ORBIT: INSIDE COVER 4/15/01 22:12:54 [after the flare]
![]() NO PUBLIC SOHO VISUAL DATA AT TIME OF EVENT (sigh, as usual) But we do get this from Spacecom Region 9415 was the source of the second largest flare of solar cycle 23, an impulsive X14.4 event at 13:50 UT. A strong type II sweep was recorded as well. Unfortunately no new LASCO images have become available over the last couple of days, making it difficult to tell if the CME associated with this flare will influence the geomagnetic field. Although the flare occurred near the southwest limb, there is a fair possibility of the CME causing active to minor storm conditions on April 17. A strong particle storm began shortly after the flare. |
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UPDATE: NASA finally publishes
Date: 4/16/01 10:56:49 AM Pacific Daylight Time Hi Kent, You can click on the MORE LASCO C2/C3 segments of the attached and see the latest X15 flare and following proton storm now. It's a great show. |
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EDITOR: also check out TRACE. AWESOME!
SOLAR STARGATES In Question: if an interdimensional gate exists, a stargate, would it involve our nearest star? This watch will remain as our sun goes through a shocking extreme.
Date: 4/1/01 1:05:44 PM Pacific Daylight Time [IMAGE, TOP-LEFT]: Hiya Kent, Took this picture this morning April 1st at sunrise when we saw something strange happening....we've never seen a singular beam of light coming out from the sun when it rises...we've seen hundreds of sunrises out here..nothing like this one though..usually light comes out in every direction. When viewed in the binoculars the beam seemed to have a "spiral" effect? We couldn't tell if the beam was coming down from the sun or up from the earth to the sun..the sun was above the thin clouds so we couldn't actually see the sun...but a weird glow surrounded the whole area. We're in North Eastern Washington State so we don't know what was witnessed over there...maybe you can make some sense of this picture..maybe it's "normal"...but its the first time we've seen the sun do this kind of thing ever when it has risen.
NOTE: most important to browse to ORBIT FRONTPAGE for other MEGAFLARE events EDITOR: compare to awesome "stargate" anomaly on 9/22/99
Far in a past time, lost in the space time, the Children of Light looked Down on the world. Seeing the children of men in their bondage, bound by the Force that came from beyond. Knew they that only by freedom from bondage could man ever rise from the Earth to the Sun. Down they descended and created bodies, taking the semblance of men as their own. THOTH
You came to this sphere in what has been described as chariots of fire. Perhaps you would refer to them as ships, though these chariots of fire were very much like a meteor perhaps, as a vehicle, that brought the many who entered into and began to build the age or the day of Atlantis. Paul Solomon It all seems ALIVE out there, so for a spell it won't hurt to play IT that way.
Then these would be beings that would be to you as the animal level or less than human existence, though not in the sense of the animal existence or the animal kingdom on this earth, for these are earthly expression of the Devic Order. Or that is, that on heavenly levels (or the inter-between, those astral levels of existence as do not come into manifestations that you would see) there are those servants of man that are for the expression of God and offer lessons or teachings or vehicles. Now, that then that you would see as the flying ships, or that as has been expressed as the flying saucers or the ships from outer space, might be seen then as angels. They are vehicles for the transportation of those consciousnesses from one level of manifestation to another. Paul Solomon
UFO Sends Flare of Light Towards Observers Source: Patricia Date: 4/13/01 12:17:09 AM Pacific Daylight Time I was up James Gilliland's ranch in Washington, over the weekend for a brief visit. On Saturday night, James and I were upstairs for a minute and heard his friend Paul outside yelling excitedly. We ran out on the deck and looked up and saw a bright glowing light traveling up from the far horizon, high up in the night sky, arcing across the sky. It was moving slow enough that you had about five minutes to watch it cross the sky. It was clearly not a plane (too bright, no flashing lights), and it was not a satellite (again, way too bright). It was the brightest object in the sky. Beyond what you could see, as I stood on the deck watching it, I was overcome with this cascade of energy from my head down to my toes, like being washed in a shower of sparkling golden globes of light, with energy pulsing through my entire body. I felt this immense joy and love and lightness, this radiance. There was the excitement of seeing this object but then the energy surge was something altogether unexpected. As I felt this, Paul began yelling that he was getting pulses of energy as well, and James (who had run to get the video camera and set it up on the ground outside the house) was videoing it and called out that the object had sent a pulse directly at the camera. We hadn't seen it with our eyes, but he said he saw it through the camera lens and felt it (this was what we had felt as well). As it reached the far horizon it faded from view. What I can't get over is how 'they' (those in the object) know we are aware of them and send us energy, or maybe we just tap into them and feel what they are about. I don't know, I just know it was an awesome experience. Later we all stood outside, gathered around the fire, and marveled at what we had seen and felt. A little later we viewed the video footage and could clearly see the object shoot a brilliant diffused flare of light toward camera. Amazing. I also got to watch the footage of the March 10 landing, which was really something else. It is definitely worth seeing. I got chills watching it - was just amazing.
