Seleucia [Secret Base?] |
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Will the U.S. reap what it has sown? Byrd asks: We have a paper trail, Byrd said. We not only know that Iraq has biological weapons, we know the type, the strain, and the batch number of the germs that may have been used to fashion those weapons. We know the dates they were shipped and the addresses to which they were shipped. We have in our hands the equivalent of a Betty Crocker cookbook of ingredients that the U.S. allowed Iraq to obtain and that may well have been used to concoct biological weapons. |
WAR WITH WIZARDS: these Sufi-Dervish Kurds inherit an ancient way. They threaten fundy religious institutions, maybe modern institutions in general. They live around Ararat, once built impossible ancient cities using the biggest megalithic stones in the world and like their Patriarch, Enoch, discourse with angels. MUSIC
Call for Sleuths: The overwhelming majority of Muslim Kurds are followers of one several mystic Sufi orders.. Could it be the institutional Muslims (as well as fundy Christianity, Judaism) seek to destroy the real Magi, the Sufi and Dervish Masters that taught Mohammad also the teachers, the purveyors of ancient wisdom to Abraham to Jesus? Is this same persecution directed towards the Masters in Afghanistan (mystic cultures along the Pyandzh River), or for that matter the United States, the persecution of the Indian Elders? Did G. Gurdjieff in "Meetings With Remarkable Men" speak of some of these Masters? Do the Shamans and Magi, keepers of the ancient mysteries, hold an understanding of elemental forces that threaten modern technologies, modern weaponry, modern machine culture? Do we see remants of antediluvian beings , do they still inhabit earth, or are they returning? | ||
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Archaeological Site Photography: Mesopotamia
White Temple (Uruk/Warka) UR - Nammu Marduk (Tower of Babel) |
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![]() I just read the post on the book "The Third Eye." Last summer I attended a Zecharia Sitchin seminar in Philadelphia. Mr. Sitchin took the attendees to a nearby museum. There were housed some Sumerian artifacts. Before we journeyed to the museum, Mr. Sitchin told us that thousands of years ago one of these Annunaki gods died on this planet and was buried. He said that was very remarkable since the have such long life expectancies compared to ours. At the museum Mr. Sitchin pointed out this GIANT gold headress worn by this "goddess." We were all stunned at the size of it - nearly three times the size of a human head. Woolley Grave? WOOLLEY AND THE GREAT FLOOD Enlil eventually gave way and permitted the human race to continue, but he required that Enki and the mother goddess organize them better, probably to spare him the noise. Lady Puabi wore an elaborate headdress of gold leaves, gold ribbons, strands of lapis lazuli and carnelian beads, a tall comb of gold, chokers, necklaces, and a pair of large, crescent-shaped earrings. Digging up the Past Raging Question |
UPDATE, MUST READ: Discoveries At Nineveh 1854 Wristwatch? |
"These are the idols of the infidels," said one, more knowing than the rest. "I saw many such when I was in Italia with Reshid Pashaw, the embassador. Wallah! they have them in all the churches, and the papas (priests) kneel and burn candles before them." "No, my lamb," exclaimed a more aged and experienced Turk. "I have seen the images of the infidels in the churches of Beyoglu; they are dressed in many colors; and although some of them have wings, none have a dog's body and a tail; these are the works of the Jin, whom the holy Solomon, peace be upon him! reduced to obedience and imprisoned under his seal." | |||
Date: Tuesday, 1 October 2002, 12:27 a.m
Today, whilst reading Skolnicks updated story (pt 15), I came across something that I have known about for some time (Sufis told me) but that is not mentioned in print or on the net as far as I know --- I read it on Rense but I cant seem to bring that page up at the moment. What he mentioned was something along the lines off: Iran's interest in little -known religous artifacts located in Iraq. The Sufis told me that one of these is like a bottomless pit that is guarded all the time by armed soldiers --- from a religous point of view, for some shia muslims, this is where the Mahdi will emerge. The Sufis said that the "real" black stone is down there, & has something to do with gravity (which they(sufis) equate to Love) |
In July
of 1937, the Nazi party's elite, such as Hitler and Goering, began
sending out special teams of their elite forces. These teams were to collect
all kinds of supernatural, scientific and religious items. Primarily items
dealing with the supernatural, occult and the fringe sciences. During the
search for Noah's Ark, along the borders of Turkey and Persia in the mountain
range of Arafat, the team was exposed to a story by some of the older members
of a village near the Tigress river. The story was that 200 generations ago
a strange shiny house had fallen from the sky, making such a noise that it
woke everyone in the village...
