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7/29/02 7:13:16 PM Pacific Daylight Time
In your Earth-Sun page at the top of your site, someone wanted to know:
when it's UTC 00:00 time, where on the earth is the sun DIRECTLY
Well... To get the answer, just go to the following link, and plug in
every day of the year. And check off the SUN option to set the view
"from the sun". Below is a list of coordinates, showing the earth
where the sun is directly overhead at 00:00 UTC time.
At the time of that
anomaly on 12/07/2001 1900Z, the sun was southeast of the anomaly at
22°41'S 107°05'W, which just happens to be a few
miles north of EASTER
ISLAND! And Sala y Gomez Island,
etc. I have no idea if good old Rapa Nui or a pyramid had anything
to do with that bullseye anomaly, but wouldn't it be NEATO if it did?
At the time of that "bullseye" anomaly, the MOON at the same date and time was at 10°34'N 166°51'E, which was southwest of the bullseye. |
At the time of the 9-11 WTC disaster last year, the MOON was "kinda"
overhead at 22°59'N 95°10'W. If you're ever
standing on the moon in the
United States' morning, you always get a clear-as-day view of the US.
I hope you like the photo. The Becker-Hagens grid is overlaid on the
figure 8 that forms from all the locations of the sun overhead.
Earth and Moon Viewer
12/31/2002 23°07'S 179°19'W
12/30/2002 23°11'S 179°26'W
12/29/2002 23°15'S 179°34'W
12/28/2002 23°18'S 179°41'W
12/27/2002 23°21'S 179°48'W
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12/24/2002 23°25'S 179°49'E
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12/22/2002 23°26'S 179°35'E
12/21/2002 23°26'S 179°27'E
12/20/2002 23°25'S 179°20'E
12/19/2002 23°24'S 179°12'E
12/18/2002 23°22'S 179°05'E
12/17/2002 23°20'S 178°58'E
12/16/2002 23°18'S 178°50'E
12/15/2002 23°15'S 178°43'E
12/14/2002 23°11'S 178°36'E
12/13/2002 23°07'S 178°29'E
12/12/2002 23°03'S 178°22'E
12/11/2002 22°58'S 178°15'E
12/10/2002 22°52'S 178°08'E
12/09/2002 22°47'S 178°01'E
12/08/2002 22°40'S 177°55'E
12/07/2002 22°34'S 177°48'E
12/06/2002 22°27'S 177°42'E
12/05/2002 22°19'S 177°36'E
12/04/2002 22°11'S 177°30'E
12/03/2002 22°03'S 177°24'E
12/02/2002 21°54'S 177°18'E
12/01/2002 21°44'S 177°12'E
11/30/2002 21°35'S 177°07'E
11/29/2002 21°25'S 177°02'E
11/28/2002 21°14'S 176°57'E
11/27/2002 21°03'S 176°52'E
11/26/2002 20°52'S 176°47'E
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11/24/2002 20°28'S 176°38'E
11/23/2002 20°16'S 176°34'E
11/22/2002 20°03'S 176°30'E
11/21/2002 19°50'S 176°26'E
11/20/2002 19°36'S 176°23'E
11/19/2002 19°22'S 176°19'E
11/18/2002 19°08'S 176°16'E
11/17/2002 18°53'S 176°13'E
11/16/2002 18°38'S 176°10'E
11/15/2002 18°23'S 176°08'E
11/14/2002 18°07'S 176°06'E
11/13/2002 17°51'S 176°03'E
11/12/2002 17°35'S 176°02'E
11/11/2002 17°19'S 176°00'E
11/10/2002 17°02'S 175°58'E
11/09/2002 16°45'S 175°57'E
11/08/2002 16°27'S 175°56'E
11/07/2002 16°10'S 175°55'E
11/06/2002 15°52'S 175°55'E
11/05/2002 15°34'S 175°54'E
11/04/2002 15°15'S 175°54'E
11/03/2002 14°56'S 175°54'E
