Antarctica with a large group of VIPs industrialists, newsmen, and others. We went there to witness a most important event. A small nuclear plant was going to be activated at the Navy Base of the shore of McMurdo Sound, Antarctica; and from that moment on all water, all heat, and all electricity for that huge scientific establishment was going to provided by that tiny, inconspicuous nuclear plant.
UPDATE: New South Pole Station Power Plant, Satellite Link Go Online
Virtual Tour - McMurdo Station, Antarctica Your Stay at McMurdo Station Antarctica
UPDATE: Second Antarctic rescue mission on track
'Run of Bad Luck': Three Doctors in a Row in Medical Trouble at
Dr. Ronald Shemenski, 59, is being evacuated because he recently passed
a gallstone, and now suffers from potentially life-threatening pancreatitis.
Third in 18 Months. He is the third doctor to be airlifted from the South
Pole in 18 months.
UPDATE: Plane Ready for Antarctic Airlift of Sick Americans ANTARCTICA HEADLINE NEWS
Medevacs update Posted by Steven McLachlan
on 22 April 2001
Contrary to previous reports we now learn that the two Twin Otter aircraft have now flown to the British Rothera Station in the Antarctic Peninsula and are currently waiting there for an improvement in weather for one of them to fly onto the South Pole to medevac Dr Shemenski. Meanwhile a RNZAF hercules has arrived in Christchurch to prepare for tomorrow mornings Medevac flight to McMurdo. The aircraft piloted by wing commander John Cummings will now pick up 1 dozen American personnel with various medical and personal reasons for wanting to return to New Zealand. Evidently there are two serious medical cases with a heart patient causing the most concern.
1. It is the first time a rescue mission to the base, to pick up four sick Americans, will be performed.
2. Another mission is also underway from the South American side of Antarctica to pick up a sick American at the South Pole.
3. Antarctic New Zealand (ANZ) said the aircraft left here at 5.30am (1530 GMT) for the seven-and-a-half-hour-trip to Williams Field outside McMurdo. Once there the aircraft will be kept running while the patients are loaded.
4. ANZ said it was unable to confirm reports that up to 11 other Americans, expected to stay at the base for the next three months, would taking the opportunity to leave with the rescue mission.
The US sent two 8-seated aircrafts for one ill person and New Zealand one for 4? What's wrong there? Normally you leave the engines running and depart as fast as possible, like the New Zealanders do. The 2 Twin-Otters should stay 10 hours? Why didn't they take 2 additional pilots with, who can fly back immediatly? It's a dammed high risk to park a plane 10 hours in the Antarctic winter! You wouldn't do that if there is no extreme critical reason to do it.
Date: 4/25/01 10:39:10 AM Pacific Daylight Time
Kaballah and Antarctica
Posted by Rabbi Moshe Yess on Tuesday April 24, @10:14PM from the dept.
What Could Kaballah and Antartica Possibly Have in common?
Kaballah contains the deepest secrets from Judaism's Mystic Tradition. The Hassidic Jewish world is presently on a very high state of alert regarding Judaism's understanding of the King Messiah Event (not Jesus). This circumstance was brought into being by the Prophecy given by the late Rabbi M.M. Schneerson which stated that the King Messiah Event is poised to occur imminently. He has never been wrong once in predicting his foreseen events. They have all come true. The King Messiah Event includes massive Earth changes including but not limited to the following: 1)a global epidemic (AIDS?) 2)the sun being removed from its sheath (ozone holes? Solar flares?) 3) winter and summer cycles being reversed 4) An entire country going underwater! The only physical possibilities for item # 4 to occur would entail polar cap meltdowns, disturbance of the oceans' equilibrium via volcanoes or polar magnetic shifts, historic rain/snow-fall, or subterranean water gushers from the fountains of the deep. Sometimes the best view is the overview which is provided via an attached file to this post. I will answer any questions you may have at: myess@hotmail.com
EDITOR: RCHoagland has recently pointed out that Vostok Base should in fact be positioned adjacent to the magnetic vortex rather than on opposite ends of the frozen lake. If so think about the implications now. Artificially generated vortex anyone?
NOTE AND REQUEST FOR CLARIFICATION New information seems to indicate that Russia's Vostok Station and the alleged anomaly coincide. Interesting! Kent SEE HOAGLAND'S MAP
EDITOR: OOOPS, Kent's map upside-down, Hoagland has it right!