It glows multi-colours under my body, but it isn't hot to the touch. I can almost see through its sheet-metal skin and witness the magnetic wheels inside, vibrating wildly.
ANTIGRAVITY Propellant-less Electromagnetic Propulsion Date: 4/14/01 8:14:46 PM Pacific Daylight Time Hi Kent. Greek scientists have succeed with his experiments with antigravity. Maybe a cover up is imminent, so I suggest you keep a copy of his work at: http://jnaudin.free.fr/stvexp/html/stv2caps.htm http://jnaudin.free.fr/stvexp/html/stvcqtl.htm http://jnaudin.free.fr/html/stvrfpend.htm http://jnaudin.free.fr/html/stvrfpnd2.htm http://jnaudin.free.fr/html/stvrfpnd3.htm http://jnaudin.free.fr/html/stvrfpnd4.htm http://jnaudin.free.fr/html/stvwdbal.htm http://jnaudin.free.fr/stvthes/html/index.htm http://jnaudin.free.fr/stvexp/html/stvrxp1a.htm http://jnaudin.free.fr/stvdmdoc/stvcap.htm http://jnaudin.free.fr/stvdmdoc/prplessp.htm http://www.electrogravity.com/STAVROS/Stavros1.pdf Newly created material defies laws of physics
Magnetic anomaly appears to be in the very same neighborhood as the location of the sizable sub-surface craft shown in Chris Carter's X-Files movie. In fact they went as far as to show the exact latitude and longitude twice in the storyline, and of the sixteen separate bases spread out across the Antarctic inland icepack-- the X-Files location (83 degrees S Latitude by 63 degrees E Longitude), is closer to the Lake Vostok station than any other. Hmmm...more UPDATE: Unique Buried South Pole Telescope Points To Earth's Center
Motto: In an infinite Cosmos all dreams are true.
ORBIT is NOT mainstream, thank god. No slick soapy mindwash. It is up to you! Is the FCC Quelling Free Speech? Crusty Kent working on ORBIT Redheads 'are neanderthal' |
Struggle Seen As Sun Switches Magnetic Field Polarity
"In the past few months, the direction of the magnetic field observed by Ulysses fluctuated between the old and the new. Even now, there are periods when the old polarity is still present.
"Clearly, a struggle is going on in the Sun's magnetic field, with freshly emerging new polarity regions racing towards the polar regions, encountering the slowly decaying older polarity regions. We know that the new polarity will win through, but the battle is still on for another few months."