11/02/2002 14°37'S 175°54'E
11/01/2002 14°18'S 175°55'E
10/31/2002 13°59'S 175°55'E
10/30/2002 13°39'S 175°56'E
10/29/2002 13°19'S 175°57'E
10/28/2002 12°59'S 175°58'E
10/27/2002 12°39'S 176°00'E
10/26/2002 12°18'S 176°01'E
10/25/2002 11°58'S 176°03'E
10/24/2002 11°37'S 176°05'E
10/23/2002 11°16'S 176°07'E
10/22/2002 10°55'S 176°09'E
10/21/2002 10°33'S 176°11'E
10/20/2002 10°12'S 176°14'E
10/19/2002 09°50'S 176°17'E
10/18/2002 09°29'S 176°20'E
10/17/2002 09°07'S 176°23'E
10/16/2002 08°45'S 176°26'E
10/15/2002 08°22'S 176°29'E
10/14/2002 08°00'S 176°33'E
10/13/2002 07°38'S 176°36'E
10/12/2002 07°15'S 176°40'E
10/11/2002 06°52'S 176°44'E
10/10/2002 06°30'S 176°48'E
10/09/2002 06°07'S 176°52'E
10/08/2002 05°44'S 176°56'E
10/07/2002 05°21'S 177°01'E
10/06/2002 04°58'S 177°05'E
10/05/2002 04°35'S 177°09'E
10/04/2002 04°12'S 177°14'E
10/03/2002 03°49'S 177°19'E
10/02/2002 03°25'S 177°23'E
10/01/2002 03°02'S 177°28'E
09/30/2002 02°39'S 177°33'E
09/29/2002 02°16'S 177°38'E
09/28/2002 01°52'S 177°43'E
09/27/2002 01°29'S 177°48'E
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09/25/2002 00°42'S 177°59'E
09/24/2002 00°19'S 178°04'E
09/23/2002 00°05'N 178°09'E
09/22/2002 00°28'N 178°14'E
09/21/2002 00°51'N 178°20'E
09/20/2002 01°15'N 178°25'E
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09/18/2002 02°01'N 178°36'E
09/17/2002 02°24'N 178°41'E
09/16/2002 02°47'N 178°46'E
09/15/2002 03°10'N 178°52'E
09/14/2002 03°34'N 178°57'E
09/13/2002 03°56'N 179°02'E
09/12/2002 04°19'N 179°08'E
09/11/2002 04°42'N 179°13'E
09/10/2002 05°05'N 179°18'E
09/09/2002 05°28'N 179°23'E
09/08/2002 05°50'N 179°29'E
09/07/2002 06°13'N 179°34'E
09/06/2002 06°35'N 179°39'E
09/05/2002 06°57'N 179°44'E
09/04/2002 07°19'N 179°49'E
09/03/2002 07°41'N 179°54'E
09/02/2002 08°03'N 179°58'E
09/01/2002 08°25'N 179°57'W
08/31/2002 08°47'N 179°52'W
08/30/2002 09°08'N 179°48'W
08/29/2002 09°30'N 179°43'W
08/28/2002 09°51'N 179°39'W
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08/13/2002 14°47'N 178°45'W
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08/03/2002 17°36'N 178°26'W
08/02/2002 17°52'N 178°25'W
08/01/2002 18°07'N 178°24'W
07/31/2002 18°22'N 178°24'W
07/30/2002 18°36'N 178°23'W
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07/04/2002 22°54'N 178°55'W
07/03/2002 22°59'N 178°58'W
07/02/2002 23°04'N 179°01'W
07/01/2002 23°08'N 179°04'W
06/30/2002 23°12'N 179°07'W
06/29/2002 23°15'N 179°10'W
06/28/2002 23°18'N 179°13'W
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06/17/2002 23°22'N 179°48'W
06/16/2002 23°20'N 179°52'W
06/15/2002 23°17'N 179°55'W
06/14/2002 23°15'N 179°58'W
06/13/2002 23°11'N 179°59'E
06/12/2002 23°08'N 179°56'E
06/11/2002 23°03'N 179°53'E
06/10/2002 22°59'N 179°50'E
06/09/2002 22°54'N 179°47'E
06/08/2002 22°49'N 179°44'E
06/07/2002 22°43'N 179°41'E
06/06/2002 22°37'N 179°38'E
06/05/2002 22°30'N 179°36'E
06/04/2002 22°23'N 179°33'E
06/03/2002 22°16'N 179°31'E
06/02/2002 22°08'N 179°28'E
06/01/2002 22°00'N 179°26'E
05/31/2002 21°52'N 179°24'E
05/30/2002 21°43'N 179°22'E
05/29/2002 21°33'N 179°20'E