Date: 3/19/01 9:00:24 AM Pacific Daylight Time
Hi Kent, I agree that something unusual is happening down south. The hints and rumors I've been getting, indicate a large scale project with a lot of equipment being flown in from Russia as well as the US. Scott base and Vostok are showing increased action but little info is being released. The magnetic anomaly has been known for quite a while but I think someone has stumbled onto something astounding and each side is taking advantage of the situation. I haven't heard of any concrete evidence of high powered electromagnetic emissions from the area, however this could be possible. It would be a perfect site for an underground type of antenna array. If one were to drill through the ice at two points widely separated from each other, and place electrodes into the earth you could construct a "Rogers" type ULF transceiving station. For instance, with one electrode near the South Pole and the other at Lake Vostok, this could cause an intense magnetic anomaly near Vostok. ELFRAD
Date: 4/28/01 9:14:33 AM Pacific Daylight Time
Hi Kent: Following is the string of messages copied from Enterprise
Mission's Cool Board current Antarctica discussion. It is an absolute riot,
and not unintelligent.
NASA - Goddard Space Flight Center
![]() American camp at Lake Vostok |
![]() The anomaly was big in another way, encompassing the entire Southeast corner of the lake, about (65 b 46 miles) 105 km by 75 km. The size and extremity of the magnetic anomaly indicated the geological structure changes beneath the lake, and Studinger guessed it might be a region where the earth's crust is thinner. The Antarctic Sun is funded by the National Science Foundation. |
FACT: CSETI Tom Bearden Website
TOM BEARDEN VIDEO: IMPORTANT A particle of matter is a trapped scalar resonance
Einstein In Need Of Update? Calculations Show The Speed Of Light Might Change |
[Some threads of this sleuth have turned up fiction]
EDITOR: check http://lantis.tv/release.html. Now this gets confusing. What is Atlantis TV doing here, promoting fact based on fiction, fiction based on fact, easing us in gently or clever disinfo to muddy the...ice? Weird! Read their pitch carefully, Vatican influences, the whole mind-game. But on with the investigation.
Date: 4/19/01 8:06:07 AM Pacific Daylight Time
Subj: Atlantis Mapping Project
Kent, You can always find "real" news updates in the News section of @lantis.TV. Just go to the Members page, which has the full story featured in our weekly webcasts, and click News in the upper navigation bar. That will take you to our News page, with all sorts of updates of goings-on in Antarctica.
As for departing from our fictional format regarding the secret U.S. dig for Atlantis, you may be interested in our next webcast. Apparently the National Security Agency has banned satellite flights over Lake Vostok, about 300 miles from our ficitonal dig, according to published "real" news reports. The whole thing is shrouded in mystery, so you can be sure we'll be tying it into to our mock dig.
The Tech Team @lantis Interactive, Inc. Beverly Hills, CA mail@lantis.TV
Date: 3/25/01 11:51:43 AM Pacific Daylight Time
Kent, This may interest you. I was surfing your site and became interested in the Antartica Anomoly. I read the article from @lantis that you had linked and decided to sign up for further information. After the sign up had processed I wanted to go straight back to your site, so I indexed my "back" menu and there it was...."NSA OVERRIDE".
Email statement from Atlantis TV [weird-factor=10]
NSA OVERRIDE?????? What exactly is THAT? America's Most Secret Agency
@lantis.TV Denies Conspiracy Charges
Date: 4/24/01 6:02:57 AM Pacific Daylight Time
That´s really strange, but it happened several times, that a novel predated actual events. Same happened for the Titanic! There was a book released about the same catastrophy just a few years before the accident, and even the name of the ship was similar. Another one: Clarke´s & Kubrick´s 2001. The anomaly on the moon was called TMA-1, Tycho MAGNETIC Anomaly 1. Holger Isenberg
[Some threads of this sleuth have us still guessing]
EXPERTISE Is the Press
release below bogus, or was another release made in coverup? Could Vostok
research teams blow themselves to bits and unleash widespread environmental
damage by drilling into the lake?
Scientists dump oil in Antarctic
Lockheed Martin announced
today that the Consolidated Space Operations Contract (CSOC) has entered
into a contract agreement with Raytheon Polar Services Company (RPSC) to
provide managed IP Data services in support of the National Science Foundation's
(NSF's) Polar programs.
Date: 2/28/01 10:12:14 PM Pacific Standard Time
If you try to click on the vostock it's now gone wonder why?
1. http://world-wide.com/images/earthlights.jpg
2. http://world-wide.com/vostok/ [now broken link]
It was where the picture of the lake and the article was before you had it.