United States Military Intelligence, under the code name Oz, successfully captured the Nazi facility containing the disc. The disc was shipped back to the US, narrowly missing USSR troops in their attempts to capture as much as they could of secret Nazi treasures and sciences. The USSR was to find out about the ship within six months, presumably from the German scientists they had captured. |
Astronomical Enigma A mathematical demonstration of the nonrandom nature of the major orbits of the Solar System. The observed fact of order is unexplained by the Nebular Hypothesis, or any other scientific theory known to the writer.
Timeline of Nephilim
movement through the world A settlement in the Kurdistan Highlands
is established and known as Dilman, Kharsag, or Eden. Situated near Lake
Van, this community became the home for a shamanic culture which is later
transformed into the myths of Watchers (Judaism), ahuras (Iran), or Anannage
(Sumerian-Akkadian). A cave known as the
Shanidar, located
on the Great Zab River in Kurdistan, is used for shamanistic practices. Later,
archaeologists will find goat skulls and the wings of bustards, vultures,
and eagles. At the same time, early settlements in Palestine and Syria begin.
Watcher culture reaches its peak.
"At least one of the flowers Madame Leroi-Gourhan identified, the yarrow or milfoil, was known to have been used in the recent past as a medicinal herb to promote the healing of wounds. Another flower she identified, belonging to the woody horsetail group, was still being used in Iraq as a medicinal plant. Perhaps, as Solecki would speculate, the medicinal properties of these flowers had also been known to the Neandertals of Shanidar. "Neandertals inhabited Shanidar Cave around 45,000 or 50,000 years ago. Thus, if all the evidence has been interpreted correctly, some kind of human relative-an extinct human variant or, possibly, a separate species of uncertain human affinities-had carried out purposeful, contemplated burial practices." |
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THE CAVE: I don't know where I was born. After all, who would be interested in the life of a child born in a cave. I was approached several times to write my life story, but because I thought it of little interest I never seriously considered it. However as with all humans I grew older and my memoirs accumulated until I felt the need to write them down. |
Sensational Human Genome Discovery ZS Seminar Rephaim The Haggadah Enheduanna: Hymns to Inanna
Path to Eden Tell Hamoukar The Forbidden Legacy of a Fallen Race
Assyrian Treasures from the city of Kalhu(Nimrud) AnaMata RaMuAn The "sound" of "Baal"
The tree of knowledge I have given it a lot of thought, and now I suspect that the original Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden was not a living plant but a powerful computer
The Great Sufis From The Land of Afghanistan
2002/09/29 17:02:44 36.20N 70.10E 128.6 5.3 A HINDU KUSH REGION, AFGHANISTAN
Agency disavows report on Iraq arms The International Atomic Energy Agency says that a report cited by President Bush as evidence that Iraq in 1998 was "six months away" from developing a nuclear weapon does not exist.
Pentagon Plans to Gas US Citizens
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PRAVDA: Sensation: Cities Found on the Moon [original]
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![]() LIVE DATA Had to pull graphic feed, slowing load, go to:, almost continuous magstorms for days now. Xray Flux Proton Flux .Electron Flux..Magnetometer .Kp Index AuroraLarge Meteorite Falls on the Irkutsk Region Disintegrating Comets What is Happening to C/2002 O4 (Hoenig)? |
"...rebellious humans can produce disturbances on the
Sun proportional to the degree of their denial of the God force in man and
Nature." Cayce.
Deus ex
Sol Solar Logos and Helioseismology
Magma Buildup Causing Mauna Loa to Swell
Telescope to be built at South Pole "We are going to look for the tug-of-war between gravity and dark energy," said the University of Chicago's John Carlstrom, who heads the project.
Diamond-shaped craft sighted in Canada - Friday, October 2, 2002
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Like a giant amoeba in the sky, the ozone hole above Antarctica has divided into two parts, which have spread away from the southernmost continent. The surprising development is the first of its kind since NASA and other U.S. agencies began monitoring the ozone hole, a seasonal vortex high in the atmosphere, more than two decades ago. |
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Most Grateful for the Bread & Butter: Kent, Wendy, Brian
2002/10/04 19:05:50 20.82S 179.00W 626.5 6.4 A FIJI ISLANDS REGION
2002/10/03 16:08:28 23.23N 108.50W 10.0 6.4 A GULF OF CALIFORNIA
Strong earthquake shakes Brittany
Date: 10/4/02 9:48:54 PM Pacific Daylight Time
Somethings up... strange occurrences from Richland Michigan... its happened twice in three weeks... a flash of some kind of energy (hard to describe) flashes through our home, Satellite (DirecTV) loses signal, DSL line breaks connection and a separate cable TV loses signal, lights flash... this last only 2-3 seconds then everything returns to normal.
The first time it happened what I felt in my body during the event made me jump (startled). Is it possible that this may be related to a solar event or more likely man made
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