4/10/01 EIT 05:36:10 X-3 FLARE 4/6/01 EIT 19:24 X-7 FLARE [Effects grazed earth] |
Subj: Extreme magnetic event begins Date: 4/11/01 12:03:19 PM Pacific Daylight Time (Newmill) The interplanetary shock wave expected to arrive today has done just that. Magnetometer readings at the GOES satellites are as volatile [high and low] as I've ever seen. Even the newly expanded scale, especially into the negative magnetism, is being tested by this event. |
MAJOR FLARES CONTINUE: New dangerous region, 9415
Mount Wilson
Observatory Cam
NEW SUN Mysterious email March Mercury Transit [MPEG]
TRACE: gif animation of 4/26 flare
4/25/01 17:47 C3
TRACE: 20-Apr-01 04:07:48 to 20-Apr-01 14:58:03
MI-FLASH: Oz-One (ozone) DNA-UV encoded light frequency |
Date: 4/20/01 10:19:50 AM Pacific Daylight Time
On the attached map you can see the worst of the Gobi desert dust storm is still heading toward North America. The sunrise this morning was a milky white to dusty brown instead of the usual salmon and purple. I think a painter's dust mask will be necessary when I do my night deliveries this weekend. |
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MARS: 10,230 New Images!MOC Gallery, M13-M18 April 2001
Date: 4/12/01 6:17:19 PM Pacific Daylight Time
Did you notice they release images up to/ but not including/ the time of 76P?
PLANET-X Cosmic golf could smash cities Jupiter's 'northern lights'
Jupiter unleashes mysterious bright flash
April 13, 2001 Web posted at: 9:57 AM EDT (1357 GMT)
An extraordinarily bright flare erupted on Jupiter, puzzling scientists who detected the burst with the Hubble Space Telescope.
Looking at Jupiter's aurora, the most powerful in the solar system, researchers observed an intense aurora emission that increased 30 times in brightness within seconds before plummeting back to normal levels.
"The flare is far brighter than anything we've seen before at Jupiter," said Randy Gladstone, member of a scientific team that reported the event in the April 12 issue of the journal Nature. "The amount of energy released is comparable to an atomic bomb blast."
Terrestrial auroras take place when the solar wind interacts with the magnetic field around the Earth. Those on Jupiter are fed largely by energy extracted from the planet's rotation.
The research team, including scientists from the University of Michigan and Southwest Research Institute, detected the September 1999 energy burst in ultraviolet wavelengths recorded by Hubble.
Fresh Look at the Search for Noah and The Ark
Subj: Southern cal quake starting to build
Date: 4/17/01 7:42:34 AM Pacific Daylight Time
Hi Kent, There is a large quake starting to build for S. Cal/LA area. This could be the proverbial "Big One" it seems to have all the indications. This info is still very preliminary!!!!! Nothing is set yet.
Tale latest: The Lion-Whisker |
4/17/01 17:15
FOLLOW UP ON 4/11 - 12 /01 YUMA & NEVADA
The single-engine Cirrus CR20 was destroyed on impact and burned after the crash in a mountainous area 30 miles east of Tucson
"Big Flasher" from Western Nevada - 4th April, 2001
HAARP: A Timeline of Control
Volcano Erupts 130 miles Off Oregon Coast - No Threat
NEXUS: The Hurricane Andrew Cover-up
BEARDEN REPORT AND SLIDESHOW: A National Report on America's Energy Crisis
The Missing Infolded Electrodynamics
James Watson, the "father" of DNA science, has called for the law to be changed so that scientists can alter the genes of sperm, eggs and embryos and so rid genetic defects from future generations
. Date: 7/26/00 5:05:09 PM Pacific Daylight Time To Daddy bear and the lovely Leah - thank you! I laughed, I almost cried, I chuckled with glee, and at times the tingles ran up my spine. I was in danger of losing the magic but now it's back and it's powerful! See you in the Enchanted Forest. Love, Elf
"The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every day. Never lose a holy curiosity." EINSTEIN
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ORBIT RECENT EVENTS Events, radar, theory, search |
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READERS: when you access orbit, please look for ways to return the favor. Keep this effort alive!