EDITOR DISCLAIMER: yet unable to confirm authenticity of JPL source below; however, from a visual perspective I am fascinated with the rippling ice, "dunes," around the alleged magnetic area as though the ice or the land mass below has crystalized in response to energetic waves. I think this bears an ongoing alert and investigation. Check back here for more and DO EMAIL and tell us what you know.
Here's how the story came to me in email, please note I cannot find the article in the NASA News archives, although there seems to be a news gap from January 18-25th
2/24/01 6:23:56 PM Pacific Standard
This was sent to me. Where it came from I don't know yet.
David E. Steitz
Headquarters, Washington, DC
February 21, 2001
(Phone: 202/358-1730)
Rosemary Sullivant
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA
(Phone: 818/354-0747)
RELEASE: 01-24
In a brief announcment today, NASA and the JPL terminated all further study of Lake Vostok in S. Antarctica. In an apparent slip of confidentiality, spokeswoman Debra Shingteller alluded to "National Security Issues" allowing the NSA to assume full control of what had been an International effort to explore a huge, under-ice lake near the Russian Vostok research station. Ms. Shingteller was immediately led away from the podium, and an aid responded to the many further questions with the same answer: "the project has been halted due to environmental issues", and that no further releases were pending. The large crowd of press corp. were left clamoring as the officials left the stage. Ms. Shingteller has not responded to repeated attempts at contact.
Also proposed as a possible route for atmospheric interaction with the lake's environment are what are being labeled "geothermal boils". These are thousands of bubbles in the ice sheet located in the some 200 sq. miles of "ice dunes" discovered by the late Russian scientist Ivan Toskovoi who was stationed at Vostok research base until his disappearance in March 2000. The surveyed bubbles range from a few to several hundred feet in diameter.
Quite possibly just as exciting as all of the data related so far, is the discovery through Magnetic Imaging that there is an extremely powerful source of magnetic energy located at the North end of the lake's shoreline. As of this writing, no one has suggested an explanation for the magnetic "anomaly".
As recently as February 2000, at least two international teams were planning separate probes of the lake. Both consisted of fairly similar robotic sensors that would have been lowered through shafts(to be drilled). The team based at Cambridge University, London were sponsored by the UK and US governments, and backed by NASA technology. For reasons not clear, both programs have been shelved indefinitely, with NASA going so far as to deny any involvement, and both governments citing "environmental concerns". An independent source that visited Norway's research base some 150 miles to the East stated that a large amount of new equipment and personnel have been arriving at Russia's Vostok Station over the last six months. This is interesting considering Russia's current financial situation.
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A final note is a verified dispatch out of Casey Station(AU). The
pair of women adventurers who were attempting to ski across the continent
last month, and were extracted by plane during the last leg of their trip,
did NOT request the intervention. Over the protests of the Australian crew
at Casey, the two were airlifted via an extraordinary 48 hour flight by a
USN Special Forces team out of American Samoa. According to the dispatch
the women were insistent on reporting something unusual they had seen. The
latest news reports have the pair resting in "seclusion".
*****REBUTTAL TO "Dispatch out of Casey Station"***** Subj: Antarctic Women Article Date: 4/3/01 10:05:37 AM Pacific Daylight Time From: charlie@basecamp1.com (Charlie Hartwell) To: bardsquill@aol.com I received an e-mail from someone inquiring whether your article or note on the two women being extracted from Antarctica was true or not - I've quoted you below. Your note is quite inaccurate - and I would appreciate you removing it from your site. The two women, Ann Bancroft and Liv Arnesen - DID request the flight, there were no protests from the Australian crew at Casey, they were not airlifted to American Samoa. They did not report anything unusual - and they are not resting in seclusion. They have been interviewed by media outlets around the world, tracked on yourexpedition.com. Ann and Liv were not in Casey Station, they were confirmed to go out through McMurdo station on an Australian ship, were photographed in Hobart. I have copied Daniel Laidlaw who wrote me about this - please take your article off - to confirm, I am the person responsible for the Expedition, and you can find the facts of the expedition on yourexpedition.com. Thank you. "A final note is a verified dispatch out of Casey Station(AU). The pair of women adventurers who were attempting to ski across the continent last month, and were extracted by plane during the last leg of their trip, did NOT request the intervention. Over the protests of the Australian crew at Casey, the two were airlifted via an extraordinary 48 hour flight by a USN Special Forces team out of American Samoa. According to the dispatch the women were insistent on reporting something unusual they had seen. The latest news reports have the pair resting in "seclusion"." Charlie Hartwell President, yourexpedition 119 North Fourth Street - Suite 406 Minneapolis, MN 55401 612 333-1207 Our mission: To inspire and promote the Achievement of Dreams EDITOR'S REPLY: Subj: Re: Antarctic Women Article Date: 4/3/01 10:31:44 AM Pacific Daylight Time From: BARDSQUILL To: charlie@basecamp1.com I have always regarded the article as a case looking for solution and prefaced by my