05/28/2002 21°24'N 179°18'E
05/27/2002 21°14'N 179°16'E
05/26/2002 21°04'N 179°15'E
05/25/2002 20°53'N 179°13'E
05/24/2002 20°42'N 179°12'E
05/23/2002 20°30'N 179°10'E
05/22/2002 20°19'N 179°09'E
05/21/2002 20°06'N 179°08'E
05/20/2002 19°54'N 179°07'E
05/19/2002 19°41'N 179°07'E
05/18/2002 19°28'N 179°06'E
05/17/2002 19°14'N 179°06'E
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05/15/2002 18°47'N 179°05'E
05/14/2002 18°32'N 179°05'E
05/13/2002 18°17'N 179°05'E
05/12/2002 18°02'N 179°06'E
05/11/2002 17°47'N 179°06'E
05/10/2002 17°31'N 179°07'E
05/09/2002 17°15'N 179°07'E
05/08/2002 16°59'N 179°08'E
05/07/2002 16°43'N 179°09'E
05/06/2002 16°26'N 179°10'E
05/05/2002 16°09'N 179°11'E
05/04/2002 15°51'N 179°13'E
05/03/2002 15°34'N 179°14'E
05/02/2002 15°16'N 179°16'E
05/01/2002 14°58'N 179°18'E
04/30/2002 14°39'N 179°20'E
04/29/2002 14°21'N 179°22'E
04/28/2002 14°02'N 179°24'E
04/27/2002 13°43'N 179°26'E
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04/24/2002 12°44'N 179°34'E
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04/22/2002 12°04'N 179°40'E
04/21/2002 11°44'N 179°43'E
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04/19/2002 11°02'N 179°49'E
04/18/2002 10°42'N 179°53'E
04/17/2002 10°20'N 179°56'E
04/16/2002 09°59'N 180°00'E
04/15/2002 09°38'N 179°57'W
04/14/2002 09°16'N 179°53'W
04/13/2002 08°54'N 179°49'W
04/12/2002 08°33'N 179°45'W
04/11/2002 08°10'N 179°41'W
04/10/2002 07°48'N 179°37'W
04/09/2002 07°26'N 179°33'W
04/08/2002 07°04'N 179°29'W
04/07/2002 06°41'N 179°25'W
04/06/2002 06°18'N 179°21'W
04/05/2002 05°56'N 179°16'W
04/04/2002 05°33'N 179°12'W
04/03/2002 05°10'N 179°08'W
04/02/2002 04°47'N 179°03'W
04/01/2002 04°24'N 178°59'W
03/31/2002 04°00'N 178°54'W
03/30/2002 03°37'N 178°50'W
03/29/2002 03°14'N 178°45'W
03/28/2002 02°50'N 178°41'W
03/27/2002 02°27'N 178°36'W
03/26/2002 02°03'N 178°32'W
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03/23/2002 00°52'N 178°18'W
03/22/2002 00°29'N 178°13'W
03/21/2002 00°05'N 178°09'W
03/20/2002 00°19'S 178°05'W
03/19/2002 00°42'S 178°00'W
03/18/2002 01°06'S 177°56'W
03/17/2002 01°30'S 177°51'W
03/16/2002 01°54'S 177°47'W
03/15/2002 02°17'S 177°43'W
03/14/2002 02°41'S 177°39'W
03/13/2002 03°05'S 177°35'W
03/12/2002 03°28'S 177°31'W
03/11/2002 03°52'S 177°27'W
03/10/2002 04°15'S 177°23'W
03/09/2002 04°39'S 177°19'W
03/08/2002 05°02'S 177°15'W
03/07/2002 05°26'S 177°12'W
03/06/2002 05°49'S 177°08'W
03/05/2002 06°12'S 177°05'W
03/04/2002 06°35'S 177°02'W
03/03/2002 06°58'S 176°59'W
03/02/2002 07°21'S 176°55'W
03/01/2002 07°44'S 176°53'W
02/28/2002 08°07'S 176°50'W
02/27/2002 08°29'S 176°47'W
02/26/2002 08°52'S 176°45'W
02/25/2002 09°14'S 176°42'W
02/24/2002 09°36'S 176°40'W
02/23/2002 09°58'S 176°38'W
02/22/2002 10°20'S 176°36'W
02/21/2002 10°42'S 176°34'W
02/20/2002 11°03'S 176°33'W
02/19/2002 11°25'S 176°31'W
02/18/2002 11°46'S 176°30'W
02/17/2002 12°07'S 176°29'W
02/16/2002 12°28'S 176°28'W
02/15/2002 12°48'S 176°27'W
02/14/2002 13°09'S 176°27'W
02/13/2002 13°29'S 176°26'W
02/12/2002 13°49'S 176°26'W
