All Made of Stars
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Did the iron in your blood and calcium in your bones come from a long-ago supernova? Astronomer and writer Carl Sagan thought so. "We are star stuff", Sagan once said.
V1 reacquired, Argentina, still BIG! |
Iridium: A thin, worldwide layer of iridium exists in a layer of sediment that was put down at the end of the Cretaceous period. Since meteors and asteroids contain a higher percentage of iridium than the earth's crust, this iridium enriched layer is seen as evidence that the earth was struck by a large meteor or asteroid at that time. Dust from the impact would have spread around the globe, depositing the iridium. The dust also would have blocked the sun for a time, resulting in the extinction of many plant and animal species, including the dinosaurs. |
Kent's Kool Komet Koncept: DUSTED!
Alchemike: sorry bardo...was away...
Alchemike: tell me bout dream
BARDSQUILL: the dream idea is that the CME pretty much hit the comet when it was on the solar equator, orbital plane, SOOOOO....
BARDSQUILL: gettin bad when I start dreamin science
Alchemike: k
Alchemike: doubt
BARDSQUILL: we been dusted, when we will go through the dust is unknown, but we will
BARDSQUILL: that CME interacting with the comet musta peeled away a layer or two exactly in the critical position for earth
BARDSQUILL: solar winds will blow the particles out our way
BARDSQUILL: maybe iridium, happened in ancient times
Alchemike: like the breath of sol....
Alchemike: my mind...was thinkin bout the iridium deposits in ground
BARDSQUILL: A thin, worldwide layer of iridium exists in a layer of earth sediment that was put down at the end of the Cretaceous period.
Alchemike: layers
Alchemike: yes!
Alchemike: that is true
BARDSQUILL: gonna go to art-hell dreamin science, really did dream that stuff over and over, gettin dusted, coulda been a flashback to my musician days
BARDSQUILL: that's art-hell
Alchemike: heh
Alchemike: you funny
BARDSQUILL: just bonkers
Kent Footnote: Meteor standard theory, yup.
I do think comets are more than ice, various types, I´d say.
The killed astronomers and service men of the Plateau de Bure Observatory:
Did you know, that they are famous for their research about Hale Bopp? Maybe they found something about comets, that does not fit in NASA´s theory about their "dirty snowballs!" Especially they found complex molecules on Hale Bopp never seen before by NASA. Read it all on their homepage (almost last entry in the index). [page has changed somewhat, French now]
I think it´s okay to speculate, comet dust, makes more sense to me as far as global dispersal, we were sprayed.
A Rare Meteor Shower The source of the dust this time is Comet Bradfield
(C/1976 D1)--a dim comet discovered in 1976 by Bill Bradfield of Australia.
It swings through the inner solar system approximately every 1000 years.
Coming towards
Antarctica, makes
me go hmmm
![]() Woodstock by Joni Mitchell I came upon a child of God He was walking along the road And I asked him, where are you going And this he told me I'm going on down to Yasgur's farm I'm going to join in a rock 'n' roll band I'm going to camp out on the land I'm going to try and get my soul free
We are stardust We are golden And we've got to get ourselves Back to the garden
Then can I walk beside you I have come here to lose the smog And I feel to be a cog in something turning Well maybe it is just the time of year Or maybe it's the time of man I don't know who I am But life is for learning
We are stardust We are golden And we've got to get ourselves Back to the garden
By the time we got to Woodstock We were half a million strong And everywhere there was song and celebration And I dreamed I saw the bombers Riding shotgun in the sky And they were turning into butterflies Above our nation
We are stardust We are golden And we've got to get ourselves Back to the garden chillage people Listen, Woodstock