editorial comments: EDITOR DISCLAIMER: yet unable to confirm authenticity of JPL source below; however, from a visual perspective I am fascinated with the rippling ice, "dunes," around the alleged magnetic area as though the ice or the land mass below has crystalized in response to energetic waves. I think this bears an ongoing alert and investigation. Check back here for more and DO EMAIL and tell us what you know. Here's how the story came to me in email, please note I cannot find the article in the NASA News archives, although there seems to be a news gap from January 18-25th SENT TO ME: 2/24/01 6:23:56 PM Pacific Standard Time This was sent to me. Where it came from I don't know yet. ANON I have added your entire comment immediately below the article in question so my readers can see for themselves that chronology of the investigation, which is what we have here an eager search for the truth. Any offering from the two explorers themselves would be most welcome or any additional commentary from yourself. Kent Steadman ORBIT Vostok Investigation antmag.html Date: 4/3/01 10:42:58 AM Pacific Daylight Time From: charlie@basecamp1.com (Charlie Hartwell) To: BARDSQUILL@aol.com you can hear their actual voices on the web site if you go back to follow the Expedition on yourexpedition.com - they report directly where they are - almost every day through the Expedition. Please refer to that for comments if you're looking for the truth. Also, given that reporters from the BBC and Minneapolis Star Tribune were with them on the boat, as well as a camera crew which took photos and video of them on the ship and in hobart. You can find photos of them on the ship in newspapers and TV in 210 countries - through CNN's footage, BBC's etc, Associated Press. PHotos of them on the ship are on yourexpedition.com as well. If you want to really dig into the truth, as I said go to yourexpedition.com and go back through daily files. You can get what you need there. Press room on the site is another place to find information and photos. Charlie Hartwell President, yourexpedition 119 North Fourth Street - Suite 406 Minneapolis, MN 55401 612 333-1207 Our mission: To inspire and promote the Achievement of Dreams Date: 4/3/01 11:09:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time I will include your additional commentary above to refer my readers to your website. Our larger question and primary investigation here involves the current activities at Vostok as well as the nature of the magnetic anomaly. Kent Steadman ORBIT From: Phil Wood [mailto:phil.wood@aad.gov.au] Sent: Thursday, 3 May 2001 1:33 PM Subject: re Adventurers and Casey Thanks for your email. I can comfirm that there was no protest from anyone at Australia's Casey station - of any type - about the repatriation of Ann Bancroft and Liv Avnesen. The trekkers were nowhere near Casey and were taken out from McMurdo by ship, not by plane - as they were unable to finish their crossing in time to catch their pre-arranged ship from the continent. We have no news, or view, on the repatriation of personnel from McMuro station, we suggest you communicate with the US Polar Program. Thanks Phil Wood |
Fascination With Antarctica, Titles of Honour
Date: 3/19/01 9:00:24 AM Pacific Daylight Time
Hi Kent, I agree that something unusual is happening down south. The hints and rumors I've been getting, indicate a large scale project with a lot of equipment being flown in from Russia as well as the US. Scott base and Vostok are showing increased action but little info is being released. The magnetic anomaly has been known for quite a while but I think someone has stumbled onto something astounding and each side is taking advantage of the situation. I haven't heard of any concrete evidence of high powered electromagnetic emissions from the area, however this could be possible. It would be a perfect site for an underground type of antenna array. If one were to drill through the ice at two points widely separated from each other, and place electrodes into the earth you could construct a "Rogers" type ULF transceiving station. For instance, with one electrode near the South Pole and the other at Lake Vostok, this could cause an intense magnetic anomaly near Vostok. ELFRAD Founded on a scientific theory developed by the late Dr. Charles Hapgood in close interaction with no less a personage than Albert Einstein, the idea appears robust enough to withstand the most virulent of attacks expected from the guardians of scientific orthodoxy. At any rate, it will not take a wholesale melting of the icecap to settle the question. A few properly directed satellite pictures and the appropriate seismic surveys could quickly make it clear if, indeed, advanced civilization has ever flourished on the lands beneath the ice. |
Antarctic Meteorology Online from the British Antarctic Survey
Antarctic Astronomy and Astrophysics Research Institute
The Lost World of Lake Vostok Ice Station Vostok
LAKE VOSTOK : A Curiosity or a Focus for Interdisciplinary Study? The Lost World of Lake Vostok
Radio Echo Sounding of Ice Deciphering Mysteries of Past Climate From Antarctic Ice Cores
Exotic Microbes Discovered near Lake Vostok Lab: Vostok Ice Core
Antarctica's Lake Vostok Exploring Lake Vostok Scientists say Antarctic lake worth a look-see
Frozen Time Capsule From Lake Vostok Arrives At Montana State University
Bacteria May Thrive in Antarctic Lake The frosty plains of Europa
Latest Antarctic surface observations | WEB CAMS
Polar remote sensing (CIMSS) Polar Pathfinder The Thinning of the Arctic Ice Cover Current solar, snow, and sea ice conditions updated every 20 minutes |
Date: 2/27/01 7:10:42 AM Pacific Standard Time
In a mad rush to find links you don't have, here's what I found. Maybe one of these can help? Thanks! We're keepin' our eyes peeled, hoping someone will chat with you and reveal the secrets at the South Pole...