02/11/2002 14°09'S 176°26'W
02/10/2002 14°28'S 176°26'W
02/09/2002 14°48'S 176°27'W
02/08/2002 15°07'S 176°27'W
02/07/2002 15°25'S 176°28'W
02/06/2002 15°44'S 176°29'W
02/05/2002 16°02'S 176°30'W
02/04/2002 16°20'S 176°32'W
02/03/2002 16°38'S 176°33'W
02/02/2002 16°55'S 176°35'W
02/01/2002 17°12'S 176°37'W
01/31/2002 17°29'S 176°39'W
01/30/2002 17°46'S 176°42'W
01/29/2002 18°02'S 176°44'W
01/28/2002 18°18'S 176°47'W
01/27/2002 18°33'S 176°50'W
01/26/2002 18°48'S 176°53'W
01/25/2002 19°03'S 176°57'W
01/24/2002 19°18'S 177°00'W
01/23/2002 19°32'S 177°04'W
01/22/2002 19°46'S 177°08'W
01/21/2002 19°59'S 177°12'W
01/20/2002 20°12'S 177°17'W
01/19/2002 20°25'S 177°21'W
01/18/2002 20°37'S 177°26'W
01/17/2002 20°49'S 177°31'W
01/16/2002 21°00'S 177°36'W
01/15/2002 21°11'S 177°41'W
01/14/2002 21°22'S 177°47'W
01/13/2002 21°32'S 177°52'W
01/12/2002 21°42'S 177°58'W
01/11/2002 21°52'S 178°04'W
01/10/2002 22°01'S 178°10'W
01/09/2002 22°09'S 178°16'W
01/08/2002 22°17'S 178°23'W
01/07/2002 22°25'S 178°29'W
01/06/2002 22°32'S 178°36'W
01/05/2002 22°39'S 178°42'W
01/04/2002 22°46'S 178°49'W
01/03/2002 22°51'S 178°56'W
01/02/2002 22°57'S 179°03'W
01/01/2002 23°02'S 179°10'W
BARDSQUILL: You know those rings in the Pacific? Well Sherlock plotted where the sun was. Over EASTER ISLAND! ALCHEMIKE: holy cow... ALCHEMIKE: yea...I knew the Pacific Pyramids were close to the timeline... BARDSQUILL: Implications sendin me chills. Them thar Aku Aku dudes ain't staring at the sea for returning Longeared Gods. They monitor the SUN! BARDSQUILL: Vortex opens and the Trans-D jumpers well...leapfrog outta here? ALCHEMIKE: I am just lost on the whole thing..I am so overwhelmed with info right now, I can hardly keep anything straight... BARDSQUILL: Same here, gotta go SciFi on this'n... |
Date: 7/30/02 7:25:54 PM Pacific Daylight Time
I'm just recovering from a blown mind, myself...with that Easter Island stuff. WOO!
To be exact, Easter Island coordinates are -27.17 lat., -109.4 long. And -109.4 is the same as -109 degrees, 24 minutes. So: the sun NEVER gets any lower in the Southern hemisphere than 23 degrees, 26 minutes. So that's the closest the sun ever gets to being RIGHT OVER the island.
So I tweaked the time of day to find out exactly when the sun is right in line with Easter Island (longitude-wise, north-and-south-wise, etc).
Starting from 12/07 this year at 19:15:00 UTC, the sun creeps ever so slowly southward at the same time of day, until Dec. 20-23, where the sun's light is overhead the earth at a longitude that matches Easter Island.
In other words, when it's about 11:15 Pacific Time from Dec. 20-23, 2002, there's a four day stretch where the sun is directly in line with Easter Island's longitude of 109 deg., 24 minutes.
The sun's is directly over the earth at 23:26S, 109:24W for these four days:
12/20/02 19:15:17 to 19:15:20 UTC (a length of 3 seconds.)
12/21/02 19:15:47 to 19:15:50 UTC (3 seconds.)
12/22/02 19:16:17 to 19:16:20 UTC (3 seconds.)
12/23/02 19:16:46 to 19:16:49 UTC (3 seconds.)