Seattle Vortex: photographed by Kent Steadman 6/19/01 6:33 AM PST first sighted 40 degrees above due-western horizon, moving easterly with weather currents to dissipate within ten minutes of first view at 90 degrees straight up. Ribbon strand seemed to emanate from center of vortex moving out and away at direction 6:30 from viewer's plane. Phenomena seemed to flow out of vortex rather than sucked in. Surrounding chemtrails heavy.
BARDSQUILL: not to mention coupla days ago woke up, ran outside, looked
up, weird deal hanging over Seattle straight up, ran back in, grabbed camera.
One of several pics worked, the rest blanked out on me. Pic doesn't give
justice to thingy but was some kind of vortex:
Seattle Vortex
BARDSQUILL: sorta remained a vortex while everything around it circulated
and in fact seemed to emanate from the hole.
BARDSQUILL: cloaked ship effect
BROTHER: wow, weird
BARDSQUILL: something-outside-ness woke me up
BARDSQUILL: almost straight up 90 degrees
BROTHER: was it cloud like or what?
BARDSQUILL: like a hole in the clouds
BARDSQUILL: like something there around which the atmosphere circled
BARDSQUILL: moved east ahead of clouds or better said it seemed to have different
movement than adjacent clouds
BARDSQUILL: damn, wish my other snapshots had worked so I could have a time-lapse
BARDSQUILL: stuff was coming out of the hole, spider web clouds
BARDSQUILL: that's it like a spider spinning webs
BARDSQUILL: freakin weird it was
BARDSQUILL: good thing I got one pic anyway at least to show Wendy who was
in bed scrambling to set up the camera for me, batteries replaced, doing
settings, etc,
BARDSQUILL: was a scramble
BARDSQUILL: 6:30 in morning
BARDSQUILL: as it was dumass camera was set to 100 dpi instead of 400.
Never ready for this stuff when it happens.
BARDSQUILL: thing is these vortices been seen in CA and Fla too
BARDSQUILL: seem connected to chemtrails
BROTHER: sorry, cooking dinner at the same time
BROTHER: I read up
BARDSQUILL: sorry, yakkin all this down for the record too
BARDSQUILL: after the fact recollection
EDITOR: are chemtrails a process of dusting to reveal Cosmic Fingerprints?
Reader Comment: to expose the presence of living biological organisms within our own atmosphere...
or...UFO metaphysics
7/3/01 'Death Angel' Chemtrail Near Seattle
EDITOR: notice structural similarities of recent "hole-punch" cloud formations to recently published recent plasma-Seraphim. I wonder if we are seeing how a 5th Element is entering our dimension-- not to mention that we might be perceiving the possible meat of mythology concerning Devas and Elementals. CLOUD VORTICES 2 ARCHIVES: Florida Pulsed |
Seattle Vortex Captured by Kent ARCHIVE: SKIES FULL OF LIES? |
Date: 6/17/01 6:16:10 AM Pacific Daylight Time
Mornin' to you...I just thought I would leave off two tidbits you may enjoy:) The first is a possible explanation of the punch hole clouds over Melborne Fla. I wrote to the reporter of the story about this also. I study the military's every move to try and keep up with their black ops insanity. I was reading about a project they have, called JOINT STARS ( What I found interesting about this Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System is this! The place where this is created and tested is in Melborne less,where the hole was! We've had this program overhead in Maryland as I have seen the planes with the canoe like structure located beneath the plane.