Vostok 2 Old news about Vostok 2
Charts [This site won't at the moment come up, keep trying] Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute. Department of Geophysics. Current Measurements. Russian Arctic Magnetometer (RAM) network...
Maybe someone who knows The magnetometer systems at Vostok and Mirny use a 3-axis quartz magnetometer sensor designed and built at IZMIRAN. The unmanned stations use a commercial 3-axis fluxgate magnetometer sensor.
EDITOR: most important, what experiments are underway? Perhaps some tech-sleuths could examine these publications and help us interpret what the research scientists are doing. Do they have an atmospheric cooker or Ionospheric Sounding System like HAARP, or are they deploying Starwars systems? The following two experiments caught my eye:
NOTE RECENT EXPERIMENT: 125. Martines-Bedenko, V. A., V. A. Pilipenko, V. O. Papitashvili, M. J. Engebretson, J. F. Watermann, and P. T. Newell, High-latitude mapping of ULF activity, field-aligned currents, and DMSP-based dayside magnetospheric domains, submitted to Int. J. Geomagn. Aeron., February 2001.
Reference: ANTARCTICA AUSTRALIA Atmospheric Sciences
OLDER: Papitashvili, V. O., C. R. Clauer, S. B. Musko, B. A. Belov, O. A. Troshichev, and M. G. Gudkov, Low-magnitude, long-period magnetic pulsations observed deep in the southern polar cap, Antarctic J. of the U.S., 31, No. 2, 255-257, 1996.
ANTARCTIC DIGITAL DATABASE Automatic Geophysical Observatories
Webcam [Interesting image captured here]
The Illustrated South Pole Diaries, February 2001
Why stripes appear Here's an Acrobat file: on page 5, see how it describes magnetic stripes, and sea floor spreading? People that know about Atlantis are interested.
Subj: mixing terms: magnetic; sea floor; earth grid
Date: 2/28/01 7:52:34 AM Pacific Standard Time
Terms 'earth grid', 'sea floor' & 'magnetic' come together here:
History of Sea Floor spreading:
Possibly some useful geography links here:
When it comes to magnetic things happening on earth, eventually talk revolves around the "earth grid". These ripples may be a necessary event for us. Something's been said like: earth grid had to be put in place around the time of building Egyptian pyramids... so perhaps some repair work is going on with our land masses or earth grids. Positive energy is apparently most helpful for everyone to choose now.
I might be "getting warm" around the general correct explanation. The people who really know and probably won't tell much about this are at http://www.higherpath.org. Hope the 3 links help.
Date: 3/1/01 8:54:39 AM Pacific Standard Time
National Public Radio broadcasted a report from Antarctica by Richard Harris this morning, and he claims the major activity down there is construction of a NASA training center for astronauts. Note the paragraph at the end of the attached article that mentions " an impending UFO encounter."
EDITOR: Jim Lovell been haunting around down there 2
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Date: 4/24/01 6:02:57 AM Pacific Daylight Time That´s really strange, but it happened several times, that a novel predated actual events. Same happened for the Titanic! There was a book released about the same catastrophy just a few years before the accident, and even the name of the ship was similar. Another one: Clarke´s & Kubrick´s 2001. The anomaly on the moon was called TMA-1, Tycho MAGNETIC Anomaly 1. Holger Isenberg
"I'm sure you are aware of the extremely grave potential for social shock and disorientation caused by this information. We can't release it without proper conditioning" - Heywood Floyd Extraterrestrial Monolith In Space Did Sagan get cancer from exposure to a monolith? |
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